Thursday, June 1, 2023

Still Adjusting to Some of the Changes…

Hi, Everyone,

Welcome back!

In my last blog, I mentioned recent and upcoming changes: retirement, a new direction for Novel #9, and so on.

Well, change takes time. I’m getting a better handle on this “retirement” thing. At least, I no longer wake up at the crack of dawn. HUZZAH!!!

Of course, this means more time at home and the Boss Lady and I continue to find new ways to occupy that time: going to the gym, deep cleaning the house, fixing some infrastructure, etc…

Still, I AM making progress on the new novel. I came to the realization last night that I really need to draw up a timeline to accompany my rough outline. A timeline will help me set the story over a certain period of time and keep events straight. So that will be a big step going forward.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to check out my current novels on Amazon. The prices have gone up slightly on the print-on-demand paperbacks due to printing costs beyond my control. But, I’ve kept the e-book prices the same as before. (Also, I’m not considering doing hard back editions at this time. I really don’t think that’s a market I want to try.)

Here's a link to my Amazon Author page:

Until next time, stay safe out there!


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Changes Underway!!!

Greetings and welcome to Meanderings of a Middle Age Mind! I’m your host, Jeffrey M. Fortney, and I’m going to describe many of the changes underway at this time in my life, work, and future. I realize it’s been “a minute” (at Top Gun: Maverick reference) since I last posted or v-logged, so I have some catching up to do.

To begin with, after 48 years involvement with the Fire Service and 21 years working as a technical editor for a major Fire Service training materials company… I’ve retired! Yep, it times to move on to the next chapter (sorry, a little author pun there) of my life.

So, what will I do in retirement, you may ask (Lord knows everyone else has!)? My usual answer has been: “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”

The real answer is a little more informative:

1)      Write and publish more novels.

2)      Maybe write some articles on writing and self-publishing.

3)      Do some wood-working projects for fun and profit. (I just completed and delivered a bookcase for one of my former co-workers and have three other projects on the docket.)

4)      Read! (At this moment, my to-be-read pile consists of 27 books I’ve never read before.)

5)      Work on the Honey Do list my wife has been putting together.

6)      Exercise!!!

All of these are short- to long-term goals. There are others further down the road, to include travel and sight-seeing. The wife and I would like to see more of our country.

First, I’m working on my 9th novel. Yeah, yeah… I know; I’ve been working on my 9th novel for the past few years. Things happened to interfere with them. I say them because I’ve gone through five or six variations of a 9th novel in that time. Trying out new ideas, new genres; working on FIVE projects simultaneously at the paying job, life changes on the home front to include moving to a different house. Oh, and the Age of COVID!

The stress from the paying job was the worst. After spending 8 hours a day editing words, sentences, and paragraphs; the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was to write MORE words, sentences and paragraphs. And, one version of Novel #9 was a neo-zombie pandemic tale with a twist on the theme. Because of frustrations growing out of COVID lock downs, that one got so dark I killed off all of my main characters. Talk about writing one’s self into a corner. Even turning it into the dream/nightmare trope didn’t work. As G. Harry Stine would say, “I put that story back up on the shelf for another day.”

So new-new-new-new-new-new Novel #9 is going to be a murder mystery mixed with the supernatural. Already about 25 pages in and am enjoying writing once more! Will talk more about the new novel in the days to come.

Other changes? Well…

1)      Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing just informed us authors that, due to increases in publishing costs for their print-on-demand books, they’re going to have to increase their printing costs. This, of course, will affect each author’s royalties. So, sad to say, the prices on my p-o-d books will go up slightly. (No price changes on my e-books!)

2)      I plan to expand my social media and v-logging.

3)      I plan to do more advertising of my current books.

So, you’ll be seeing/hearing more from me online going forward.

Sadly, you missed out on my “retirement beard”. Something men do upon separating from military service is grow their hair long and grow beards and mustaches. (I did!) These aren’t always permanent, usually disappearing within a few months.

I had a really nice beard and mustache going and was going to use it with this post; but… it was getting really itchy and the wife/Boss Lady suggested I shave it off. So, I did.

Well folks, I’ve prattled on long enough. I need to save some energy for some novel writing this evening. Thank you for taking the time to read. Please check out my current novels (if you haven’t already) and be sure to recommend my novels to your family and friends. They can be found at

Until next time… be safe out there!
