I hope to complete the edits in the next couple of days. Then I plan to do a quick read through, put my advertising together, and get it submitted to Amazon's Kindle Scout Program. Then I plan to advertise the hell out of it!!!
And that's is where you, my dear readers, come in. Once ASG:FF is on Kindle Scout, I'll be sending out a link to its Kindle Scout Campaign Page. The more people who nominate the book, the more chances I have to get a Kindle Scout Contract! A $1,500 advance, advertising and support for 5 years, and much more visibility for the title.
My other books are still available through Amazon at my Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/jeffreyfortney.
The temperature and tempers are climbing out there, folks. Summer is upon us, so be careful!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016
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