So when do I write? Usually between 8:30 and 11:30 at night. I know...I know, not optimal for writing prolifically but it's what I have time for right now. Robert A. Heinlein, the Dean of American Science Fiction, said a writer should set aside a regular time to write, in a quiet area without distractions, and one needs to sit there for that entire period of time, whether or not you write anything. In other words, build writing into a habit and take advantage of that time when the Muse speaks.
If, as, or when I can do otherwise, I shall. Until then, I write when I can.
Target Terror is doing well, though! I'm working on the big, BIG fight scene right now. This is going to be a long one as part of it occurs on the ground, another part in the air, then a short segment back on the ground. There will be repercussions that ripple through the remainder of the book and in the next sequel.
It's more fun writing this book than its predecessor because I'm more familiar with the characters and I've added more from the bad guys point of view than in any other book. I really want to finish my first draft by the end of April or middle of May. That will allow me time two do some editing, polishing, addition/subtraction, and tweaking to get it ready for e-publication in June. I need to get Sean working on the cover soon!
Projects at work are taking up a lot of energy and subconscious thought. I just can't shut off my brain when I go home, so part of it is always working on my office projects, even when I'm at home. I've often sit up in the middle of the night with a solution to a problem that stumped me during the day.
- Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition is almost off my desk. Just waiting for some photos/videos from a friend and one chapter's Manual/Curriculum shared content and I'll be able to turn the final components in to Graphics for layout!
- I've roughed out all but two chapters of Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition. Should get them roughed out soon, then it's back to Chapters 11 through 21 for edits, cutting, tweaking, and polishing. Then I'll turn them over to the Project Manager and the Committee while I start working on photography/videography.
- I've almost completed the outline for Industrial Fire Brigades 2nd edition. Yay!
So, don't forget to tell everyone about my published e-novels:
Chaos on Terra-Prime
Foothold on Terra-Bravo
Crisis on Terra-Bravo
Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
These e-novels are available through: (for Kindles) (in a variety of formats for different e-readers)
and others
Stay safe out there!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015
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