Sorry to have been away so long. I didn't realize that buying a new home, moving, and selling the old home would be so time consuming. And doing the many little things that turn a house into a home...WOW!
But I think we've reached the point where I can have some time just to write and do my advertising.
So the time spent moving wasn't a total time-off from writing. The brain continues to work while the body does the repetitive tasks. As I worked, I also did a lot of thinking...plotting out new ideas for existing stories and for some new ones! I was able to fix some plot holes in a couple of things I'm working on, find new ways forward, and come up with some new characters. I can't wait to get started on these ideas!!!
Meanwhile, my current novels are available at Take a moment and visit my Amazon Author page and check out my novels. If you have a Kindle Subscription account, you can "borrow" my e-books without any additional cost to you. (Don't worry, I'll still get paid!) My books are also available in paperback editions for those who prefer that format.
So tell your family, your friends, the science fiction and adventure fans you know, the local mad scientist about my books, this blog, and my FB website at
So sit back...the adventure is about to continue!
Summer 2018 has arrived. Oh boy... heat, humidity, and barbecues! Enjoy time with family and friends. Be safe!
Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018