Thursday, June 1, 2023

Still Adjusting to Some of the Changes…

Hi, Everyone,

Welcome back!

In my last blog, I mentioned recent and upcoming changes: retirement, a new direction for Novel #9, and so on.

Well, change takes time. I’m getting a better handle on this “retirement” thing. At least, I no longer wake up at the crack of dawn. HUZZAH!!!

Of course, this means more time at home and the Boss Lady and I continue to find new ways to occupy that time: going to the gym, deep cleaning the house, fixing some infrastructure, etc…

Still, I AM making progress on the new novel. I came to the realization last night that I really need to draw up a timeline to accompany my rough outline. A timeline will help me set the story over a certain period of time and keep events straight. So that will be a big step going forward.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to check out my current novels on Amazon. The prices have gone up slightly on the print-on-demand paperbacks due to printing costs beyond my control. But, I’ve kept the e-book prices the same as before. (Also, I’m not considering doing hard back editions at this time. I really don’t think that’s a market I want to try.)

Here's a link to my Amazon Author page:

Until next time, stay safe out there!
