Sunday, May 14, 2017

Of Formatting and Moving Forward!


Getting my novels reformatted for print-on-demand publishing was quite a task, but one I'm glad I've done. It opens an entirely new market to me...people who:
1) Don't own an e-reader, cellphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
2) Don't like to read e-books.
3) Like the weight and feel of an actual book.

The formatting itself took some doing but with each book it became easier to do. The hardest part was getting the pages to appear on the correct side (left or right) and getting the page numbering correct. The upload process into Kindle Direct Publishing's program usually went very smoothly. They even accepted my covers for The Terra-Bravo Saga books!

Then I had to review each book page by page to verify there were no issues. And, of course, there were some. An occasional variance in page numbering, the rare blank page where there shouldn't be one, and *GASP!* some typos!!!

All of which were actually pretty simple fixes. 

It just took some time. 

Time in which I wasn't working on the second book of the Camadin Station series. BUT...

Time in which I was THINKING about that story...and others! 

I just saw a Facebook post from one of my favorite writers, John Ringo, where he tells his followers that his absence from FB was the result of spending time THINKING about new story ideas. Some of these ideas may end up abandoned, like others in the past, and others may evolve into other things. But part of being an author is spending time just THINKING.

I find some of my best story planning occurs when I'm doing something physical or repetitive:
- Going for a walk or a bicycle ride
- Driving
- Mowing the yard
- And yes, formatting my novels for P-o-D

So, going forward, I have some new ideas to put into Camadin Station Two, the sequel to Death Haunts the Stars. Part of this is to come up with a title. I thought up several over the past couple of weeks but they need some fine tuning.

I've also came up with some new ideas for my Young Adult/Steampunk series that I will begin working on once Camadin Station Two is published. I'm kinda looking forward to that new series as it will be set in the Arizona Territory starting around 1900.


Meanwhile, I ask you to tell your family, friends, mail persons, hair stylists, Big Bang Theory fans, motorcycle gangs, and other significant others about my current novels...all available through my Amazon Author page at

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $3.99 / trade paperback: $10.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $3.99 / trade paperback: $11.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $3.99 / trade paperback: $12.99)

Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / trade paperback: $11.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / trade paperback: $10.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / trade paperback: $12.99)

- Camadin Station One - Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $4.99 / trade paperback: $10.99)


Meanwhile (the sequel), get out and enjoy our Springtime weather! We've already had a tornado warning this Spring here in Stillwater. Whee!

Be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

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