Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm Fighting Mad...and I Ain't Gonna Take It Anymore!

In the past, I have tried to use this blog to focus on the writing process and on the series of books that I've written or am about to write. With this post, that will change to some degree.

Writers have historically used fictional characters, locations, and events to discuss issues of the day. A few examples include:

- In The Time Machine, H.G. Wells discussed the division of the working class (Morlocks) and the elites (Eloi).
- In the original Star Trek television series, Gene Roddenberry (and the series writers) addressed issues like overpopulation (The Mark of Gideon), racism (Let That Be Your Last Battlefield), and the Holocaust (Patterns of Force) to name only three episodes.
- The creative team behind the M*A*S*H television series used the series to address the follies of war in general and the Korean and Vietnam Wars specifically.
- William W. Johnstone began writing about the growing threat of Liberalism/Progressivism to America in his Ashes series (and other books) starting in the 1980s and continued to do so until he passed away in 2004.

Over the last few weeks, I've been caught up in a serious quandary. I've made significant headway on the first book in the "Roman's Legion" series, but recent events on the world scene and here in the United States have distracted me from my work on the series, interrupted my sleep, and thoroughly depressed me. The fact that my home state, Arizona, is being invading as a result of poor governance by Obama and his Administration is the final straw.

Anyone who has watched the news (and I don't mean the LAMESTREAM MEDIA), read a decent newspaper, or searched the Internet should be aware of the ever growing list of scandals involving the Obama Administration and their effects here and abroad. Actually, everyone should be aware of these scandals but it seems like a significant percentage of Americans are keeping themselves willfully ignorant. (If you are not aware of them, here's a list of them as of June 2014)

Today, Senator Dick Durban of Illinois said that Obama could borrow power to push through his immigration policies. Now, just so we're all on the same sheet of music here: there is no clause in the Constitution of the United States for the President to borrow power from any other branch of government. The powers of the Presidency are clearly defined in the Constitution. If any Democrats, Republicans, or Indepentdents in Congress allow Obama to "borrow" (read "steal") anything further powers, then those people will be in violation of their oaths to the Constitution and should be removed from office.

If these scandals are the result of incompetence, then Obama and his Administration are woefully inadequate to the task of governance of the United States of America. If these scandals are part of a willful attempt to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and the laws of this Nation, then Obama and his Administration are in violation of their Oaths of Office to protect, uphold, and defend the Constitution and the People of the United States.

As an author, I have the means by which to write stories that can address the problems our Nation now faces in an entertaining and thought provoking manner. I have a voice and a pen to share my thoughts with others. Whether or not I make a lot of money with these stories is not important (although I won't lie, it would be nice!). If I can get just one person to open their eyes and realize what is happening in the United States at this time, then I will have succeeded.

So, where am I going with this post? Well, I was working on a new series of straight forward adventure stories called Roman's Legion. The events of the last few weeks tell me that I just can't do it. I have to address the political chaos our Nation faces.

So...I am revamping Roman's Legion. I will retain the characters but the setting will be Terra-Prime and the State of Arizona just before and then following the Schism between the States. There will be little to no interaction between the existing Terra-Prime (and by extension, Terra-Bravo) characters other than those in the background. The political chaos of Terra-Prime (echoing our own), will serve as a back drop to the Tales of the Arizona State Guard.

I've got to do some rewrites, add some new characters (and at some point, bump some of them off!), tweak some events, create some new events, and generally redo the durn thing! I look forward to doing so and hope that my readers follow along with me. It promises to be an interesting ride! More on the Tales of the ASG in future posts on this blog!


I've had a few sales of Chaos on Terra-Prime, Foothold on Terra-Bravo, Crisis on Terra-Bravo, and Honing Your Instructional Skills. The first copy of Honing Your Instructional Skills sold in Great Britain through

Chaos on Terra-Prime presages the creation of an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East that we are now witnessing. The effects of the removal of the United States from the world stage are the motivating factors in Chaos, Foothold, and Crisis. It'll be interesting in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead to see how much I write about in those three books comes to pass.

All four of the books mentioned above are available through,, and other online e-bookstores in a variety of e-book formats for virtually every type of e-reader. I'm even looking into selling them through Hastings Books and Music in the future!

Chaos on Terra-Prime                    $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo                $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo                     $2.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills     $0.99


Stay alert, my friends! The feces haven't struck the rotary oscillator...yet!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Living in Dangerous Times

I must be honest with you and myself. I haven't done much writing the last few days. The events going on around the world and here in the United States have sapped my desire to write. I'm even considering a major overhaul and repurposing of the Roman's Legion storyline to reflect this. I don't plan to do this willy nilly but will think it through thoroughly before making a decision.

I've tried to keep politics out of this blog, but anyone with a modicum of common sense should understand the dangers the current Administration presents to the United States. That so many Americans willfully ignore or willfully support the actions of this Administration is a sad testament to the Education System and the Fourth Estate within this Nation!

In the meantime:

The Terra-Bravo Saga tells the story of a world that could be the twin of our own world.

Chaos on Terra-Prime: Ravaged by civil war and global crisis, American military personnel fight to return to North America and secure freedom for themselves and their families.

Foothold on Terra-Bravo: The world of Terra-Prime descends into global war and a number of brave Americans set out to tame a newly discovered world in another reality.

Crisis on Terra-Bravo: The colonists of Terra-Bravo must battle a hostile world and sleeper agents in their midst.

Each e-book of the Terra-Bravo Saga is available through the following e-book stores for only $2.99 apiece:
- Barnes&Noble (
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
- Diesel eBook Store (
- Versent Books (

Tell all your friends who love science fiction/military/adventure stories about the Terra-Bravo Saga!

Be extremely careful out there, folks! I've a feeling things are going to get tough for America and Americans in the near future.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

What a busy week! At work and at home!

I received the index for IFSTA's Chief Officer, 3rd edition, this week and quickly turned it around for Graphics. Ann Moffat got it back to me within an hour and I turned it back around to her shortly thereafter. Next stop for the manual will be the printer. I should see the blue line in a couple of weeks, then back to the printer for the full print run.

The committee and FPP staff did a really good job on this manual. We refocused on the standard; moved it from our double column format to our new, cleaner, single column format; tightened up sentence structure; and removed endless repetition! The book went from 500 plus pages to about 350!


Represented FPP/IFSTA at the Oklahoma State Firefighters Convention in Catoosa on Thursday and Friday. Met with a lot of really nice folks who do a lot of good for the citizens of Oklahoma! Had a chance to talk with many of them about our new or updated products coming out soon.

As someone at the office kept pointing out, the convention was held at the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. A really nice venue. No, I didn't go gambling. The casino area was much too smoky for me. Kept bothering my allergies. I was also put off a bit by the fact that the new slot machines run off bills/cards/tickets as opposed to coins.


I did get a little writing done on Roman's Legion this week. A couple of pages at most. Hope to jump that up this next week.

Picked up a sale of Chaos on Terra-Prime from...Amazon Italy!!! And a sale of Honing Your Instructional Skills from...Amazon UK!!! I've broken into the international market!

Well, enough for now. Need to get busy on some stuff around the house, then do some more writing!

Y'all have a great week. Be careful out there...the world is full of crazy people!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014