Monday, January 29, 2018

Next Steps

To help find like-minded authors, I've been searching Facebook and other websites. One site I found on FB is the Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance. It's a great site with some awesome folks; very welcoming to newcomers. looks like I may get in on the ground floor of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Creators Guild! Wonderful opportunities to network, learn some tricks from other writers, and get my ideas out to more people!


On another note, I've had begun putting words on "paper" (okay, bits and bytes into a digital file) for the new book. I've roughed out the first part of Chapter 1 and will be adding to that this evening. I'm up to the problems the American states had under the Articles of Confederation in the late-1770s and early-1780s. Independence had been declared and the Revolutionary War was underway, but the Articles of Confederation didn't cover all of the issues the Original 13 States experienced during this period.


I just received another royalty payment from Amazon. I'm not exactly setting the book sales world on fire, but I AM making money off of the stories I've written. Just need more visibility and the sales figures WILL go up! If you, or someone you know, likes science fiction, action, adventure, mystery, or space opera please send them to my Amazon Author Page at My books are available in paperback and e-book formats!


I want to give everyone a heads up that over the next few months, I may not post as often as I usually do. I'll be going on some extensive photo shoots for the paying job to help finish off my latest work project. Research and writing on the new book should continue during the evenings as a means of stress relief!

I hope the weather has been mild for each of you! We've had some cold days and nights but still no snow. *sigh* (Watch! It'll fall when I need to go on a trip and trap me in Stillwater. Don't laugh, it's happened before!)

Stay safe!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Onward and Upward!

So, I think I've completed the research for the first section of my next book, America, We WERE Warned! This section spans the period between the end of the Revolutionary War and the implementation of the Constitution of the United States. I'll be discussing the problems with the American Confederation as caused by the Articles of Confederation, the need for the Constitutional Convention, and key beliefs of a number of the participants as they relate to the new federal constitutional republic.

Before I begin research on the next period of American History, I plan to write Section I. And, I plan to start that tomorrow night! Yay! I'll be writing again.

It'll feel different writing a piece of non-fiction but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Events of the past few decades show that a book of this type is needed. Plus, it'll help me put my politics in perspective and out of my fun writing!

Speaking of fun writing, I AM looking forward to working on Arizona Territorial Marshals. Having to do some research for this one as well into Arizona history circa 1910ish and into inventors active around that time. Then to blend this data into a rip-roarin' Western/Steam Diesel tale. Whee!


Meanwhile, my current novels are available in e-book and paperback formats through Amazon and my Author Site there at I've kept the Holiday pricing for each! Be sure to tell family members and friends about my novels.


Well, snow and ice have missed Stillwater, thus far. It was a beautiful (and warm) day today here. Sadly, I was a bit out of sorts and didn't get out to enjoy it. 

Stay safe, everyone!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

And the Beat Goes On...


Well, research for the new non-fiction book has gotten off to a rocky start. Two weeks ago, I purchased a new tablet to help me with research and note-taking. It took about 6 hours to set it up for its intended use. It functioned nicely...until it started giving me an error code regarding the micro-SD memory card. Then, it totally corrupted the memory card! And took with it two day's worth of notes!

So I did some online research to figure out how to fix the memory card problem. I discovered that this particular model of tablet has a major memory card problem that has yet to be resolved by the manufacturer. Argh! 

So, I spent a little time researching some other tablets online. Then the next morning, I wiped the tablet and took it back to the store. The sales reps were great! Based on my research into other  tablets, I purchased a new tablet (from a different manufacturer). This time it only took 4 hours to get it set up and I was back in business. Fortunately, I was able to reconstruct my lost notes (and set up a backup process). 


Meanwhile, my current books are available in e-book and paperback formats on my Amazon Author page at


On a side note, over the next few months I'll be conducting photography for IFSTA's Facility Fire Brigades, 2nd edition. This will involve a number of out-of-state trips which will slow me down a bit on the new book.

Winter is making itself felt (on and off) here in beautiful Stillwater, OK. The next cold front passes through today with what promises to be some bitterly, brutal low temperatures and wind chills tomorrow morning. Brrrrrr!

Be safe out there!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

2018...Here I Come!

Greetings Family and Friends and welcome to 2018!

I hope everyone had a safe, healthy, and happy Holiday Season. The Fortneys had a great time! But now 2018 is upon us and I'm planning for future endeavors. 

So, what's on my 2018 To Do List? I have two projects in mind:

1) First is a nonfiction, social/political book to be called "America...We WERE Warned!" It will provide a look at where the United States of America is at currently in terms of society and politics and provide a historical look at the many warnings handed down through the past 240-plus years of how to preserve this great nation. 

2) The second is a novel, tentatively called "Arizona Territorial Marshals" to be set in pre-statehood Arizona. This one will be a Steam Punk/Steam Diesel/Young Adult story, possibly the first in another series. I want this one to be pure fun!

Both books will require significant research to provide historic accuracy, so I'll be kept hopping in the months to come. This on top of several out-of-town photo shoots to be conducted for IFSTA's Facility Fire Brigades, 2nd edition between now and the end of May.

Keep your fingers crossed that I can maintain the pace!


Meanwhile, my current catalog of novels are still available through my Amazon Author's Page at I've decided to continue with my current price levels on all books! 

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)

Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)

Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime subscription, you can download my e-books, read them, and return them as part of those services. (Don't worry, Amazon has created a program that Kindle authors still get paid for the pages read!) Also, Amazon Prime subscribers can get special shipping rates on their purchases!

Here's wishing each of you a Happy 2018! 


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018