Saturday, March 24, 2018

It's Working!

So, I've shifted direction away from my socio-political non-fiction book and have been working on new fiction stories. And it's working! I've been spending time outlining not one, not two, but THREE stories! More to come next weekend...


Meanwhile, visit my Amazon Author Site at and check out my current catalog of books.

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)

Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)

Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime subscription, you can download my e-books, read them, and return them as part of those services. (Don't worry, Amazon has created a program that Kindle authors still get paid for the pages read!) Also, Amazon Prime subscribers can get special shipping rates on their purchases!

Be safe this week, everyone!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A New Direction...or Perhaps, a Redirection!

I remember when I met G. Harry Stine and he told me that he once had a story that was giving him trouble. When he'd get stuck, he'd literally put the pages on a shelf above his writing desk. When he thought he had a way forward with it, he'd pull it down and try again. (He ultimately published it under his Lee Correy psuedonym as a Star Trek: The Original Series book titled "The Abode of Life".)

Well, after a few weeks of frustration and no new work on America: We WERE Warned!, I'm "putting it on the shelf"! It's just not coming together. 

On the flip side, I have a couple of ideas I want to try with The Arizona Territorial Marshals! Maybe the Muse will be more helpful with this project than A:WWW

Additionally, I want to get back to the Camadin Station series and I had another interesting idea pop up for a potential Young Adult series. 

Let's see if I can get some words "on paper"! (Okay, into a digital file then!)


Meanwhile, my current catalog of novels are available through my Amazon Author's Page at I've decided to continue with my current price levels on all books! 

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)

Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)

Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Remember, if you have a Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime subscription, you can download my e-books, read them, and return them as part of those services. (Don't worry, Amazon has created a program that Kindle authors still get paid for the pages read!) Also, Amazon Prime subscribers can get special shipping rates on their purchases!


If Spring isn't in the air yet, pollens and molds most definitely ARE! My allergy meds seem to be working though and I was even able to mow and weed-whack the yards without having an allergy attack. HUZZAH!!!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Books, Books, Books!!!

Greetings Everyone!

Coming off of a major photo shoot for a project always leaves me wiped out. The photo shoot in Houston went quite well and this past week was spent downloading, renaming, organizing, selecting, and storyboarding images for use in two chapters. More of the same this week for several more chapters!

With all this time spent on photography, I haven't spent any time working on the new personal projects. Shame on me! Hopefully things will go better this week!

Still, my current books are available through Amazon at Please tell you family and friends about them!

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)
Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)
Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Well, Spring is fast approaching! For those of us who spring forward, that event was upon us this morning. Whee! 

Enough for today. Be safe!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018



Thought I'd do a quick update on the "Meanderings of a Middle Age Mind". It's been a busy couple of weeks on the work front but definitely slow on the writing/self-publishing side of things.

Spent this past week in Houston, Texas, on a photo shoot for Facility Fire Brigades, 2nd edition. It was a terrific shoot! We had some great folks helping us and we returned home with more than 2,700 images. Now comes the fun part of downloading, renaming, and organizing, then selecting images and storyboarding to get them to Graphics. Whee!!!

Meanwhile, my books are still out there on Amazon, just waiting for readers to partake of them. The books are available in paperback and e-book formats. Amazon Prime subscribers can save on shipping when ordering the paperbacks. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can download, read, and return e-books as part of their subscription!

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $6.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book: $6.99 ONLY)
Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
The Terra-Bravo Saga: Volume 1 (e-book: $4.97 ONLY)
Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Available through my Amazon Author website at

Hopefully, over the next couple of weeks I'll be able to get back to some writing on personal projects!

Spring is around the corner and it's beginning to get nice outside. Enjoy!


Jeffrey M. Fortney – 2018