Monday, November 30, 2015

E-readers and E-books!

E-readers are a blast! I own a Pandigital Novel that was my introduction to e-readers and the office provided me with an iPad to use as part of my job. Both provide Internet access and, more importantly, the ability to read e-books. 

One of the great things about e-readers and e-books is that they provide you with a rapid means of continuing whatever particular saga you are reading. Awhile back I was reading an e-book that was part of a rather large series written by William W. Johnstone. Because I was missing several of the paperbacks in the series, I purchased e-book versions of the missing stories to read. (I have since located the missing paperbacks and added them to my collection!)

As I was reading one of the books on my e-reader, I came to the end of that e-book. And wouldn't you know it, Mr. Johnstone ended the story on a major cliffhanger. So there I was, sitting in my recliner, wanting the story to continue. Julie asked me, "What are you going to do?" I quickly opened the Barnes & Noble app on the Pandigital Novel, found the next book in the series, purchased and downloaded it, and, within 5 minutes, was reading the next story...without getting up from my recliner! 

I've also used the search function within e-books to locate specific passages within e-books. It's much, much faster than searching page by page. Ease of use!!!


So with that in mind, let me introduce you to my existing line of e-books:

These books are available through my Amazon author page at


And now, you dear readers can help make the next chapter in my writing career even better. As you may have read already, I have enrolled my latest e-novel, Death Haunts the Stars, in Amazon's Kindle Scout program in the hopes of winning an exclusive Kindle contract. This contract would help me get additional Amazon advertising for this new novel. How can you help, you ask? 

By going to the following link and nominating Death Haunts the Stars for a Kindle Contract. You can make a difference, so I ask you to do so!


So thanks to each of you for your role in my writing career! 


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

More of This and That...


The Kindle Scout campaign for Death Haunts the Stars has gotten off to a great start! Now is our chance to build on the number of nominations by encouraging family and friends to visit the campaign website ( and click on "Nominate me". I appreciate everyone's help with this!


I'll begin work on a new novel in about a week. I'm thinking of working on the next (last?) book in the Arizona State Guard series. It is time to move the story forward there and parts of the research for this story will have major impacts on a later novel. A writer's work is never done...


Sales have slowed down on my other e-books, so it's time to ramp up the advertising on them. Over the next few weeks, you'll be seeing a lot of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter ads for the following:


Going into crunch time at work to try to get as many photo shoots for Essentials Seventh conducted before Winter weather closes in on us. Have several chapters to finish writing for that manual then those will turned over to the committee for their inputs. Need to get as much done on E7 before I have to start real work on Industrial Fire Brigades Second.


As the days grow shorter and the weather colder, be careful out there! Winter weather with all of its cold temperatures, snow, and ice can be treacherous. Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015



Today I begin the BIG PUSH!

I'm going to spend the next 4 weeks advertising the heck out of my Kindle Scout campaign for my newest novel, Death Haunts the Stars! I'm also going to do the same for my other e-books. So fasten your belts, here it comes:

Death Haunts the Stars:

The Kindle Scout campaign is live and can be found at: Please visit the campaign site and give Death Haunts the Stars a nomination towards a Kindle Scout contract through Amazon. This contract would mean more advertising from Amazon in getting Death Haunts the Stars out for more people to see!

The Terra-Bravo Saga:

The current trilogy of the Terra-Bravo Saga includes: 

Chaos on Terra-Prime:
Major Kent Morgan (USAF) and his younger brother, Captain Cord Morgan  (U.S. Army), are stationed in South Korea when a new civil war breaks  out in the United States. They and other Americans stranded in South Korea must battle their way home only to be caught up in the civil war at home.

Foothold on Terra-Bravo:
The threat of a growing Islamic Global Caliphate endangers the lives of every U.S. citizen and leads to an escape by some to another alternate Terra where they must struggle to survive in a hostile environment.

Crisis on Terra-Bravo:
The colonists face further dangers on their new world, Terra-Bravo, and the threat of saboteurs who came with them from Terra-Prime.

The Arizona State Guard:

Read the adventures of Marcus Roman and the troopers of the Arizona State Guard in:

Bloody Border
War weary Major Marcus A. Roman returns home to Arizona, ready to move on with his life. The former Special Forces operative finds his home state besieged on many levels. When the Federal Government fails to protect its citizens along the border with Mexico, Arizona's governor and legislature take steps to protect the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Marcus and his family are drawn into the crossfire when he and his father are recruited to help form the state's new first-line of defense...the Arizona State Guard!

Target Terror
Following the events of Bloody Border, Marcus and the other ASGuard troopers face new dangers! As the 2nd American Civil War continues to smolder between the United States of America and the People's Socialist States of America. Around the globe, the Islamic Global Caliphate is growing as nation after nation falls under their bloody control. And now, the IGC has the State of Arizona in its crosshairs! In Arizona, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Roman and his fellow ASGuard troopers must defend the Grand Canyon State against a new threat...a terror plot developed by the Islamic Global Caliphate. Join LTC Roman and his troopers as they follow clues across the face of Arizona. Can the ASGuard solve the mystery of the radioactive watch and prevent the immediate death of thousands and the slow death of many, many more!

