That's right!
Camadin Station Two - Last Stand will be published next weekend!
The edits are done. I've created the two files, one for e-publication and one for print-on-demand. And...
I received the cover from Sean!!! Here it is:
Well done, Sean!
So, I have to do a little more formatting of both files. This mostly involves linking the Table of Contents to each heading in the e-book and checking pagination and the Table of Contents page numbers in the P-o-D book.
Thursday and Friday nights will be spent uploading the files to Amazon and completing the online documentation. If all goes well, the books will go live on November 4th!
But that's not all! heard that right. I'll have another book ready for e-publication on or around November 4th! The Arizona State Guard Trilogy that compiles the three novels of the ASG into one e-book.
This one will take a little more formatting but I think I can get it all done this week if the Muse is with me!
More to follow on both books later this week!
Meanwhile, we've had a couple of nights of cold temperatures. I guess Summer is over after all.
Here comes Autumn and Winter!!!
Stay safe!
Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017
Well, I'd like to report that the work on Camadin Station Two - Last Stand has gone along quickly and easily this past week. Yep! I'd sure like to report that...
But, sadly, it hasn't.
I will say that the final edits have been moving along steadily. I'm past the 100 page mark. And the story is reading quite nicely!
Sean is still working on the cover. I'd hoped to debut it here this week but no luck there either.
* sigh *
But I'm pressing on to get the book done well...if not quickly.
Just a reminder to all, my current list of books are available in e-book and print-on-demand formats through Amazon and can be found on my Amazon Author's page at If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can download and read my e-books at no additional cost as part of your subscription. And, if you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can receive my print-on-demand books faster and with free shipping!
Meanwhile, the temps are beginning to fall and so are the leaves from the trees. It's a fun and pretty time of the year!
Stay safe and enjoy the Fall!
Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017
That's right...I'm coming down the home stretch on completion of Camadin Station Two - Last Stand!
I'm going to push hard to get the final edits completed by October 20th and get the formatting done shortly thereafter. I have to speak with Sean this week about finalizing the cover. Final tweaking then e-pub and print-on-demand publication by the end of the month!
Hopefully by this time next week, I'll be debuting the final cover for CS2-LA right here on my blog!
Slight change-up in projects following CS2-LA. Instead of moving onto my Young Adult/Steampunk story immediately, I'm going to spend a little time putting together an e-book compilation of The Arizona State Guard Trilogy. This actually takes very little time requiring me to merge the three e-book files and creating a composite cover then going through the e-pub setup on Amazon's KDP. It should only take a couple of weeks.
Work on the new novel should start around December 1st, if all goes well!
Meanwhile, my current novels are available through my Amazon Author's page at Feel free to share that with family, friends, and others you may know.
There's a definite chill in the air here in Stillwater and the leaves are beginning to change! One of my favorite times of the year.
Stay safe!
Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017
Well, I really wanted to have Camadin Station Two: Last Stand published already. *sigh* Sadly, I'm running a little late in getting it done.
I could blame my Muse for not being around, but that's not entirely accurate. Muse has gifted me with many ideas of late, only a few of which relate to CS2:LS.
I could blame my cover artist, but he's a busy man with a family, a job, and a life of his own. I can say that the initial draft of the new cover showed me that Sean is on target! I've asked him to do a little tweaking on the cover and should hear back from him real soon!
The bottom line is, I just haven't spent the time working on the new novel as much as I should have. With one project wrapping up at work and another entering a new phase (PHOTOGRAPY!!!), my mind hasn't been on CS2:LS.
The GOOD news is that I'm working on the final read-through of the novel! During the final read-through, I look for typos and grammar errors and spend less time tweaking the story. I'm a couple of chapters in and plan to do some major read-through today!
The next phase on this project will be to format the files for e-publication AND print-on-demand. The e-pub formatting isn't that difficult, but hardcopy formatting can be a pain sometimes. But it is quite doable.
Meanwhile, my current books are available through my Amazon Author page at Don't forget to share that page with family, friends, acquaintances, postal workers, mad scientists, and other avid readers.
Fall is definitely in the air! Enjoy!
Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017
That's right! Camadin Station Two - Last Stand is almost ready for publication as an e-book AND as a print-on-demand paperback!
First and Second Edits of the manuscript have been completed. Tomorrow night I begin my final read through, then I will begin formatting both versions of the book. I'm waiting on my cover from Sean but I'm sure he will deliver and that it will be great!
Meanwhile, my other novels are available through my Amazon Author page at Take a moment to visit my page and look at the titles there. Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited membership, you may check and read my novels on your Kindle (or other e-reader) at no extra cost to you!
Once Last Stand is published, I have some work to do to assist a friend with publishing his second book. This shouldn't take long then I'll begin work on a new novel. This will require some research into 1902 Arizona which I don't expect to take long. The new novel will be a combination of Young Adult/Steampunk/Dieselpunk.
Future works beyond that will include a third book in the Camadin Station series AND a non-fiction book examining current events through a historical perspective. That last one will require some serious research and a significant amount of time.
Summer has gone, Fall is upon us! Soon the Holidays will be here. Be safe, everyone!
Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017