- Being unable to make the story work.
- Having trouble with the characters.
- Another, more exciting, idea has come along.
- Life interfering with work.
My murder mystery in space story is on the shelf. Set aside for the time being...in this case, because another, more exciting idea keeps distracting me.
I haven't given up on the murder mystery. Not at all! It's just going to spend some time on the shelf while I work on this other idea.
What's that, you ask? Oh, the other idea. OK, OK...I'll let you in on it.
The whole time I've been working on the murder mystery, the story line for the sequel to the Arizona State Guard has been brewing in the back of my mind. (Damned multi-track mind! Seldom gives me a moment's rest.) As that story line has come together, it has taken up more and more of my creative processes. Sooooo...
I've begun outlining The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (Book 2 of the ASGuard). Today, I expect to finish my chapter outline and start writing the first chapter!
I haven't felt this enthused about a writing project in quite a while!
Jimmy, sorry the murder mystery is going to have to wait. I promise I will finish it...someday.
Keep telling your family and friends about my e-novels! It's certainly helping!
Crisis on Terra-Prime, Foothold on Terra-Bravo, and Crisis on Terra-Bravo sell for $2.99 each. Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border sells for $3.99. All of my e-novels are available at:
Apple iBooks Store (from iPads or iPhones)
That's enough for today. Time for to wrap up my advertising work and get some work started on a new e-novel!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014