Sunday, March 27, 2016

Write What You Care About!

Perhaps one of the most important questions an author may ask himself/herself is...what should I write about? And perhaps, one of the best answers is to 'write what you care about'! Now I try not to bring politics into my blog, trying to focus on my writing and what I have written. But in this case I'm talking about writing and how my politics influence my writing.

Anyone who has read my e-novels has noticed my more conservative bent to my stories! Yes, my stories are fiction; but as Gene Roddenberry and many others have shown, you can write 'morality plays' disguised as fiction and let the stories generate new ideas within your readers. Now before you write me off, I'm not a far-right winger as some might think. If you look at the political diamond, you'd find me (the little red diamond) firmly on the cusp between Conservative and Libertarian.

(If you are interested in seeing where you fall in the political diamond, may I suggest "The World's Smallest Political Quiz" at

I grew up in a Democrat family. Mom and Dad were JFK Democrats. In my first Presidential election in 1980, I voted for (*gasp*) Jimmy Carter! But over the next four years, I underwent a political transformation. I saw the party my family and I had supported shift further left. I could no longer support them or their candidates; instead I found myself more and more in line with the more (at the time) Conservative Republican Party. 

As time went by, I became more and more a student of history; American history in particular. As such, I've learned to recognize the patterns of history as they repeat. One such pattern is war. Humans are a cantankerous species and a major conflict occurs about every 20 years. Post WWII, the idea of outlawing war and dealing with 'police actions'/'limited engagements'/'contingency operations' has not eliminated the horrors of war. People are still killed, property is still destroyed, just less of it. And, of course, now it's televised! War is War! Have a lot of smalls ones has merely postponed the inevitable major war, which I believe is brewing right now!

Another pattern is the political pendulum of the government shifting left and right, back and forth. But this time, something different is going on. Over the past 100 years, the pivot point for the political pendulum has shifted to the left, dragging many along with it. There have been many (President Ronald Reagan among them) who have said of the Democrat Party, "I didn't leave the party, it left me!" Sadly, it appears that leftward shift has pulled many who were once Centrists or Social Republicans along with it. 

Far too many people (wrongly) believe that the United States of America is a democracy. It is NOT. The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic employing representatives who are democratically elected and an economy based on capitalism. How can so many be so uninformed? Simple, look at our media and educational institutions and see how they portray this country!

So, how does this relate to my writing? Really, it's very simple. Historically, no republic lasts longer than about 200 years. They become bloated with government and debt, they lose those values upon which they were founded, and they enter a period of decadence. The USA has had a good run of 240 years...but is being pulled apart by the very things I've written about above.

I'd love to say that I am optimistic about the future of the USA. But, as I've told many people over the years, I'm an optimistic pessimist by nature...I'm sure something is going to go wrong! The further a pendulum swings in one direction the further it can swing back in the opposite direction!

So my Terra-Bravo Saga and Arizona State Guards share a common origin alternate reality much like our own. Once again, politically divided as we were in 1776 and 1861. And once again, this division threatens to undo the United States of America.

Let me close this part of my blog by addressing something about the Republican Party. This party is supposed to represent the ideology of the republic; a federation of states bound under a constitution with laws protecting each citizen's God-given rights. It is called Conservative, which means to protect. What are they supposed to protect? The Constitution and the republic. And some call us "reactionaries". Why? Because instead of searching for new laws to pass to take more from the citizens, we are supposed to react to problems as they arise...not create new problems just to enact new laws to solve them.

So what do I care about? The United States of America, it's Constitution, and all of the good that it has done for this world. No other nation has done so much so quickly and for so many. The good this nation has done far outweighs any bad it may have done! (Many will agree, some may not.)

So I've written my e-novels to express my concern with the current political climate, to warn others of what we may face in our near future, and (hopefully) help some readers question their beliefs. One reader left me feedback saying I was putting a message out there. He's right! 


Sorry for the long post. Let me just suggest you read my e-books. They can be found on my Amazon Author's Page at If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can download and read these e-books at no additional cost as part of your subscription. (Don't panic, we authors do get paid for what you under a special KU program!)


Enjoy Spring!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

Year of the e-Books - Part VII

Hey Folks,

I haven't forgotten my "Year of the e-Books" posts. Just haven't written one in a while. So now I am!

