Friday, September 20, 2013


One of the earliest entertainment careers in human history was that of the storyteller. These individuals would weave tales to enchant, entertain, and delight their listeners. Today, those people are the writers who create our literature, write our television shows and movies, and such.

I've been a teller of stories for many years for my family, my friends, and many others. Some of my stories have been around for decades (such as Terra-Bravo) and others. Others are more recent.

One thing I've learned recently is that I must prioritize what I want to write about, to ensure I get as much written and out to my readers as I can. Story ideas have a tendency to compete for my attention and I've had to organize them to better use my writing time.

I've got a number of ideas on the "drawing board" so to speak, each waiting their turn for my attentions. These ideas include:

- The sequel to Foothold on Terra-Bravo (tentatively called The Colony on Terra-Bravo).

- At least one prequel novel for the Terra-Bravo series introducing the back story of many of the key characters of the series.

- A collection of 10 to 12 short science fiction and fantasy stories I've been working on for some time. One is complete with 2 or 3 in various stages of development.

- If all goes well with the Terra-Bravo series, a third book in the series.

- A star spanning science fiction / war novel.

- A collection of my Hubpages Hubs (articles).

As you can see, I've plenty to keep me busy and I've promised myself to complete as many of these projects as possible in the next couple of years.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

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