Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mr. Stine Said There'd Be Stories Like This...

As I've mentioned previously, I once met one of my favorite authors, G. Harry Stine. During our conversation, Mr. Stine talked about stories that sometimes reach a point where they end up on the shelf...set aside for one reason or another. These reasons can include:
- Being unable to make the story work.
- Having trouble with the characters.
- Another, more exciting, idea has come along.
- Life interfering with work.

My murder mystery in space story is on the shelf. Set aside for the time this case, because another, more exciting idea keeps distracting me. 

I haven't given up on the murder mystery. Not at all! It's just going to spend some time on the shelf while I work on this other idea.

What's that, you ask? Oh, the other idea. OK, OK...I'll let you in on it.

The whole time I've been working on the murder mystery, the story line for the sequel to the Arizona State Guard has been brewing in the back of my mind. (Damned multi-track mind! Seldom gives me a moment's rest.) As that story line has come together, it has taken up more and more of my creative processes. Sooooo...

I've begun outlining The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (Book 2 of the ASGuard). Today, I expect to finish my chapter outline and start writing the first chapter! 

I haven't felt this enthused about a writing project in quite a while! 

Jimmy, sorry the murder mystery is going to have to wait. I promise I will finish it...someday.


Keep telling your family and friends about my e-novels! It's certainly helping! 

Crisis on Terra-Prime, Foothold on Terra-Bravo, and Crisis on Terra-Bravo sell for $2.99 each. Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border sells for $3.99. All of my e-novels are available at:
Apple iBooks Store (from iPads or iPhones)


That's enough for today. Time for to wrap up my advertising work and get some work started on a new e-novel!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Greetings everybody and welcome to 2015!

Wow!  I remember when I was a kidling and thought 2015 was so far away. And now it's here. 

Here's hoping each and everyone of you had a safe and happy Christmas and New Years! Our branch of the Fortney Family certainly did! Julie and I enjoyed having all of the children and grandchildren in town and in house!

The past twelve days have flown by and tomorrow I return to work. This vacation has certainly helped recharge the old creative batteries to prepare me for the days, weeks, and months ahead.

My goals for this year? Well, my Top Ten goals would be to:

1) Eat better.
2) Exercise more.
3) Lose weight.
4) Finish Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition
5) Finish writing all chapters of Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition.
6) Begin photography/videography on Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition.
7) Finish and e-publish the murder in space e-novel.
8) Help Kyle write and e-publish the next sequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga.
9) Write and e-publish a sequel to the Arizona State Guard.
10) Get the Kickstarter project off the ground!

A lot to do over the next 361 days. But all of it is doable. 


Let's also kick off 2015 by spreading the word about my current e-novels from the Terra-Bravo Saga and the Arizona State Guard. These e-novels would make excellent gifts for your family and friends who enjoy science fiction, adventure, action, and some political intrigue.

The Terra-Bravo Saga tells the story of a world that could be the twin of our own world. 

Chaos on Terra-Prime: Ravaged by civil war and global crisis, American military personnel fight to return to America and secure freedom for themselves and their families.

Foothold on Terra-Bravo: The world of Terra-Prime descends into global war and a number of brave Americans set out to tame a newly discovered world in another reality.

Crisis on Terra-Bravo: The colonists of Terra-Bravo must battle a hostile world and sleeper agents in their midst, bent on sabotaging all that they have built.

Each e-book of the Terra-Bravo Saga is available through the following e-book stores for only $2.99 apiece:
- Barnes&Noble (
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
- Diesel eBook Store (
- Versent Books (

Tell all your friends who love science fiction/military/adventure stories about the Terra-Bravo Saga!


Book One of The Arizona State Guard e-series is now available at for Kindles and in a variety of formats at for $3.99.

Torn from today's headlines:
- Growing divisiveness in the United States
- Federal policies destroying the American Dream
- U.S. military stretched to the limit
- Illegals flooding our unsecured borders
- Drug cartels terrorizing the southern border states
- Danger of pandemic within the United States
- The growing threat of Radical Islamists around the globe

War weary Major Marcus A. Roman returns home to Arizona, ready to move on with his life. The former Special Forces operative finds his home state besieged on many levels. When the Federal Government fails to protect its citizens along the border with Mexico, Arizona's governor and legislature take steps to protect the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Marcus and his family are drawn into the crossfire when he and his father are recruited to help form the state's new first-line of defense...the Arizona State Guard!


That's all for today! May you have a safe week and I'll blog again soon!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014