Sunday, January 29, 2017

Super Short Blog Post

Nothing much has happened in the last week or so!

My current e-books are available through Check 'em out at

Be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Sunday, January 15, 2017

(N)Ice Day Weekend


Another day off from the office due to weather...that really did not turn out to be as bad as predicted! This past Friday we got an ice day, which a friend promptly declared a (N)Ice Day. Cars, structures, and plants were icy but the roads were surprisingly (and pleasantly) clear. No gave me time with the Missus, the father-in-law, the dogs, and...World of Tanks!

Now for my next confession: I've been playing a LOT of World of Tanks. A LOT! Which means I'm not doing as much writing as I would like. But: 1) It's been cathartic and relaxing. (Well, except when my tank goes BOOM!). And 2) It's given me an idea for a new story!

Which brings up the next topic...stories. Writers have two problems when it comes to stories: 1) A lack of new ideas and 2) an excess of new ideas! Right now, I have a folder that is rapidly filling with new ideas and no idea if I'll ever get to them. But that's okay! I'd rather have too many than too few. 

I am committed to completing the new sci-fi novel (sequel to Death Haunts the Stars) then I'll finish Quest for the Obsidian Blade. After that I'd like to start on the Young Adult (YA) steam punk story. And now I can add a spy/thriller novel AND a tanker/gamer novel to the list. Plus, I think Kyle and I have (at least) one more Terra-Bravo story in us.


My current list of e-books are still available through Check them out on my Amazon Author Page at


With the Winter weather vacillating between pleasant and foul, please be careful out there! 


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Onward and Upward!

What a week!

It was my first week back to work following the Christmas/New Years Holidays. Returned to work on Tuesday and jumped back into preparing for more photo shoots for Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th edition. 

Late Thursday night/early Friday morning it snowed here in Stillwater. Not much, about an 1 1/2 inches here. I woke up, shoveled snow from around the front porch, the car, and part of the driveway then went and picked up Julie from work. Returned home and finished brushing snow from the other cars and shoveled the rest of the snow from the driveway then put down some ice melt. Went back into the house, showered, shaved, and got dressed for work. I was heading out the door when I received a text message from the university that they were closed due to the snow! Then I received an e-mail, a phone call, and another e-mail alerting me of the same thing. SNOW DAY!


During the week, I was able to write several pages of new material for the sequel to Death Haunts the Stars! It's coming along nicely, just not as fast as I would like. I'm only about 70 pages into it. Still, it's a first draft.

As always, I want to thank my family and friends for being such wonderful ambassadors of my works to others. Please keep up the great work! 

My current novels are available as e-books through Just to remind everyone, if you have a Kindle Unlimited Subcription, you can check out my e-books and read them at no additional cost to you. It's all part of your subscription!

My current e-books are available through my Amazon Author Page at


Time to wrap things up for this week. Remember, we still have several weeks of winter to go and chances for snow are still great for many places, so be very careful out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome to 2017!

Greetings Everyone!

Finally, 2016 is behind us. What a year!
- A couple of new novels e-published.
- They began building the new building at FPP (which I've been shooting photos of!)
- My mother-in-law passed away.
- My father-in-law moved in with Julie and me.
- A new president elected.
- Gary and Stoni got married!
- I took some time off and just took it easy.

2017 is going to be very busy for me. Let's see what's on the docket:
- IFSTA Winter Meetings in a couple of weeks.
- Move into the new building/wing at Fire Protection Publications!
- Have to finish the photography for Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th by June!
- Begin photography for Facility Fire Brigades 2nd.
- IFSTA Conference in July.
- Publish three new novels by the end of the year.
- Get my existing novels ready for Print-on-Demand!
- Julie's and my 35th Anniversary in December!

Lots to do...lots to do!


Don't forget to spread the word to everyone you know that my e-novels are available for sale at my Amazon Author Page at


I've been making head way on the new novel. I'm working up slowly to the middle of the story, so I still have a lot to write.'s coming together nicely. I hope to finish it in a couple of month and get it e-published. Then I plan to move onto a new e-novel before returning to Quest for the Obsidian Blade.


Here's wishing each and every one of you a safe and exciting new year!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016