Well, my writing muse dropped by for a couple of days. She brought with her news ideas and some new pages for the sequel to to Death Haunts the Stars.
Then she split...again! Perhaps there's another struggling writer out there who needs her more at the moment.
But, all has not been for naught!
I've made some serious headway on photography and photo selection for Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th at the office. Got a bunch of images selected, storyboarded, and down to Graphics then set up some photo shoots for next month.
Friday marked my last full day in my old office. I report to work in the morning and get to watch them take my desk apart and move it, some shelves, a cabinet, and a bunch of boxes to...my NEW office in the West Wing of the Fire Protection Publications Headquarters Building. It'll take a couple of days to get unpacked and organized then back to work on Essentials and Facility Fire Brigades. No rest for me!
On the home front, I've been promising the Boss Lady a deck for a gazebo or pergola for sometime. She finally wore me down and I've been measuring and marking, pricing materials, and...starting work on the project. The four corner anchors are in, the outer frame is built, and the remaining lumber is awaiting a new day in my backyard. Tomorrow evening, I'll attach the outer frame to the corner anchors and begin measuring and cutting the remaining floor joists.
No Fortney project ever gets done without someone getting hurt. I got stung by a wasp or bee on my lower right abdomen and it's uncomfortable but not enough to stop me from my appointed tasks.
Something nice about working on projects like this is that while the hands are busy, my mind can be thinking about some new ideas for the new novel.
Now if that durned muse would just drop by to help!
Enough for tonight. Back with another update soon.
Remember...let's be safe out there!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017
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