Wow! Last night was an awesome night for writing!
I really didn't get started until about 9:00 p.m. but once I did the Muse was kind. I wrote for about 2 hours, then came back for about an additional 1/2 hour later. All told, I wrote almost...(insert drum roll here)...7 pages!
Okay, wasn't half a book but I was working on two scenes that are critical to laying out a major clue and then taking advantage of the clue. It was more important to capture those two points correctly than to have an unworkable mess later.
Soooo...tonight I'll do some online advertising before sitting down to write. I don't anticipate being as prolific as last night, but one can never tell.
On another note, my Kickstarter project has done anything BUT kick start crowd funding for new book covers and advertising. Less than 48 hours to go and thus far the amount raised equates to...(ah, never mind the drum roll)...$0.00. Yep! That's right...NADA!
But that's alright. I will not be down about this. There are other options out there and one of them will work. (The power of Positive Thinking!) I'll spend some time this week doing some research on some of the other options!
Don't forget that my current e-books are available through (for Kindles), (for other e-reader formats), at Barnes&Noble (, and Apple's iBooks Store (for iPad or iPhone).
The weather is starting to shift (in many locations) toward Springtime, so be cautious out there!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015
Greetings Everybody!
Welcome to March, a wonderful month with many great portents. Let's start with birthdays. Today is my little sister's birthday and for the next 22 days, thanks to impeccable timing by our parents, Linda and I shall be the same age! Happy Birthday, Linda Sue!
The 22nd of March will bring us the 84th birthday of that great Captain of the Starship Enterprise, William Shatner. And the 26th would have been the 84th birthday of his Science Office, Mr. Spock, known and loved as Leonard Nimoy, who sadly left us just days ago.
Wedged in between the birthdays of those two acting greats is the 55th birthday of your lowly! Wow! Where have the years gone?
In other news, work is proceeding well on The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror! I've just about wrapped up a major battle at a major Phoenix airport. Time to finish that this evening and spend a little time writing about the bad guys, setting out some more clues as to the drama that will follow. This should wrap the first draft of Chapter 5 and we're at page 53 already! I need to pick up the pace to stay on track to complete my first draft, do my edits, then get it ready for release by the end of June.
Sales of the existing books have been slow in February. I hope March is better! Will be doing my advertising tomorrow evening and hope the word goes out far and wide!
Once again I'm asking you to reach out to your family, your friends, your acquaintances, your second cousins twice removed, and your arch enemy (in other words, everyone you know!)!
My e-books are fun and exciting and make excellent gifts for the readers in your family or circle of friends.
Chaos on Terra-Prime ($2.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo ($2.99)
The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border ($3.99)
Each e-novel is available at the following online stores:
- Barnes&Noble (
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone) offers each of the e-novels in a variety of formats!
On a side note, movement on the Kickstarter Project has been slow as well. How slow you ask?
Dead slow, no movement, no go. (Cue the heavy *sigh*)
Well, if it doesn't generate sufficient activity to be fully funded with the current approach, I'll just have to try another. I won't give up on it!
Another round of Winter Weather has come and gone through much of the U.S. Based on the many storm related videos involving multi-vehicle pile-ups, I believe the number one danger on the road is drivers who won't slow down enough for the road conditions. As ol' Chief Master Sergeant "Hurricane" Hugh Pike would say, "MERCY!"
Folks, let's be careful out there! We all have someone or someones who love and depend on us. If the weather's really bad and you don't really need to be out and about, stay home.
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015