Meanwhile, visit my Amazon Author Site at www.amazon.com/author/jeffreyfortney and check out my current catalog of books.
Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)
Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)
Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime subscription, you can download my e-books, read them, and return them as part of those services. (Don't worry, Amazon has created a program that Kindle authors still get paid for the pages read!) Also, Amazon Prime subscribers can get special shipping rates on their purchases!
Be safe this week, everyone!Jeffrey
Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018