Sunday, January 10, 2016

Big Changes Coming!!!

Death Haunts the Stars and The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) are doing well on Amazon; particularly in the Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read program. This program allows Kindle Unlimited subscribers to read Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Select editions of e-books without having to purchase the books.

Now, it may seem that the authors are getting screwed. How are they paid for these reads? Well, Amazon/Kindle set aside a portion of the KU subscription dues paid to fund each page read by a reader! So, I enrolled both Death Haunts the Stars and The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 in the KDP Select program and I am indeed seeing the page counts racking up for those books and have calculated the royalties being generated.

So, this means some changes in the way my other e-books have been published. I've pulled Chaos on Terra-Prime, Foothold on Terra-Bravo, Crisis on Terra-Bravo, Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border, and Arizona State Guard: Target Terror from (and thus, from any of their other distributors). This may sound counter-productive, but truth be told, I haven't been generating much of any royalties through This is not a reflection on them, but on my limited advertising budget to direct customers to them and other online bookstores.

I need to give it a couple of weeks for the e-books to clear then I'll enroll them in KDP Select. That will give me seven e-books available through Kindle Unlimited's reader program. Time will tell how much that increases my royalties!

So,'s Kindle Store will be my exclusive sales point for my e-novels moving forward (unless some major event occurs).


With all of the above going on, I haven't had much time to work on Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge. But, that will change starting tonight!

This evening I plan to revise the outline for ASG:FF then begin a major writing push. I'd really like to get this book published by mid-April. There! I said it! I've gone and given myself a deadline so by God, I've got to keep it! (OY VEY!!!)


In the meantime, here's my usual advertising for the current books: Author Page: [url][/url] 


Winter is out there folks, so let's be careful! If you have to travel in the snow and ice, slow down and be sure to get there alive!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi GX,

    I see you left some comments, then deleted them. Would love to hear your thoughts!

