Monday, December 23, 2013

Crisis on Terra-Bravo is now e-published!

Crisis on Terra-Bravo is now available in multiple formats (epub, Mobi [Kindle], pdf, rtf, and others) on! It will be available until January 23, 2014 at 20% off the regular price (use coupon code YS52T).  

Go to If you do not have a Smashwords account, please create one. Log-in and search for Crisis on Terra-Bravo or go to You may need to turn on Adult Content (there are some curse words) to see the book's listing. Click on Crisis on Terra-Bravo when it comes up, select the format you wish to download, and follow their directions.

Crisis on Terra-Bravo should also be available through other distributors (Kindle Store, Apple iBook Store, Barnes &, Kobo, and others) within a couple of weeks!



© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Well, the stand-up desk idea was a flop. Nothing wrong with the concept, I just couldn't get used to it. My hope had been to alleviate hours of sitting at the darned thing and gain some health benefits by standing at it. Unfortunately, because of my discomfort standing, I've done very little writing, zero blogging (until now), limited media blitz for Foothold on Terra-Bravo, etc...

So, as I start my Christmas/New Years Holiday break, I shall be removing the bases and lowering the desk. The good news is...I didn't spend a couple of thousand dollars on a fancy upright desk and bicycle seat stool. I clear much of the stuff off the top of the desk, remove some screws, cut two boards, lift up, slide out the bases, lower the desk, position my chair mat and chair, and back in business!!!


Kyle and I have fallen behind schedule on Crisis on Terra-Bravo. We'll get 'er done soon though!


Stay safe, everyone!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hey Sci-fi Fans (and Families of Sci-fi Fans)!


Are you a sci-fi fan? Or a family member of a sci-fi fan?

At your wits end trying to find your sci-fi fan something new to read at the bookstores or online?

Well, I've got just the thing for you!

Foothold on Terra-Bravo: a science fiction/adventure novel of conquering an alternate world while racing the specter of war back home. Available now at in a variety of e-reader/e-book formats:
-- Epub
-- Kindle
-- PDF
-- RTF
-- LRF
-- PDB
-- Plain Text (download)
-- Plain Text (view)

At, you can purchase Foothold on Terra-Bravo as a gift to be sent via an e-mail link to your sci-fi fan!

Foothold on Terra-Bravo is 20% off on until December 22nd, 2013. Following the link below and use coupon code: DZ58X.
Promotional price: $2.39

Kyle and I are working on completing Book Two of the Terra-Bravo Saga, Crisis on Terra-Bravo, in time for Christmas!

So get the word out to your sci-fi family members and friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Monday, December 2, 2013

First Royalty Check!

Kyle and I received our first royalty check today for Foothold on Terra-Bravo! It's a first step with more to come in the future!
Be well!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Media Blitz

I've made myself a promise to use every opportunity to advertise Foothold on Terra-Bravo throughout the month of December. Expect e-mails, blogs, FB posts, business cards stuck in the usual places, and much, much more!

Just a little over three weeks until Christmas! Do you have a science fiction fan in your family? Want to buy them a novel for their e-reader? allows you to GIFT your purchases to others!

20% off Foothold on Terra-Bravo on
Regular price: $2.99
Promotional price: $2.39
Coupon Code: DZ58X
Expires: December 22, 2013

And, Kyle and I are working diligently to get Crisis on Terra-Bravo (Book Two of the Terra-Bravo Saga) ready for e-publication in time for Christmas!

After hearing of the potential health benefits of stand-up desks, I've decided to join the club. Instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars though, I've modified my existing desk. It will take a little getting use to but it works fine.

It's not fancy but it is functional! It'll definitely keep me from slouching in a chair!
Posted a new Hub on Hubpages today. It's a movie review of the film An Adventure in Space and Time (2013), the story of the creation of the Dr. Who television series!

That's all for tonight.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Media Blitz!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

As I sit hear slowly digesting the wonderful meal my lovely bride has cooked today, I thought I'd take a moment to shamelessly plug Foothold on Terra-Bravo!

I've worked on a number of publicity/advertizing approaches for Foothold over the last couple of weeks.

