Sunday, June 26, 2016

Well...Maybe Not THAT Soon...


I was really hoping to wrap up my read-through of Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge this past Friday and get it submitted to Amazon's Kindle Scout Program. Needless to didn't happen!

Two reasons:

1. My read-through has been a little more in-depth than my norm. But that's okay! It's helping me tighten this book up nicely!

2. My beautiful and loving wife bought me David McCullough's biography, The Wright Brothers! Now, as you know, I'm a student of history and a HUGE fan of the Wright Brothers, in particular. I'm finding this book to be every bit as informative and more attention grabbing than the 972 page biography I read about them back in the early 1970s.

3. I also received two Father's Day gifts that have taken up my time this past week. First was a DVD called The Winds of Kitty Hawk. Yes! It IS about the Wright Brothers!!! Second was a DVD set of the late-1970s Saturday morning cartoon Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle! Another favorite and perhaps one of the best adaptations of Edgar Rice Burroughs' famous character ever produced. Sadly, it was only Season 1. Hopefully, they will release Seasons 2 through 4 in the near future!

But enough about excuses. I'm about halfway through the read-through and gaining speed as distractions fall to the wayside. My (revised) plan is to get the novel submitted to the Kindle Scout Program this NEXT Friday! 


In the meantime, my other e-books are available for folks on Amazon through my Amazon Author's Page at Please tell your family and friends about them. My USAF Fire Protection brother, Charlie Butler, posted an awesome plug for Chaos on Terra-Prime on his Facebook page the other day! (Thank you, Charlie!!!) 


Heatwaves, severe storms, and wildfires across the country! Political chaos around the globe! Let's be careful out there, folks! I'm starting to think Robert A. Heinlein's the Crazy Years are upon us.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Coming Real Soon...

That's right! I'm getting real close to finish The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge!!!

I hope to complete the edits in the next couple of days. Then I plan to do a quick read through, put my advertising together, and get it submitted to Amazon's Kindle Scout Program. Then I plan to advertise the hell out of it!!!

And that's is where you, my dear readers, come in. Once ASG:FF is on Kindle Scout, I'll be sending out a link to its Kindle Scout Campaign Page. The more people who nominate the book, the more chances I have to get a Kindle Scout Contract! A $1,500 advance, advertising and support for 5 years, and much more visibility for the title.


My other books are still available through Amazon at my Author Page:


The temperature and tempers are climbing out there, folks. Summer is upon us, so be careful!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Another Sad Day in the United State of America...

I'm going to keep this short.

Fifty people were killed and another 53 were injured...because of an Islamist terrorist.

It's long past time that we wake up and defend our country!

When founded, the government of the United States had three jobs:

1) Provide for the common defense.

2) Provide a common voice in communicating with other countries and with our fellow states as it relates to trade.

3) Deliver the mail.

It's becoming blatantly obvious that the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of our government aren't doing their jobs very well.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Untitled Blog Post

I sat down to write this post...and couldn't come up with a title for it. Nothing cute, or funny, or descriptive even came to mind. So, I went with something...


Ah, another one of those weeks with lots going on!

My father-in-law is getting better...slowly. The post-surgical episode initially sapped his speech, concentration, and mobility. No, the doctors say it wasn't a stroke. His speech is almost back to normal! His concentration is doing much better. His mobility is still a bit of an issue. He is in a physical rehab facility and making very good progress though! Julie has extended her stay until the middle of the month to help him transition from the rehab facility to home.


On the work front, I've got four chapters up online for my Industrial Fire Brigades 2nd edition Validation Committee to review and comment upon. AND...I'm working on Chapter 5, which should go up in a week or so. This will give them plenty to work on while I turn my attention to photography for Essentials 7th! I'm working on three chapters with quite a few skill sheets, so it'll keep me occupied!


Edits on The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge are coming along nicely! Once I get finished with this evening's advertising, it's back to the ol' word processing program to continue on with the edits. As of last night, I was at page 47 of 201. I'm hoping to have my edits completed and my other pre-publication work done by June 15th, then I plan to put the novel on Amazon's Kindle Scout Program. I'll be putting out notices about that KSP campaign for Freedom's Forge soon!

Sean turned out a real nice cover for Freedom's Forge! My compliments to him and his artistic ability. (He must get it from his Mother's side of the family!) 


My other books are still available through and can be found on my Amazon Author's Page at Be sure to get the word out to everyone you know about the exciting books I've written. For those with a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can read my novels at no additional cost. It's like checking out a book from a library!


Well, enough for now. Ya'll be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016