So how soon is the book coming out you may ask? Well, the book isn't done yet...just the first draft. Lots to do yet!
First, I'm taking the next week off from writing on the manuscript. I do this to recharge the ol' batteries, clear my mind, and get a fresh perspective. Plus, I'm just gonna rest and read.
After that, the edits begin. I go back to the start and look at the draft one line at a time, looking for typos, grammatical errors, continuity errors, and so on. I also use this pass to add some new touches to the novel. In this case, I'll be adding some clues and diversions that will add to the mystery in the story.
The third step is to make another pass double checking spelling and grammar. I'll also finalize the number of chapters.
While all of this is going on, I'll be working with Sean Fortney on the cover design. We'll get it right and Sean will provide me with a wonderful final work of art that will attract readers!
Last, but certainly not least, I'll finalize the layout of the digital file, create the linked table of contents, and complete the glossary of terms.
So, as you can see, I'm still a ways off from having the e-novel ready for e-publishing. I expect to have the next two phases done by the end of October. The final phases may be complete as early as mid-November and I hope to have the novel e-published by the end of November!
In the meantime, please tell your family and friends about my other e-books!
Summer is drawing to a close and Autumn is almost upon us! Take time to enjoy the nice weather before Winter comes-a-calling!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015
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