1) I've created a Power Point presentation which is now available at --- Link: Foothold on Terra-Bravo Presentation

2) I turned the Power Point presentation into a video which is viewable at:
--- Foothold on Terra-Bravo video on Facebook:
--- Foothold on Terra-Bravo video on YouTube:

3) I joined Twitter to about Foothold and my other projects. You can follow me at Jeffrey Fortney@JeffreyFortney.

4) Through December 22nd, we're running a 20% off coupon for Foothold on

Regular price: $2.99
Promotional price: $2.39
Coupon Code: DZ58X
Smashwords has gotten the ebook out to the following:
--- Barnes and
--- Diesel
--- Versent

Enough for now. I hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Stay safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another Social Media Joined!

Sorry for the gap in posting. Wish I could say I'd been real busy writing but it wouldn't be true.

So what HAVE I been doing, you may ask? Well...heavy duty work on three projects at work and relaxing, playing, and goofing off at home.

Two of my IFSTA projects are nearing completion so I've been busy with them. Photography is the next step with them. For the third IFSTA project, I'm preparing as many chapters as possible for the committee to review and comment upon while I work on the other two.

I haven't been completely lax on the home front. I have done a little tweaking on the format and approach for Honing Your Instructional Skills to take it from a fire service training approach to a general instructional approach. I've also been developing a video ad for Foothold on Terra-Bravo. Hope to have it ready soon!

I've also been playing some Star Trek Online just to have some fun. The Voth are pretty mean bad guys! If you're on STO, just look for Starfleet Vice Admiral Jay Fort or Romulan Vice Admiral Jafor.

And, we've added a new member to the Fortney Family in the person of a 9-week old yellow lab/fox terrier mix puppy named Ryli.

So which social media have I joined? Twitter! Jeffrey Fortney @ Jeffrey Fortney. (How original!)

Yes, I know I've told folks I'd never do it, but I've been told it's a great way to get the word out about my books, sooo...

Oh, yeah...books! I've generated a coupon for Foothold on Terra-Bravo over at! 20% off until December 22, 2013. Click on either of the two Foothold links in this post. When checking out, use coupon code DZ58X.
Be safe!

© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Thursday, November 14, 2013



I was so busy of late that I totally missed the fact that my last blog post was my 50th in this series! What have I been so busy with you might ask?

Well, let's see. At work I've completed the following for Company Officer 5th:
- 2nd edits on all chapters.
- Revised the Table of Contents and Chapter Tables of Contents.
- Compiled the Glossary.
- Arranged three photo shoots.

For Chief Officer 5th, I've completed:
- 2nd edits on all but two chapters.
- Revised the Table of Contents and Chapter Tables of Contents.
- Compiled the Glossary.
- Arranged three photo shoots.

For Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, I've:
- Reformatted all chapters.
- Uploaded two chapters to Workspaces for committee review and committee.
- Got Chapter 3 ready to upload to Workspaces.
- Almost have Chapter 4 ready for upload to Workspaces.

At home, I've:
- Finished the first draft of Crisis on Terra-Bravo and turned it over to Kyle.
- Reformatted and uploaded Foothold on Terra-Bravo to
- Posted another Hub on Hubpages.
- Come up with a new design for my desk (to make it a standing desk).
Stay safe, my friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Foothold on Terra-Bravo is Now Available on!

Foothold on Terra-Bravo may now be purchased from in a variety of formats.

The formats include:
- Epub
- Kindle
- Plain Text (download)
- Plain Text (view)


Y'all be careful out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

The First Draft is Done!

Yes! I've completed the first draft of Crisis on Terra-Bravo! Now to turn it over to Kyle for his thoughts, comments, and edits.

Since Thursday night, I've written 8 pages and 9,205 words. I'm not counting some minor tweaks I've done in a couple of locations to fix some continuity errors I made.
Keep me in your thoughts later today as I'm going to upload Foothold on Terra-Bravo into Smashwords formatting program. Hopefully, I won't have any formatting problems that would slow down getting the book out on multiple platforms.
Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Moving Along Nicely!

Another good day at work and at home. At work, I got the table of contents for one manual drafted and about half drafted on another manual. On the home front, I've completed 4 1/2 more pages and 1,768 words on Chapter 14 of Crisis on Terra-Bravo. I should complete that chapter tomorrow and have the book ready to hand off to Kyle for his work on it.
And on that note, I bid thee all "Good Night!"

