I've had a busy past few days. I have begun writing the prequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga! As of tonight, the prologue and the first three chapters have been written. Of course, this is the first draft and I may revisit some or all of these chapters again before e-publishing. But, I feel strongly that I'm on track for getting it on the market in May.
Sadly, Kyle isn't along for the ride on this one. As I mentioned previously, Kyle is working to finish his degree this semester and between family, work, and school he is SWAMPED. I also mentioned how proud I am of him (and all of my children) for continuing their educations!
The story for Terra-Prime: Civil War is more military/action/adventure than science fiction (although some sci-fi elements will appear later in the story). Writing this one has given me some ideas for a new military/action/adventure series to follow the Terra-Bravo Saga (as I hinted at in my last blog post).
If you haven't already, please encourage your friends and family members who enjoy sci-fi to read Foothold on Terra-Bravo and Crisis on Terra-Bravo. Both of these e-books are available in multiple formats
through the following e-book stores for $2.99 each:
- Barnes&Noble (
- Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
- Diesel eBook Store (
- Versent Books (
I mentioned artwork above, so let me address that as well. As you may well recall, I've never been really happy with the covers for Foothold and Crisis. They were creations of necessity, not ability! Well, I've found a program that can help me with creating eye catching covers. I've downloaded the primary program and have begun playing around with it. I'll need to purchase some additional plug-ins (of course!) but I hope to be able to create new covers for my existing books and future projects as well within a few months. I'll keep you posted as time goes along!
Big week coming up at the office as I get the lost components of Company Officer 5th and Chief Officer 3rd to Graphics for layout! Then I'll review the comments from two tech reviewers on the first 10 chapters of Company Officer. Hopefully, I'll have some time to start writing Chapter 9 of Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th. This is pretty much an all new chapter and will take some time and TLC to get done right!
Enough for now! I need to turn in soon and get some sleep. Hopefully Julie and I won't be shaken out of bed by an earthquake (we've had several in the past two days!).
Stay safe, everyone!
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