What a busy day and such a good night...to write! Got a lot accomplished
at the office today in the technical editing realm. Got home in time
for a very enjoyable walk with the Missus and then a haircut. Hey, I was
getting shaggy! (My USAF background, no doubt!)
Once the Boss Lady headed off to work, I was able to sit down and do a little tweaking on Chapter 1 of The Colony on Terra-Bravo. That, in turn, led me back to Chapter 2 with some slam bang action and some major events unfolding amongst our intrepid band of colonists.
Ah...the suspense is palpable, eh?
Well, you can't read it yet. As Sheldon Cooper would say, "Neener, neener, neener."
All in all, over 5 new pages and over 2,000 words tonight! Not bad at all!
So, what's it like to be a technical writer/editor by day and a prose writer by night (and weekends)?
Well, they are both forms of writing:
-- one bare bones and to the point; focused on transferring knowledge and skills
-- the other more free flowing, rambling, and descriptive.
They both entail use of language, vocabulary, rules of grammar, and so on.
To me, the biggest difference is a matter of volume. With technical writing, I strive for clear, concise, and precise statements. In prose writing, I can be as descriptive as I feel my audience will allow. I can't be as verbose as Edgar Rice Burroughs or Isaac Asimov (an older more formal approach) but I'm somewhat more so than G. Harry Stine or Robert A. Heinlein (a less formal approach).
But both technical and prose writing provide me with a means to express myself creatively to different audiences.
Not much else to report tonight so I bid you each a good night!
Stay safe!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013
Once the Boss Lady headed off to work, I was able to sit down and do a little tweaking on Chapter 1 of The Colony on Terra-Bravo. That, in turn, led me back to Chapter 2 with some slam bang action and some major events unfolding amongst our intrepid band of colonists.
Ah...the suspense is palpable, eh?
Well, you can't read it yet. As Sheldon Cooper would say, "Neener, neener, neener."
All in all, over 5 new pages and over 2,000 words tonight! Not bad at all!
So, what's it like to be a technical writer/editor by day and a prose writer by night (and weekends)?
Well, they are both forms of writing:
-- one bare bones and to the point; focused on transferring knowledge and skills
-- the other more free flowing, rambling, and descriptive.
They both entail use of language, vocabulary, rules of grammar, and so on.
To me, the biggest difference is a matter of volume. With technical writing, I strive for clear, concise, and precise statements. In prose writing, I can be as descriptive as I feel my audience will allow. I can't be as verbose as Edgar Rice Burroughs or Isaac Asimov (an older more formal approach) but I'm somewhat more so than G. Harry Stine or Robert A. Heinlein (a less formal approach).
But both technical and prose writing provide me with a means to express myself creatively to different audiences.
Not much else to report tonight so I bid you each a good night!
Stay safe!
© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
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