(Oh, yeah...stay safe out there!)


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Perhaps Tonight IS a Good Night to Write!

A really good night for writing and the muse certainly earned her pay: 4 3/4 pages and 1,623 words in 3 hours! A couple of more nights like this and my initial work on Crisis on Terra-Bravo will be done!

Oh, eyes, brain, and back all hurt. Time to close up shop for the night.
To all my family and friends out there in the digital universe, I bid thee sweet dreams and safe days ahead!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

And Chapter 12 Bites the Dust!

Not a bad couple of nights work on Crisis on Terra-Bravo. 5 pages (1,985 words) last night and another 3 pages (1,031 words) tonight for a total of 8 pages and 3,016 words!!! And I think I've got my part of Chapter 12 done! With Chapters 13 and 14 yet to be written, the book is coming in at 204 pages and 69,966 words.
I was hoping for one more sale of Foothold on Terra-Bravo last night to bring our October sales to 14 units and bring our total to 70 units sold thus far (Yeah, I know it's not much, but hey, it's only at one site right now. Let's see how she performs with Smashwords getting us on more platforms!)
Well, it's time to close up shop for tonight! Stay safe, everybody!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

And Thus Ends Chapter 11!

I've done a little tweaking in a couple of older chapters over the last few days but no major writing...until tonight. Only 2 3/4 pages and 1,125 words tonight but I can report that I've completed Chapter 11! Tomorrow night I will hit Chapter 12 hard and get as much done as I can. I want to have Chapter 12 done by the Sunday and have Chapter 13 started. I've only Chapters 12, 13, and 14 to complete and Crisis on Terra-Bravo will be ready for Kyle to do that voodoo that he "do" so well! (Okay, I just had to sneak in a "Young Frankenstein" reference.)
While Kyle works on his writing/edits for Crisis, I'll be formatting Foothold on Terra-Bravo to take it cross-platform on Smashwords. It'll take a few days to get it into their format but it'll be work it if we can get more visibility and sales!
Speaking of sales, sales of Foothold on Terra-Bravo have stayed slow this month with fewer sales than last month. Well, we'll see what happens starting next month?!?!?
Nothing else new tonight, so I'm going to sign off and hit the showers.

Be careful out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'm Back!

Hello My Friends!

Sorry for the somewhat long absence. Julie and I had to take a trip to Southern Arkansas to be with Gary while he had some minor surgery. All is good! The surgery went very well and Gary will be back at school tomorrow! Julie and I had safe travels both ways and got to see Heather, James, Damien, and Aiden while in Camden.
I did a little writing while there and some more tonight resulting in a total of 10 pages and 3,727 words. Woo hoo!!!

Chapter 11 of Crisis on Terra-Bravo is about 1/2 completed. I actually skipped ahead and wrote ALL of Chapter 15, the final chapter of the book, so that is drafted, if not set in stone. I hope to finish Chapter 11 tomorrow or the next night, then begin work on Chapter 12.
Kyle and I attended the library's Local Authors Fair yesterday. There were 30 authors present from many genres with a few folks selected to read from their books. We were the only authors present whose book was solely e-published which surprised quite a few folks who stopped by our table.

We had three displays: 1) the cover of our book, Foothold on Terra-Bravo; 2) a synopsis of the book; and 3) the cover of our sequel, Crisis on Terra-Bravo, which is due out in mid-December 2013. We also had 3x5 cards with the cover of Foothold on Terra-Bravo on the front, where it's found, the price, and a QR code linking to the book on the Kindle Store. The back of the cards showed the cover of Crisis on Terra-Bravo and when it's due out. We also had card stock bookmarks with the same images and information on them. The library staff offered to make our remaining bookmarks available at their front desk.

We've picked up three sales since the event so it did us some good. Advertising never hurts!
As I've mentioned, Kyle and I have decided to take Foothold cross-platform in the very near future. We'll still be available on Kindle, just not exclusive there. By broadening the available audience we hope to pick up more sales. All future Terra-Bravo stories will be available from a variety of sources as will other books I plan to write and publish. More to follow soon!

Well, that's enough for tonight!

Be safe, everyone!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tweaking? Tweaking!

With the first two parts of Crisis on Terra-Bravo roughed out, I turned to my outline tonight to revise the chapters in the final third of the book. It took about an hour but I think I've got it pretty well ironed out.

