Sunday, September 21, 2014

On to the Finish Line!!!

Hope this finds everyone well!

I've had a good week, recharged my batteries, and am ready to start the next phase of work on the new e-novel...edits and cleanup! I found one section that needed a little tweaking before beginning the next phase, so I took care of that a couple of days ago. I'm going to do some blogging, a little revision to my advertisements for the previous e-books, and preparation for October's Local Author Fair. Starting tomorrow night (AFTER The Big Bang Theory, of course!), I'll start at the first page of the new e-novel and work my way towards the end. A little tweak here...a minor edit there, fix that typo, and so on.

I really want to complete the new e-novel and have it e-published by September 30th. That would mean I'm a month ahead of schedule AND it clears October's schedule. The first weekend in October, we're tearing the shingles and tar paper from our roof. The following Monday, roofers are coming in to put on the new shingles.

October is going to be a busy month on the work front. I have to:
-- Prepare Chapters 2 and 3 for Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition and have them ready for Clint to post for the committee. 
-- Finish my edits on Safety Officer 2nd edition.
-- Complete the edits on Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition.
-- Conduct a photo/video shoot at DFW International for Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition.


On a down note, sales of the Terra-Bravo Saga e-books have dropped way off during September. I need to do some more advertising to folks. A gentle nudge here, as always, for you to share with your friends, wives, girlfriends, favorite uncle behind bars, best friend, worst enemy, or whoever else you can think of:

As always, I ask that you share information about the Terra-Bravo Saga with friends and family members who enjoy adventure, military, and science fiction stories. 

Chaos on Terra-Prime                    $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo                $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo                     $2.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills     $0.99

These book are currently only available as e-books through Amazon's Kindle Store or in a variety of e-pub formats over at They are also available through B& (Barnes & Noble) and other online e-bookstores. 


Y'all have a great week...and remember...let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Oh YES!!!

Hard to believe it's Tuesday already! I've been a mite busy the last few days between work, home, and life in general and remembered I haven't posted in a while.

We're very closed to wrapping up the editing on Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition. We're working on the final four chapters! Now before you race out to try to buy a copy, we are still about 18 months from the street date on the new manual. Photography, videography, and curriculum work are in progress. We actually started this project ahead of schedule to allow me to clear my desk for my next project...writing Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition. And that project IS ramping up!


Took part of the weekend off and was under the weather yesterday. To those who have lived in Arizona, particularly the Southern half of the state, Valley Fever is a well known term. It is a fungal disease caused by two pathogenic fungi found in desert soils. If you inhale its spores, you can come down with Valley Fever which causes flu-like symptoms. Most folks don't have any symptoms, others get mildly ill, and other get really sick. For some patients, it can be recurring over the course of their lifetime, like malaria. Yeah, lucky me...every so often it rears its ugly head and I lose a day or two. Comes with growing up and living in Arizona. 


Still, the new novel is coming along nicely. One hundred and six pages! I'm following up the big battle with some downtime for the main characters as I set the stage for the next big action. More violence, death, and mayhem. I even had to consult with one of my readers today on the life or death of a major character! (Don't worry, Debbie, I won't tell!) I hope to reach 120 pages by the end of the week to include a big fight scene!


On a down note, sales of the Terra-Bravo Saga e-books have dropped way off at the end of August and the first week of September. Guess I need to do some more advertising to folks. A gentle nudge here, as always, for you to share with your friends, wives, girlfriends, favorite uncle behind bars, best friend, worst enemy, or whoever else you can think of:

As always, I ask that you share information about the Terra-Bravo Saga with friends and family members who enjoy adventure, military, and science fiction stories. 

Chaos on Terra-Prime                    $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo                $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo                     $2.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills     $0.99

These book are currently only available as e-books through Amazon's Kindle Store or in a variety of e-pub formats over at They are also available through B& (Barnes & Noble) and other online e-bookstores. 


Kyle is working on the next sequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga. He's going to rough out the chapters this time and I'll do the final writing and polish. I hope (fervently) to be done with Tales of Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border by the time Kyle finishes his work, so I can jump right on that project.

What's next? Well, my dear friend, Jimmie Badgett, has suggested a murder mystery! I've got a story idea, one of several as a matter of fact, and think it will serve as part of a collection of science fiction stories I want to write. More on this later.


Once again we are drawing close to the anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks upon our Nation. Please pause on Thursday to think and pray for our Nation, our leaders, our people, and those we lost that day. Stay mindful of your surroundings and stay safe!

Enjoy life!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Wow! What a productive weekend!

Between last Thursday and Saturday night, I wrote 15 pages in the new e-novel. By Monday evening, I'd added 8 more pages to that total! The new e-novel is coming along well. 

Just wrote a major battle scene and now in the resolution stage of that. I had some new ideas pop into my head last night to build on from here!


I hope everyone had a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend! It was quiet here at the Fortney Hacienda.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014