Sunday, October 30, 2016

Razzin', Frazzin', Rit-razz-ma-tazzin'...

Many years ago, Saturday morning cartoons introduced a character named Muttley. Now Muttley was a cartoon dog on a show called Wacky Races (1968) and was the sidekick of Dick Dastardly. Muttley was know for two things: 1) his wheezy snicker and 2) his grumbling at Dastardly that sounded to my youthful ear something like "Razzin', Frazzin', Rit-razz-ma-tazin'..." He used this whenever he was frustrated...and over the years, I've been know to mumble it myself once and awhile.

Well, I'm been mumbling it a lot this past week! I've had a lot of personal tasks to accomplish on top of not feeling my best, so not much really got done...especially in the writing and advertising departments. *Sigh* 

So, I've got my weekly advertising (almost) done this afternoon and hope to do some writing this evening. And I will try to do a little of both during the upcoming week!


My e-books are available for sale on my Amazon Author's Page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Foothold on Terra-Bravo
Crisis on Terra-Bravo
The Terra-Bravo Saga

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge

Death Haunts the Stars

Honing Your Instructional Skills


Enjoy the lovely Fall weather! Winter will be upon us much too soon.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Just a Short One...

Had a busy week at the office working on Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th and an equally busy weekend at the house doing some long over due chores. So this blog post is gonna be a short one!


Work on the new science fiction novel is coming along well. Finished the first big space battle, put the hero in even more deadly danger, re-introduced a character from Death Haunts the Stars (with more to come later!), and set the stage for the next few chapters!


Sales and KENP reads have slacked off this month, so I guess I need to do more advertising each night for awhile. Hey! Speaking of advertising:

My current library of e-books is available through my Amazon Author Page at If you've read and enjoyed my stories, please let your family and friends know about them! Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can download and read my e-novels at no additional cost! (Don't worry, Amazon takes care of it authors in the KENP program.)


Take some time and enjoy the wonderful Fall weather as it comes your way. The leaves on the trees here in Stillwater are starting to change color and that is always pretty!

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016

This and That...and Then Some More!


It's been a busy couple of weeks. Sadly, not much done on writing the new sci-fi novel OR advertising my current selection of e-books.

Julie and I have been doing some home renovation in preparation for her father moving to Stillwater and living with us. We finished our renovations on Friday and my father-in-law arrived yesterday evening.


Now, one of the interesting things about doing physical labor is that it lets the brain do some thinking on other things. I had a sticky problem with the next step in the sci-fi novel that has been bugging me and it is important to moving the story forward. Somewhere in the middle of cutting some lumber or swinging a hammer, the answer came to me. (It also works when I'm driving long distances with music on!) So, as I begin a new week of writing, I have a means to move that story forward!


As for advertising, I've got to spend some time on that as well. And you my friends (and avid readers) have always been a terrific source of opportunity for spreading the word about my e-books. So expect to see some adverts online this week and please share them with family and friends!

My current library of e-books are available through my Amazon Author's Page at If you have a Kindle Unlimited Subscription, you can borrow and read the e-book at no extra cost!


Over the next few weeks, I'll be busy at work with a number of photo shoots for Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition. Many thanks go out to the fire departments and personnel who assist FPP photographers with these photo shoots. We couldn't do it without you!


Fall is starting to fall across the country! Enjoy!

Be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Bit of a Scare and Some Future Delays

Had a very busy and kind of scary Friday. Visited my doctor that morning about a recurring issue with my left elbow. Found out it is tennis elbow. So he prescribed a tennis elbow band (which works great!) and a strong anti-inflammatory. Put on the band and took the medication and went about my day. Lots and lots to do.

Friday night I was visiting with the kids and I noticed my chin and lips were starting to tingle and grow number...then the lower part of my nose. And then the itching on my arms, legs, neck, and stomach began. Yep! I was having an allergic reaction to the medication. So off to ER where three anti-allergic reaction meds were administered. Sean met us at the hospital and the boys kept me company throughout the incident. Got to leave a couple of hours later!

So, no more of that particular anti-inflammatory for me...ever again!


Julie's father will be arriving soon to visit then moving in with us in the near future. We feel we can provide him the assistance he needs to get feeling better and stronger. I stand a little renovation project on the house to prepare a room for him. We'll be splitting our den (formerly a garage) into two rooms and fixing up one room as a bedroom for Gary, my father-in-law. I'll be working on that project in my off-duty hours for a couple of weeks so I may not get much writing done on the new novel. Family comes first!


If you get a chance, tell your family and friends again about my e-books on Amazon! September was a good month, but not quite as good as August. Let's see if we can jump start sales in October and make it a great month! You've done it before and I know you can do it again.


Fall weather is now upon us and I wish everyone a chance to get out and enjoy it. Wish Julie and I had time to visit Oak Creek Canyon and see the Fall leaves but perhaps another time.

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016