Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sources of Inspiration

Writers are often asked the source (or sources) of the inspiration. Some answer whimsically, others with great seriousness. The truth is: ideas come to each of us in a multitude of ways!

An idea for a story may come from a sound, or something that the author sees or experiences. Or from the experiences of others. I could go on and on...

For example, the Terra-Bravo Trilogy stories were initially conceived of many, many years ago with my fascination with dinosaurs and the idea of modern humans living among them. Since I couldn't think of a means for dinosaurs to invent time travel or survive to modern times without evolving, I had to invent a way for humans to go to them! As I related previously, another writer (and noted television/movie producer/director) had a similar idea so it was back to the "drawing board" (keyboard!) to retool the idea. I changed the time period involved, the animals, and even the rationale behind the meeting of humans and Ice Age animals.

Since ecological disaster had already been used (and used, and used, ad nauseum), a new rationale was needed. Inspiration came in the form of the growing political divide between the people in the United State of America (and in some other countries around the globe). What could happen if radical elements of one political party embraced an anti-American ideology (Marxism) and, over time, infiltrated critical aspects of American society until, one day, they attempted to assume permanent and absolute power? Civil War II!!!

That became the motivating shared event behind my Terra-Bravo AND The Arizona State Guard novels. Yes, they are science fiction (Terra-Bravo) and military adventure (BOTH series), but with a strong political overtone. Has this cost me some readers? Yes, no doubt! But I didn't write it for those who don't (and will never) agree with me. I wrote it for those folks like me who believe in the U.S.A. and the Constitution. 

The Camadin Station series (and a number of other future novels) were written from a less political, more commercial viewpoint. The Camadin Station series was inspired by a friend who enjoyed my other novels and the way in which I built up the tension throughout each book. He challenged me to write a murder mystery set in space and from that Camadin Station: Death Haunts the Stars was born!

And, inspiration continues to come to me from a wide variety of directions. I've had another story idea come along recently that I've been thinking about. This week, I hope to build an outline for it and get it in the line-up for future writing.


Meanwhile, my current novels are available through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing in both e-book AND paperback editions at Check 'em out!


Wow! The weather is so nice right now here in Stillwater, OK. Not too hot, not too cold...just right! Starting to see the leaves change around town and am looking forward to Fall and Winter.

Be safe!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Books and e-Books

Writing is only part of an independent author's role. Getting published is another part. Self-publishing has provided independent authors a variety of platforms to choose from. Some of these platforms include:
- Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
- Lulu
- AuthorHouse
- Blurb
- Kobo
- SmashWords

And these are only a few. There are many others out there. 

I've used SmashWords and KDP. SmashWords helped me get my e-books onto a variety of e-book websites. Sadly, sales were dismal. I shifted over to KDP and sales picked up! Now, I only use KDP.

The KDP programs for e-books and paperbacks are very straight forward and easy to use. The sales tracking and reporting systems work well and receiving my payments is simplicity in itself.


Advertising is another important part of self-publishing. KDP does a pretty good job of sending out e-mail ads for independent authors. Still, each author must find other means of advertising their books. I use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, and (of course) Blogger to write about writing AND advertise my books. These rely upon you, my readers, to share with others what I share with you!

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)

Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)

Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)


Fall is DEFINITELY in the air here in Stillwater, Oklahoma! Temperatures are cooler and the leaves are starting to change colors and fall from the trees. One of my favorite times of the year.

Be safe out there and enjoy!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Reading, Writing, and Advertising


I thought I'd write tonight about how and why I got into writing for fun (and a little profit).

I've been an avid reader since I was a kid. In fact, with the help of my mother and comic books, I learned to read before I started school. We had a library bookmobile that visited our small town and I would borrow new books with each visit. Later we moved to a larger town and the library was on our street between our home and my school. I would drop off books I'd finished on my way to school and pick up new ones on the way home. These books included histories, biographies, fiction, and my fiction. I read whenever I had a free moment and I still do to this day.

I've also been a storyteller all my life; sharing what I'd read with my family and friends and creating new tales. Initially, I would write my stories down in long hand on legal tablets my folks would give me and put them into binders. By the time I was 11, Mom and Dad bought me a Sears manual type writer. Click, clack, clickety, clack...Ding! Ah, the joy of putting words down on paper. My first "sale" was a short (single page) story about a dog and his boy that the lady who watched us from time to time submitted to the Arizona Republic. I received a nice letter congratulating me on my story AND a copy of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan of the Apes". (This, of course, led me to becoming a huge fan of ERB and his many tales!)