Honing Your Instructional Skills:

Why some instructors/teachers are more successful than others? How are they able to reach and inspire their students? What are they doing differently than their co-workers? How can you become a more effective instructor/teacher?

Honing Your Instructional Skills discusses nine areas that instructors/teachers can work on to improve their teaching. 

- Be There FOR Your Students 
- Instructors Need TRAINING, Too 
- KNOW Your Subject Matter 
- Have a POSITIVE Attitude 
- Preach SAFETY 
- Use HUMOR, But Don't Abuse It 
- Use War STORIES Wisely...and Sparingly 
- Practice, Practice, Practice and Then...PRACTICE Some More 

These topics are presented in short, concise chapters and in everyday language. Quick and easy to read, Honing Your Instructional Skills offers common sense approaches that can help instructors/teachers of all types and levels improve their teaching!

Remember that e-books can make awesome Christmas gifts for your family and friends who read books on their computers, cellphones, tablets, and e-readers! All of these e-books can be found at my Author Page:

Here's hoping everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Stay safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015


Greetings Family and Friends,

Welcome back to Meanderings of a Middle Age Mind! 

I know it's been awhile since last I wrote a blog post. There have been a number of reasons for this:

1) I was using the time to finalize my new novel, Death Haunts the Stars!

2) I wanted to give you fine folks a break from advertising overload.

3) Local/National/World events have kinda got me down!


So let's look at these one at a time, shall we?

1) Death Haunts the Stars is now complete and has been submitted to Amazon's Kindle Scout program AND HAS BEEN ACCEPTED for a campaign!!! Starting at 12:00 midnight (EST), this November 25th the campaign goes live. Here is the link to DHtS's Kindle Scout campaign site:

Please take a moment and go to that page once it's live and vote on Death Haunts the Stars by clicking on the blue "Nominate me" button. Please share this link with your family, friends, the neighbors on either side of you, your favorite barber, your least favorite super-villain, and whoever else suits your fancy. The more people who vote and the longer it keeps getting nominated, the greater the chance I will be accepted for an exclusive Amazon Kindle contract to promote the book far more than I can do by myself.

Don't miss your opportunity to nominate "Death Haunts the Stars". This campaign runs for only 30 days and ends on December 25th, 2015.

2) Yes, I know most of you have purchased my other books and are waiting for other books to come out. (I'm working on that!) So short of you wonderful folks spreading the word far and wide about my books, the current market is saturated and further advertising may/may not accomplish much.

Well, I'm going to resume marking with this blog post. I'm going to add that Amazon allows its customers to purchase e-books such as mine as gifts for family and friends. (There's a "Give as a Gift" button on the right of my e-books' pages.) 

Now we're coming up on that wonderful time of the year where giving is so much better than receiving so here's your opportunity to give to those science fiction/action/adventure/thriller family members and friends who have e-readers! 

E-books are fun, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly! 

3) A few weeks back we had a horrible incident here in Stillwater where a young woman drove her car into OSU's Homecoming Parade, killing 4 and injuring 46. They've determined she was not intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They claim she has serious mental health issues. Whatever...she killed 4 people and harmed so many more. 

On the national scene, we have a significant portion of our population who just don't seem to live in reality. They're not only willing to endanger themselves but also the rest of the citizens of the United States for their utopian delusions. God knows how many American will die before they open their eyes. And sadly, they've poisoned the last two generations and turned them into self-centered, whiny babies.

Around the world, there is a cult of religious nuts who are mentally stuck in the 7th Century. They are growing in number and strength every day and those same utopians who are ruining the U.S. can't see them for who they really are. The current administration in D.C. assures us that these religious nuts are the J.V. team and are being contained. Let's see...Paris attack and now a worldwide travel warning for American Citizens. Oh, yeah...they're contained alright!

In a couple of more days, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Let me offer you prayers for safe travels to and from for those who will be traveling for this holiday.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Question for My Readers...

Hi Everyone!

Hope this finds each of you well. Doing okay myself.

I want you to know that the fine folks of Stillwater, Oklahoma are doing well. We certainly appreciate everyone's thoughts, prayers, and support since the tragic events last weekend during our OSU Homecoming Parade. Things are getting better. A nice little memorial is growing at the corner where the event occurred. I hope the city or OSU will take the initiative to preserve each item.

My blog post regarding the event was my most read post with this blog and I greatly appreciate it. In looking back over my blog, I noticed that a fair number of my posts from a variety of topics happen to be a mix of topics beyond just my writing. While I began this blog primary to write about my writing, I have on rare occasions talked on other topics. Which brings me to my question for you...

Would you be more likely to read my blog posts if I change things up on a regular basis? Perhaps if I write a little on my writing, a little on current events, a little something else... I'd be quite willing to try it if you would be willing to read it!

Think about it and you can let me know by commenting on this blog post or on my Facebook page. I really look forward to hearing from you!


Just two quick notes on writing: 

-- IFSTA's Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (6th edition) has been released! I had a terrific group of people I worked with on this project and wish to thank each them for their vital contributions!

-- The major edits on Death Haunts the Stars are almost complete! Should finish them tonight or tomorrow night. Then one more pass through and the text will be ready to go!



The Fall colors are coming so take some time this week to enjoy the change in the Seasons. Enjoy life!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015