Sunday, June 25, 2017

Still Plugging Along...and Plugging My Books!

Hi Everybody!

I skipped a weekend post. I just didn't feel like being crassly commercial on Father's Day! 

So...I'm BACK!

I'm still plugging along on Camadin Station Two: Last Stand. I've put together some of the front matter, added a Prelude, and am working on the big space battle in the penultimate chapter. This evening I hope to wrap up the battle and rough out the last chapter of the book. Then I'm going to add a log entry to the front of each chapter. Then I'll update the Glossary.

After that...edits! Plus a little extra writing. (I can't help it!!!) So maybe another month or so before publication. I have a short business trip in a couple of weeks, so I'll lose a few days of productive writing time on the novel (while working as an editor on my office project!).


Please let your family members, friends, co-workers, librarians, groupies, roadies, and other various hangers-on know that my published books are available through in e-book and trade paperback editions. You can find them on my Amazon Author page here!


It's proving to be a really nice Summer. Not too hot yet in North Central Oklahoma. For those of you in the warmer climes, please be careful with the kiddos and the pets. 

Until next time remember...let's be careful out there!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

Another Childhood Hero Passes from This Mortal Coil...

Kind of a bummer of a weekend. Another of my childhood heroes has passed away.

Adam West passed away this weekend at the very young age of 88. To me and millions of other Baby Boomers, Mr. West WAS Batman. Perhaps not the Dark Knight Detective of earlier and later eras but a Bright Knight who brought laughter to our lives.

While I quickly saw through the humor of the Batman television program, it was one of my earliest entries into comic books. Years later, I (like many others) wanted to see Batman brought to life in a more serious manner. It took time, but it happened.

Still, the television show holds a special place in my heart! My thoughts and prayers go out to Adam West's family and friends in their time of loss. 

Rest in Peace, Mr. West!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017