What is the "Year of the e-Books" you may ask? Simply put, it's me writing about writing e-books and using Amazon's Kindle platform to sell them.

Last night was a great night for working on the new Arizona State Guard e-novel, Freedom's Forge! I was able to write 7 1/2 new pages of material for that e-book. Some of it was a little background info added here and there in Chapter 11. But the bulk of what I wrote was a skirmish see between an ASGuard unit and some terrorists in a small town in western Arizona! This was just the first draft of that chapter but it was both fun and exciting to write! And, it set me up for the latter part of that chapter and the start of the next one.

I had hoped to have this book ready for e-publishing through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing by mid-April 2016. I've fallen behind due to a number of personal issues but I am quite certain I can get it e-pubbed by June 1st, 2016 at the latest. I'd rather have it come out a little late and a better e-book, than come out early and be bad.

More on Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge to come in the weeks ahead!


My other e-books are available through and my Amazon Author's Page at Be sure to tell your family and friends about these e-books:

The Terra-Bravo Saga series:

The Arizona State Guard series:

Death Haunts the Stars:

Honing Your Instructional Skills:

So tell everyone you know about my e-books!

Have a great evening!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Yeah...It's Been A While!


Sorry I've been away for the better part of two weeks. As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busing making other plans!" I've been busy with work, a couple of short (and minor) illnesses, and preparing the house for guests.

But I'm back and shall endeavor to remain more diligent in writing to you!


I've noticed a drop off in sales and KENP page counts the last few weeks. I'm going to chalk it up to the weather getting nicer and people wanting to get outside and do things. (Lord knows, I have! And the exterior of my house, my yards, and my fences all look much sharper for it!)

Still, I haven't done much advertising of late and I really need to get back in the habit of balancing writing new material and getting my advertising accomplished. (Ah, the bane of the self-published author's life!) 

If you or someone you know owns a tablet computer, a Kindle, or another type of e-reader you know what it's like to be always be on the lookout for new e-books to read! We all have our favorite authors and many of them have transitioned to e-book formats, but eventually we finish reading all of their books. Now what do we do? Well, I look for authors who write in similar genres and look through their books to see if I might like one of them. I also ask others about authors they enjoy. And, I share my findings with my family and friends.

So, if you or some you know is into action/adventure thrillers with a dash of science fiction or mystery thrown in from time to time, let me suggest you (or your family member or friend) check out my e-novels.

The Terra-Bravo Saga:
"Chaos on Terra-Prime"
Major Kent Morgan (USAF) and his younger brother, Captain Cord Morgan (U.S. Army), are stationed in South Korea when a new civil war breaks out in the United States. They and other Americans stranded in South Korea must battle their way home only to be caught up in the civil war at home. ($2.99)

"Foothold on Terra-Bravo"
The threat of a growing Islamic Global Caliphate endangers the lives of every U.S. citizen and leads to an escape by some to another alternate Terra. There they must struggle to survive and create a foothold in a hostile environment…a world coming out of an ice age! ($2.99)

"Crisis on Terra-Bravo"
The colonists face further dangers on their new world, Terra-Bravo, and the threat of saboteurs who came with them from Terra-Prime. ($2.99)

"The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1" (box set)

Collects the first three books of the Terra-Bravo Saga into one volume. Priced at $5.97, you save a buck a book by buying the box set!

The Arizona State Guard:
"Bloody Border"
War weary Major Marcus A. Roman returns home to Arizona, ready to move on with his life. The former Special Forces operative finds his home state besieged on many levels. When the Federal Government fails to protect its citizens along the border with Mexico, Arizona's governor and legislature take steps to protect the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Marcus and his family are drawn into the crossfire when he and his father are recruited to help form the state's new first-line of defense...the Arizona State Guard! ($3.99)

"Target Terror"
Following the events of Bloody Border, Marcus and the other ASGuard troopers face new dangers! As the 2nd American Civil War continues to smolder between the United States of America and the People's Socialist States of America. Around the globe, the Islamic Global Caliphate is growing as nation after nation falls under their bloody control. And now, the IGC has the State of Arizona in its crosshairs! In Arizona, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Roman and his fellow ASGuard troopers must defend the Grand Canyon State against a new threat...a terror plot developed by the Islamic Global Caliphate. Join LTC Roman and his troopers as they follow clues across the face of Arizona. Can the ASGuard solve the mystery of the radioactive watch and prevent the immediate death of thousands and the slow death of many, many more! ($3.99)

Coming in 2016! The next book in the Arizona State Guard series…Freedom’s Forge!

