Sunday, October 25, 2015

Tragedy at Oklahoma State University Homecoming Parade

Nothing about writing tonight, no ads, and no humor.

Yesterday morning, a senseless tragedy occurred in Stillwater, Oklahoma when a 25-year old woman drove her car into a crowd of people who were watching the end of the OSU Homecoming Parade. There were many first responders in the parade and they leaped into action to begin helping those who had been struck. 

Sadly, 4 people are (at this time) dead and 44 more were injured. As I write this, several remain in critical condition. Among the dead was a 2-year old boy. His mother is one of the victims who is in critical condition. Numerous medi-evac helicopters were flown in to airlift the severely injured to nearby hospitals.

The woman driving the vehicle was taken into custody immediately by police under the suspicion of driving under the influence. She has already lawyered up and they are claiming she suffers from untreated diabetes or some altered mental state that no one was previously aware of. 

I was driving toward the location of the incident shortly after it occurred, not aware of what had happened. Traffic was backed up terribly so I rerouted to a different store. There I ran into a friend who told me what had happened.

A quick check of my family and friends showed that they were all safe! Sadly, dozens of others I've never met, but shall pray for nonetheless, were harmed. It's sad, tragic, and was totally unnecessary. In time, we'll find out what caused the driver to do what she did. In that time, we may see more of her victims pass (God forbid). In that time, the survivors and their families will endure the pain and hardships posed by the event. 

God Bless and watch over those who were harmed (the victims and their families and friends) on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Please, Father, help our city heal from this tragedy.

I'm too angry and sad to say anymore.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

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