During my teens, I wrote and submitted numerous story ideas to DC Comics and to one editor in particular, Julius Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz had mentored a number of my favorite comic book writers such as Cary Bates, Elliot S! Maggin, Martin Pasko, and Paul Levitz to name a few. These fellows submitted story ideas while in their teens and with Schwartz's mentoring became some of the best writers of DC Comics. Schwartz's motto was "Be Original" and he could (and would) point out if an idea or gimmick had been used before. His refusal letters were an art unto themselves with mixtures of praise and chastisement but always ending with encouragement to keep trying, don't give up!

Over time, I joined the U.S. Air Force, got married, and became a father; all of which took up much of my time. Still, I would share stories with my wife and children; again, some of what I read and some that I made up. From time to time, I would write some of them down and put them away in my notebooks, but I never completed them or tried to submit. I kept coming back to one particular story idea...a time travel story about humans creating a colony in the era of the dinosaurs.

Now, over time, what one author can dream can another. Especially if the first author never completes the story and gets it published! I had it happen to a few of my story ideas where someone beat me to the punch (and the payola) by a couple of months. The big crush was when someone with the initials "SS" produced a short-lived television series about humans traveling through time to establish a colony in the Cretaceous Period. This was accomplished totally independently of my story but mirrored it none-the-less. (I enjoyed the program although it only lasted that one short season.)

My wife, Julie, finally told me I needed to finish my stories and submit them for publication. Wonder of wonders, around that same time, a number of self-publishing platforms came along for e-books (Smashwords, Kindle, etc...). With the support of my family, I dove into writing my first novel, which is itself a heavily revised version of my dinosaur story. Gone were the dinos...bring on Ice Age critters!  

Foothold on Terra-Bravo was initially published as an e-book in August 2013 through's Kindle Direct Publishing. Since then, I've written and published seven other novels and one short how-to book. I've also released my two series (The Terra-Bravo Saga and The Arizona State Guard) as e-book compilations. Beginning in May 2017, my novels (minus the compilations) became available as paperbacks!

I have many other story ideas swirling around inside my cranium. A third book in the Camadin Station series, a new series for Young Adults, and a science fiction/spy thriller to name only a few. Sadly, I've been experiencing "writer's block" over the last several months. Hopefully, it will pass soon and I can get back to writing!


Meanwhile, my current books are available through at Please tell your family, friends, favorite dentist, least favorite neighbor, postal worker, local comic book shoppe owner, and just about anyone else you can think of about my books. I've tried to price them to be affordable in both formats. For those folks with Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited accounts, you can get great savings on shipping (for the paperbacks) and borrowing (for the e-books).

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)
Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)
Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)


The weather is starting to cool down a bit and Fall can't be too far away. Enjoy the final days of Summer!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, September 9, 2018

More Shameless Advertising

A couple of weeks ago, I received a notification from Kindle Boards (an online Kindle group) that I would be restricted to advertising no more than 5 of my books in one day. Apparently, other less prolific writers were complaining that I and other more prolific authors were bumping the less prolific writers' advertising posts down the advertising thread on K-Boards. One of the administrators said that the rule had been in place for some time but they were now going to enforce it, whether we liked it or not.

Personally, I felt:

1) Betrayed!
2) Cheated of an opportunity to defend my actions against the naysayers.
3) Censored.

I made my opinions known but to no avail. So, I shall no longer be advertising on K-Boards. My choice. I try to get all of my advertising done in one day for three reasons that are very important to me:

1) I want to use the remainder of my week for time with my wife and family.
2) I don't want to swamp my family and friend's Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and LinkedIn feeds multiple times over a week. (Although, the way sales/reads have been of late, perhaps I should.)
3) I would like to have free time during the remainder of the week to WRITE (if the Muse is so inclined).

So here I am... providing more shameless advertising of my novels. Please share this with family, friends, neighbors, strangers, and the occasional person you meet along the way:

Are you looking for:

Alternate History and Worlds
Science Fiction
and Suspense

Then check out my novels! Available in e-book and print formats.

Go to my Amazon Author Page at


Meanwhile, the Muse HAS been flitting around lately, just not staying in place very long. I have had some wonderful ideas pop into my noggin for some of my works in progress. Hopefully, some of those ideas will make it into those stories soon! 


Fall is almost upon us. Enjoy the remainder of Summer!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018