Death Haunts the Stars:
Part mystery, part suspense and science fiction...all action!

In the early 23rd Century, Humanity is spreading out to the stars. Colonies have been started on many new worlds. The Terran Colonial Vessel Conestoga is one of many star vessels carrying hundreds of colonists to their new homes.

But the Conestoga's latest voyage to the colony world Camadin is different! First, a number of dangerous incidents occur involving some of the crew of the ship. Then dozens of disruptive teenage passengers endanger the ship. When a passenger dies, questions arise about the cause.

Captain James Rivers, Security Chief Mac Bradley, and the crew of the Conestoga face a seemingly endless series of threats aboard a ship that is light years from Earth. It appears someone aboard the Conestoga is trying to sabotage their mission! But who could it be? And what is their motive?

As the danger increases, can Rivers, Bradley, and the crew stop Death from claiming the lives of everyone aboard the Conestoga? ($4.99)


If those stories don't excite you, I've also written a short how-to book for teachers and instructors to help them improve their instructional approach. 

Honing Your Instructional Skills:
Why some instructors/teachers are more successful than others? How are they able to reach and inspire their students? What are they doing differently than their co-workers? How can you become a more effective instructor/teacher?

Honing Your Instructional Skills discusses nine areas that instructors/teachers can work on to improve their teaching. 

- Be There FOR Your Students 
- Instructors Need TRAINING, Too 
- KNOW Your Subject Matter 
- Have a POSITIVE Attitude 
- Preach SAFETY 
- Use HUMOR, But Don't Abuse It 
- Use War STORIES Wisely...and Sparingly 
- Practice, Practice, Practice and Then...PRACTICE Some More 

These topics are presented in short, concise chapters and in everyday language. Quick and easy to read, Honing Your Instructional Skills offers common sense approaches that can help instructors/teachers of all types and levels improve their teaching! ($0.99)

All of my e-books can be found on's Kindle Store and on my Amazon Author's page at


Let me take a moment to congratulate my co-worker, Brad McLelland, and his writing partner, Louis Sylvester, on landing a four-book contract for their Young Adult series, The Lost Causes! Well done, gentlemen!!! Keep an eye open for those books to start hitting bookstores in the Fall of 2017.


Take it easy out there, folks! Spring has sprung, allergy season should soon be over, and brighter (warmer) days are indeed ahead!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Did You Know...???

Most of my family and friends now that I grew up in a small town in Central Arizona in the 60s and 70s. During that time, one of the most popular shows on Channel 5 (KPHO in Phoenix) was the Wallace and Ladmo Show on in the morning before school.

The show included funny characters, guests, cartoons, and a studio audience of kids who all hoped to win a Ladmo Bag of goodies. (In Arizona, there are two types of kids: those who won a Ladmo Bag and those who didn't!) Wallace (the adult) of the group was played by Bill Thompson (who created the show). Ladmo (an adult who acted like a big kid in a top hat and a t-shirt with tie imprinted on it) was played by Ladimir Kwiatkowski. The third primary member of the cast was Pat McMahon who played a variety of characters:
- Gerald - a spoiled blond-hair troublemaker in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit who's "uncle" was the station manager.
- Aunt Maud - a sweet little old lady who told fairy tales that usually started to get risque and had to be halted by Wallace or Ladmo.
- Captain Super - a superhero who never demonstrated superpowers and who was more blowhard than hero
- Marshall Good - a washed-up Old West star who was a coward with a good heart
- Boffo the Clown - who was NOT funny and didn't particularly like children
- The Wizard - a fast-talking know-it-all complete with cone hate and robe. He was the purveyor of little-know facts...really weren't that factual. He started each by saying, "Did you know..."

For example:
- "Did you know that the Star-Spangled Banner sung backwards explains the decline of the buffalo?"
- "Did you know that animals eat people crackers?"
- "Did you know that the Kiwi bird of New Zealand weighs four pounds and lays a five pound egg? But not very often and then only if you use a whip."

I told you all of that...