I didn't throw away the older material. I marked it for future reference to see what might be usable in later books.

Will pick up again Friday night and get started on Chapter 11.
I've decided to take Foothold on Terra-Bravo "cross platform" starting early next month. To do that, I'll drop out of the Kindle Direct Publishing Select Program. The book will still be available through the Kindle Store but my royalty percentage will drop a little. Once the book has been formatted for Nook and Smashwords, it'll go on sale on their sites. That should pretty much give me 100% market coverage and I should more than make up in volume what I lose in royalty percentage.
Going to get some rest. Y'all behave out there, now!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Another Third's Done, Another Third's Done, Another Third Bites the Dust...

Hurray! I wrapped up Chapter 10 of Crisis on Terra-Bravo tonight thus ending the 2nd third of the book! Added another 3 3/4 pages and 1,401 words to the story.

I plan to work on the outline tomorrow night and adjust the final third. Then I'm going to dig in and git 'er done! Exploration, character and colony growth, and a ***** or two.
Time to close up shop for tonight and get some rest.

Stay safe, my friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Customers are Speaking!

I've received a couple of more customer reviews on Amazon in the last week. The book received another 4 and a 3! A 3.7 overall rating isn't shabby.

One thing I am hearing is that they are eager for more! I intentionally ended Foothold on Terra-Bravo with a bit of a cliffhanger ending...common enough in literature and television. The good news is that Kyle and I have already started on the sequel, Crisis on Terra-Bravo! Mid-December can't get here fast enough!

Got 2 3/4 pages and 1,048 words in tonight. Should wrap up Chapter 10 and Part II of the book by Tuesday night. Will start Part III this weekend after a quick trip to Arkansas.
To speed up things on the next two books, Kyle and I will sit down and do some strategizing and outlining over the Christmas Holiday for the prequel and second sequel books. Starting in January, he'll work on the sequel while I rough out the prequel, then we'll swap books. Should have both out before Summer 2014 if all goes well.
Over Christmas Holiday, I plan to go full steam ahead on the instructor book and hope to have it out in late January, if all goes well!
Enough for tonight. Peace out, all.

Oh yeah, let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Busy at Work But not Much Writing at Home!

Wow! This week has been awesome at the office working on my three projects and making some really good headway with them.

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much writing done on Crisis on Terra-Bravo. Haven't really felt like writing. Hopefully this weekend!
Received another reader review on Foothold on Terra-Bravo! A solid "4" again. The fact that I happen to know the writer of the comment does NOT lessen the fact that I received another review!!!
Received another Amazon e-mail advertizing Foothold on Terra-Bravo this afternoon. Really hope it's going out to more folks than just me.
Hopefully will be able to report some serious Terra-Bravo writing tomorrow or Saturday!

Until then...stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Not as Prolific Tonight, but Still Good!

Last night, I had a wonderful night of writing with 6 pages and just shy of 2,200 words. Tonight, I didn't do quite as well (3 3/4 pages and 1,370 words) but I still feel good about it. Last night I wrapped up Chapter 9 AND wrapped up Part One of the book. Tonight, I picked up the thought process and started Part Two! The second part of the book won't be as long as the first but will return to the exploration, technology, and sense of the unknown found in Foothold on Terra-Bravo.
I'm planning to add one more writing project to my To Do List. For years, I have been putting together a short book on how to improve your instructional skills. I initially hoped to submit this to FPP and market it to firefighters. I've realized since that it can apply to anyone who teaches/instructs. Let me be clear here, this will not be a book about how to become a teacher/instructor. It is about honing your skills to be a better, more inspirational instructor who can reach the most students.

So I plan to generacize it and e-publish it. Should take about six months (to include some photography). The new plan is to start it in January while I'm working on the prequel to the Terra-Bravo books. I'll keep you posted.
If I keep yawning as I have been, I'll put my computer to sleep without finishing this post to my blog. So with that thought I bid you all a good evening and remind you...let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Muse Really Earned Her Title Tonight!

Wow! Guess I really needed a couple of down days to recharge the ol' writing batteries!

Tonight, I wrote 6 pages and 2,198 words in about 2 hours. As my old fire chief, Hugh Pike would say..."Mercy!"

