Well folks, my Kickstarter project is active here! I know many of you would love to help make this project a success!
My goal is to raise $3,000.00 dollars to accomplish the following:
1) To have new covers drawn for the Terra-Bravo Saga e-novels.
2) To purchase online and print advertising for all of my e-novels.
I want to hire my son, Sean, to give the covers a more professional and stylish appearance. He's an outstanding artist who already has two e-novel covers to his credit (Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border is one of them!). He's already coming up with some really snazzy ideas!
Once Sean starts the new covers, I'll go back through each of the e-novels and do some minor tweaking to correct some typos, add internal advertising to my other projects, add a glossary to each e-novel, and add author bios and photos.
Then I plan to purchase advertising with those online businesses that advertise e-novels and find advertising space in print magazines, as well. (Any ideas for such places are welcome!)
Work on the new Arizona State Guard e-novel is going great. I wrote several pages this past week, 4 pages yesterday, and think I'll probably get a few more done today! I've introduced some new characters and am really generating some suspense and action.
I've got to set myself a publication date, giving myself some deadlines to get it ready. Oh, let's say... May 15, 2015 to wrap up the first draft and June 30, 2015 for publication. Oh, darn! Now, I've done it! Nothing to it, but to do it!
Once again I'm asking you to reach out to your family, your friends, your acquaintances, your veterinarian, and your arch enemy (in other words, everyone you know!)!
My e-books are fun and exciting and make excellent gifts for the readers in your family or circle of friends.
Chaos on Terra-Prime ($2.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border ($3.99)
Each e-novel is available at the following online stores:
- Amazon.com
- Smashwords.com
- Barnes&Noble (bn.com)
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
Smashwords.com offers each of the e-novels in a variety of formats!
Once again, it's snowing here in North Central Oklahoma and elsewhere across the U.S. Be careful out there, folks!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015
Even though I've been battling a cold this weekend, I sat down and finished Chapter 3 of The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror! I love writing action scenes...creating the danger, dropping the characters into the mix, and seeing what they do to survive and come out on top!
I introduced a character who will become a major thorn in the side of ASGuard Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Aurelius Roman. This character was created for the original incarnation of the the ASGuard...Roman's Legion. Marcus Roman and Agent Phillip Caldwell with constantly get on each other's nerves when their agencies work together to protect the NEW United States. Each time they are brought together will be one more step to an ultimate fight between the two characters! When and how this fight will occur, I don't know yet. Another book, someday down the road.
I've also spent some time writing what the villains of Target Terror are doing behind the scenes. I think I'm putting together a pretty good cast for this e-novel.
On the work front, photography/videography on Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th is moving along nicely. Had a great shoot at Tulsa International Airport with Tulsa FD's Station 51 personnel. Knocked out another skill sheet and shot all but one photo for the chapters. I hope to be able to do another shoot in Ponca City this week for two more skill sheets.
Should be able to finalize Chapters 8 to 10 of Essentials 7th and turn them over to the project manager for the committee to comment upon. Next, I'll rough out Chapters 11 through 17!
Okay, folks! Once again I'm asking you to reach out to your family, your friends, your acquaintances, your veterinarian, and your arch enemy (in other words, everyone you know!)!
My e-books are fun and exciting and make excellent gifts for the readers in your family or circle of friends.
Chaos on Terra-Prime ($2.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border ($3.99)
Each e-novel is available at the following online stores:
- Amazon.com
- Smashwords.com
- Barnes&Noble (bn.com)
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
Smashwords.com offers each of the e-novels in a variety of formats!
Alrighty then...
Here's hoping I kick this cold before it kicks me! And let's remember to be safe out there!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015
The writing of Book 2 of the Arizona State Guard is coming along nicley. I've started Chapter 2 and hope to finish it this week. Introduced some new characters (always a slow process because I'm not familiar enough with who they are to write them quickly). Added some depth to some of the older characters. Now, I'm working on setting the stage for the action in this one! Addressing events across the continent then focusing in on Arizona!
Sales have slowed a bit. Need to do more advertising, more often! So...
I'd like to remind everyone that books (to include e-books) make excellent gifts for the readers in your family or circle of friends.
I recommend my four e-novels as potential gifts:
Chaos on Terra-Prime ($2.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border ($3.99)
Each e-novel is available at the following online stores:
- Amazon.com
- Smashwords.com
- Barnes&Noble (bn.com)
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
Smashwords.com offers each of the e-novels in a variety of formats!
Should receive a check from Amazon this week! Not much but enough to set up an account for my writing projects. Then I'll kick off the Kickstarter project.
I've begun a list of tweaks for the earlier e-novels that will be included with the 2nd editions: new covers, fixing typos, glossaries of terms, advertising of existing e-novels, etc... A little work on those e-novels to make them better!
Looks like Winter is going to dump some more snow across parts of the U.S. of A. To my family and friends in those areas, I ask you to take it slow and stay safe!
Remember, everybody, let's be safe out there!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015