Sunday, July 19, 2015

"They Say Tragedy is Easy - It's Comedy That's Hard..."

There's a certain amount of truth in that expression...with a slight twist! 

As I write this, I've written five action/adventure/science fiction e-novels and am in the process of writing my first mystery (granted, it does have a science fiction background). But I'm finding this new e-novel perhaps the most challenging of all to write.

Over 50 years as a reader, I've read THOUSANDS (upon thousands, upon thousands...well, you get my meaning here) of action, adventure, and science fiction stories and novels. Perhaps the closest things to mysteries that I've read over those years are the Kenneth Robeson pulp magazine stories of Doc Savage and The Avenger and a handful stories/novels by other authors. 

So, why AM I writing a murder mystery set in space? Two reasons: 1) I was challenged to do so by my friend, Jimmie Badgett and 2) I wanted to challenge myself to write something outside of my comfort zone! 

Yes, it IS challenging! And frustrating! And irritating! And long, slow work!

I must admit...I'm struggling with this story. I'm trying to build the background, the settings, the characters, the motive(s) for the murder(s), and (oh, YES) the suspense. Trying to do all of this without tipping off who does what to whom and maintaining the sense of mystery throughout is EXTREMELY difficult. And to make it worse, I've got three other stories percolating in the back of my mind, wanting to be written! I'm expending a lot of effort to keep them from jumping ahead of the mystery e-novel as Arizona State Guard: Target Terror did.

There IS a certain amount of fun and satisfaction in writing the story. I shall persevere! I will improvise, adapt, overcome! I expect to complete this e-novel...sometime in the (near) future...


In other news, June and July have been good sales months! I've also begun receiving more Customer Reviews on Based on the reviews, the readers get what I'm trying to say and it's resonating with them. Hopefully, this will generate more sales resulting in more interest and generate more sales. 

I can't begin to thank my family and friends enough for getting the word out about my e-books. They are helping make my success as a salable author possible. To each of you, I extend my profound thanks!


Summer 2015 is finally heating up here in Oklahoma! Be careful out there if you are working outdoors. And be sure to get your children and pets out of any vehicles; don't leave them trapped inside one!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

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