Crisis on Terra-Bravo now sits at 162 pages. I still have a 3 to 4 chapters I want to write to finish the story but the sleeper agent story arc is about over. Huzzah!!!
I'm kind of disappointed in the sales of Foothold on Terra-Bravo this month. Real slow with only 5 units sold thus far. Hopefully it'll pick up in the next couple of weeks and especially after the Local Authors Fair.
I'm ready to called it an evening, folks. Y'all stay safe out there now!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

An Experiment with Limited Success

A number of my co-workers bring lunches and craft projects to work and have crafting lunches in our conference room. In an experiment to save some time and (gas) money driving across town from work to home and back for a lunch, I thought I'd do some writing over lunch. I took my personal laptop to work so I wouldn't be using office equipment to work on my story(ies).

I've tried this on a few occasions and have come to the's just not worth it. By the time I set up my (older) personal laptop, get it up and running, and try to write while eating my lunch, I get about a page in before it's time to start shutting down and putting stuff away. I'm just not getting the page counts I was looking for.

So, I'm going to stay at the office for lunch to continue saving gas money and wear and tear on my vehicle. Instead of writing I'll just read a book and relax while enjoying my lunch.
Foothold on Terra-Bravo picked up another sale this morning taking us to 60 units sold(!) and then this evening we got yet another sale!!! It's not melting the digital highway but it IS moving.

I'm investigating how much it would cost to have the bookmarks (and maybe the cards) printed at the local Staples instead of buying the card stock and ink and doing it myself. It would definitely get done faster and better quality but I'm not sure how much I'll be saving.
Got four more pages written on Crisis on Terra-Bravo today! Probably 10 - 15 more pages of the sleeper agent storyline and then back to more exploring and other adventure with strange and exotic animals.
Enough for tonight. Tomorrow promises to be a LONG day at the office!

Stay safe, my friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Got Some Work Done TODAY!

Had a good day at the office today getting a chapter and a half of images selected and illustrations drafted! Yay me!
Got 3 pages and 1,189 words written today on Crisis on Terra-Bravo. Not great, but NOT bad! I'm close to wrapping up the sleeper agent storyline (YAY!) and looking forward to getting back to exploration and growth of the colony.
Enough for tonight.

Stay safe out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Slow Couple of Days

Our daughter was in town over the weekend, so I didn't get much writing done. Got a little more in tonight but am too tired to write coherently. Am going to turn in soon.

I'll get more done tomorrow night...I promise!
Everybody stay safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Have More to Add...

Over the past two days, I've written 5 pages and 1,945 words for Crisis on Terra-Bravo. Total page count thus far is 147 pages. Still on track for the mid-December.
Sales on Foothold on Terra-Bravo were slow in September (only 20 units) but should be enough with the August sales (37 units) for Kyle and I to get our first royalty check. I plan to put my share into some advertising (local and online).
I plan to drop by the library tomorrow and talk with them about the Local Authors Fair. I'm going to make up some 3x5 cards with the cover to Foothold on the front, where it's available, and price (plus QR code link to the Kindle Store!). The back will have Coming in December 2013! at the top, the cover to Crisis in the middle, and some additional wording beneath the cover. Someone recommended making bookmarks which I plan to do as well with a similar design. Hope to order the cardstock this week.
My thoughts and prayers go out to my family and friends affected by the government shutdown.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Calling It a Night, Already!

Got a couple of pages and several hundred words done. I'm tired and have a photo shoot tomorrow, so I'm calling it a night.
Have a good evening!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another Fine Night for Writing!

With Julie working nights from Sundays through Thursdays, Friday nights, Saturdays, and part of Sundays are our time together. Thus the reason I do so much writing late at night.

We have a nice weekend and enjoyed some company for dinner this evening before Julie left for work. I had some time this afternoon to work on a couple of segments of Crisis on Terra-Bravo I felt were not quite right and was able to tweak them into something much better. I figure that was about 1/2 a page. Tonight, I was able to write about 3 1/2 pages more. All told, about 4 pages and 1,600 words. Chapter 8 is done and Chapter 9 is started.

After a very quiet week, we had two sales of Foothold on Terra-Bravo. Hope to see sales pick up soon as I try some other advertising venues.
Enough for tonight.

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Writing is Like a Lottery!