In order to ask you these questions:

Did you know that I began writing as a mere lad? Yep! I started writing stories in the early 1970s. I would print them on legal tablets that my parents had for some reason. Later, they bought me a Sears manual typewriter and I taught myself to type. Not particularly fast or well, but I could type!

Did you know that I actually had a (very) short story published in the kid's section of the Arizona Republic newspaper? Indeed I did. The lady who "babysat" my sister and me read one of my stories and submitted it to the Arizona Republic. It was published a few weeks later and I received a copy of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes as "payment".

Did you know that I've self-published eight books? Yes! It's true...eight self-published books! Digital (electronic-books or e-books, if you will) to include:

- Chaos on Terra-Prime
- Foothold on Terra-Bravo  
- Crisis on Terra-Bravo
- The Terra-Bravo Saga  

- Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
- Arizona State Guard: Target Terror   

- Death Haunts the Stars  

- Honing Your Instructional Skills 

Each of my e-books can be found on via my Author's Page at Check 'em out!

(And if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you literally can check 'em out and read 'em without having to buy 'em! Don't worry Amazon promises to make it worth my while!)

If you'd like to know more about the Wallace and Ladmo Show, there's a wonderful website at You can also find a number of their shows and skits on YouTube!

Have a great week! And remember...let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016

Moving Forward!!!

Well, family emergencies and allergies seem to be behind me's time to move forward!!! I've things I want and need to do so I need to turn my focus to the future.

Phase I is to get Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge written and have Sean design me a fantastic cover!

Phase II will be to get ASG:FF ready for publication. I will be submitting it to the Kindle Scout Program to see if it can get a publication contract.

Phase III will be to get ASG:FF published...with or without the Kindle contract!

After that?

A new Phase I on a new project! Current ideas spinning through my mind:
- An apocalyptic action adventure story
- A fourth book in the Terra-Bravo Saga
- A sequel to Death Haunts the Stars (written as a straight forward science fiction adventure)
- A fantasy novel that I've been toying with. (This one will be so unlike the other books!!!)

So I have things bubbling in the back of my mind for the future!

For now...



Yes...advertising. A necessary part of the self-published author's routine...getting the word out about each of my existing books in the belief that people will purchase said books!

My e-books are available through my Amazon Authors page located here. My e-books include the following:

The Terra-Bravo Saga
-- Chaos on Terra-Prime
-- Foothold on Terra-Bravo
-- Crisis on Terra-Bravo
-- The Terra-Bravo Saga Box Set (collects the first three books)

The Arizona State Guard:
-- Bloody Border
-- Target Terror

Death Haunts the Stars

Honing Your Instructional Skills

So, if you, a friend, or a family member are looking for new e-books to read on your e-reader or tablet, check out my books at


Enjoy the warmer weather, folks! 


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Greetings One and All!

Yes, your friendly Middle Age Author/Blogger is indeed back and ready to pick up with life once more. Thank you to everyone who stood with Julie, her family, and me during this period of mourning over the passing of Julie's mother. We appreciate each and every one of you!


Now that I'm back, I'm making some changing in how I'm going to advertise my books in the future. I've previously done a lot of it on my personal FB page as well as FB pages for The Terra-Bravo Saga and The Arizona State Guard series. Starting tonight, I created a new Official Facebook Site for Jeffrey M. Fortney, Author, where I will consolidate all of my FB advertising for my books. You can access the new site from this link.

I will stop posting on the existing Terra-Bravo Saga and Arizona State Guard FB pages tonight and will be closing those pages down very soon.

I'll continue advertising through my blog here (and the e-mail blasts associated with this blog), Twitter, and LinkedIn.


I'd like to remind everyone that my e-novels are available through at my Amazon Author's Page at If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription you can read my e-novels for free as part of that subscription. Be sure to tell your family and friends about all of the wonderful books (and other products) available through!


I've resumed work on Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge! Don't know if I'll make a mid-April publication date but I'll sure try. If not, it's because I don't want to publish it until I feel it is ready! I'll keep you posted on its progress in the days and weeks ahead.


Last, but not least, I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you to be safe out there. The weather is getting nice (in large parts of the country, at least) and many of us are getting out more to enjoy the nice weather. Don't over do the yard work, the sun tanning, or favorite sports activity!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016