Yes! You read that correctly. Writing is like a lottery. You can't win if you don't play. In other words, you don't make any money unless you write.

I wasn't quite in the mood to write this evening but I want to get Chapter 8 done soon (and the book later). So I have to write. Got a couple of pages and just under a 1,000 words in tonight!

I'm going to do a FB blurb about Foothold on Terra-Bravo on my FB and the Terra-Bravo pages in hopes of drumming up more sales. Going to the Library Used Book Sale tomorrow and plan to chat with the lady about the Local Authors Fair next month.
Stay safe, my friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another Great Night for Writing!

A good day and a great night!

Didn't realize that today was the day I got my new crown but it was. It went very smoothly and quite painlessly. (Thanks, Dr. Spaulding! Thanks, Cameron!)

Got home and took an Aleve for my aching back (from yesterday's photo shoot), laid down, and was out for about 3 hours. Woke up feeling a LOT better.
Sat down at the computer, pulled up Crisis on Terra-Bravo on the screen, and the words just began to appear. Three pages and 1,326 words! Chapter 8 is almost in the bag!
Tomorrow, I'm going to check on a Local Author Fair the Stillwater (OK) Public Library is holding in October. I think it'll be a nice venue to get the word out about Foothold on Terra-Bravo. There's also a Stillwater Authors' Group I going to see about joining.

Since the book is an e-book, I won't have copies to sell, so I'm thinking about printing some flash cards with the cover of Foothold, that it's on the Kindle Store, a QR code to that page, and the price on the front side; and "Coming in December 2013.", the cover of Crisis, and "Book 2 of the Terra-Bravo Saga!" on the back. I can give these out, put them in stores, etc... (Can't hurt to try, right?)

Here's the QR code:

If you scan it with a code reader app on your phone, it takes you straight to Amazon's Foothold on Terra-Bravo page complete with a link to a sample chapter AND a 1-click buy it button!
Time to wrap it up for the night.

Have fun out there...but safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tired and Frustrated!

What a long day! Temperatures were nice but a bit windy. The photo shoot went well but I'm really hurting tonight in my lower back and left shoulder. In the office the remainder of the week (except Thursday afternoon, when I go to the dentist to get my new, permanent crown. *yay*).
Got a couple of more pages of Crisis on Terra-Bravo written. Guess I really need to get it finished and published! Just learned tonight that the organization I work for is requiring all of its employees to re-enroll in a new insurance program in October with fewer options and higher rates!

I am NOT a happy camper!!!

I have tried to keep politics out of this blog to focus on my writing but, folks, I've had enough. The harder I work, the more the government takes. This in NOT what the Founding Fathers intended!!!


 © Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013


Sales of Foothold on Terra-Bravo and views of my blog are down. Way down. Stalled even! Kinda depressing.

But, on a high note, I did get some writing done at lunchtime today and at home on Chapter 8 of Crisis on Terra-Bravo. I didn't get a lot written but as I said last night, at least I got some more words down on "paper." I thought of a neat idea to use a previously introduced character in a new, startling way. It should definitely add some suspense to the storyline.

My friend, the Local Comic Shoppe Guy (Darin at Legendary Comics!), sent me a notice from the city library about a Local Authors opportunity there next month. I do need to look into it.

I also need to look into other methods to advertise Foothold both locally and globally...something that can be done without bankrupting me, preferably.
I've got a photo shoot tomorrow in Edmond, so I'll be closing shop early tonight.

Have a great evening, everyone!

And, be careful out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Moving On!

Well, I felt more like writing today! It felt great to be putting some more words on the page.

First, I tweaked the outline of Crisis on Terra-Bravo a little. I went back and combined Chapters 7 and 8 and then did some renumbering/renaming on some chapters

Seconds, I did some minor tweaking in some early chapters of Crisis. A few words added here, a few words changed there, and a few words cut somewhere else. I think it tightened up those spots nicely.

Third, I started a new Chapter 8 (formerly Chapter 9). Wrote about 3 1/2 pages and 981 words! And the night's still young and I might go back and add some more.
Tomorrow, I'll start taking my laptop to work and I'll spend my lunchtime at the office working on the story. It'll save some gas, let Julie sleep without interruption during the day, and help me get the book done sooner.
Enough for now. Have a great night.

And, remember, let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013