Saturday, July 25, 2015


The EUREKA moment and epiphany have already provided some significant results for the new e-novel!

I took the last couple of days to rework the outline, once again following the formula of long-time pulp magazine author, Lester Dent. Dent was the creator and primary author of the Doc Savage pulp novels of the 1930s and 1940s. He wrote 159 of the 181 Doc Savage stories in the series published by Street and Smith under their house name of Kenneth Robeson!

So, I've broken the murder mystery into four parts of four chapters each. I've restructured the outline and identified where already written materials will need to be moved and what new materials will need to be written.

My next step is to I need to take is to actually move the existing materials into their new chapters. Some of this will require serious thought to split certain events that are currently intertwined in the existing chapters! Ohhh, this is gonna be FUN!


Folks, you've done a terrific job this month getting the word out to people about my e-books! My hat is definitely off to you all!

We've got a week left in July and I ask that you help me double-down and make it a great week. Please share the following advertisement with anyone you know who may enjoy reading action/adventure stories! I've also written a non-fiction/self-help book for instructors who want to discover new ways to improve their techniques.


I'm gonna keep this one short so that I can get some work done on the new e-novel.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I think I've had an epiphany regarding the new e-novel! 

Wait! Let's stop and let me take a step back for a moment. In my last blog post, I discussed how difficult it is to write a mystery...this mystery, in point of fact. I must admit...I'm having a tough go of it on this one.

Which brings us to my EUREKA moment...I think I've discovered a means to make it come together faster AND work!

As I've said, I have been trying to write a mystery story; definitely something outside of my comfort zone and experience. So, here's what I'm gonna do...

I'm going to work on the story as if it was one of my action, adventure, and science fiction stories. This will pick up the pace of the story and the pace at which it is written! The game plan:

1) I'm going to go back to my outline and do some tweaking. (Tweaking...a highly technical term used by writers of all types. It means making changes, small, large, and everything in between!) 

2) I'll modify the five and a half chapters written thus far. 

3) Then I'll write more chapters until I reached my projected stopping point.

4) I'll go back and splice in the mystery-type components (clues, clues, clues!) to the expand the story in that direction.

5) Then it'll be edit-review-edit-proof time!

So, we'll see how this works. I've already begun revamping the outline. A couple of more days of that, then back to the story!

Wish me luck!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

"They Say Tragedy is Easy - It's Comedy That's Hard..."

There's a certain amount of truth in that expression...with a slight twist! 

As I write this, I've written five action/adventure/science fiction e-novels and am in the process of writing my first mystery (granted, it does have a science fiction background). But I'm finding this new e-novel perhaps the most challenging of all to write.

Over 50 years as a reader, I've read THOUSANDS (upon thousands, upon thousands...well, you get my meaning here) of action, adventure, and science fiction stories and novels. Perhaps the closest things to mysteries that I've read over those years are the Kenneth Robeson pulp magazine stories of Doc Savage and The Avenger and a handful stories/novels by other authors. 

So, why AM I writing a murder mystery set in space? Two reasons: 1) I was challenged to do so by my friend, Jimmie Badgett and 2) I wanted to challenge myself to write something outside of my comfort zone! 

Yes, it IS challenging! And frustrating! And irritating! And long, slow work!

I must admit...I'm struggling with this story. I'm trying to build the background, the settings, the characters, the motive(s) for the murder(s), and (oh, YES) the suspense. Trying to do all of this without tipping off who does what to whom and maintaining the sense of mystery throughout is EXTREMELY difficult. And to make it worse, I've got three other stories percolating in the back of my mind, wanting to be written! I'm expending a lot of effort to keep them from jumping ahead of the mystery e-novel as Arizona State Guard: Target Terror did.

There IS a certain amount of fun and satisfaction in writing the story. I shall persevere! I will improvise, adapt, overcome! I expect to complete this e-novel...sometime in the (near) future...


In other news, June and July have been good sales months! I've also begun receiving more Customer Reviews on Based on the reviews, the readers get what I'm trying to say and it's resonating with them. Hopefully, this will generate more sales resulting in more interest and generate more sales. 

I can't begin to thank my family and friends enough for getting the word out about my e-books. They are helping make my success as a salable author possible. To each of you, I extend my profound thanks!


Summer 2015 is finally heating up here in Oklahoma! Be careful out there if you are working outdoors. And be sure to get your children and pets out of any vehicles; don't leave them trapped inside one!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

One for the Road!

This will be a real short one as I'm leaving for the Annual IFSTA Validation Conference in a couple of hours. Looking forward to see many old friends and making many new ones. It's a short drive to Tulsa and then the fun begins!

I'll be online from time to time over the next few days but not doing real heavy posting. Yes! I will be taking my laptop AND the new story I'm working on with me. I'll work on it in the evenings and keep moving forward.

July sales have started off good! Still looking for that boost that will bring continuous sales on a daily basis. Well, a friend reminded me that George R.R. Martin wasn't an overnight success. Perseverance is the key!

Well, gotta go get ready to hit the road. Stay safe out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I Just Haven't Hit My Stride This Week!


This past week hasn't quite lived up to expectations. Well, I haven't lived up to expectations this week would probably be more accurate!

I helped Kyle (and Sean) with playing lumberjacks in Kyle's backyard on Thursday. I then cut some of the downed trees up into smaller pieces on Friday. Then I barbecued burgers, brats, and hot dogs outside in the heat on Saturday afternoon! In short (I know, too LATE!), I over did it! Sunday was pretty much a wash...a wipeout!

Yesterday, I felt better; and even more so today. But, other than doing my advertising and just a little writing on Seven Parsecs to Camadin, I really haven't accomplished that much in terms of writing. Sad, sad, sad.

Still, on the sales front, July is starting off pretty well. Heck, I've even had a couple of sales in Germany!!! Kinda cool!

I did get a new presentation for Slideshare (here) and a new ad illustration put together (see below)

So my game plan is to do some writing tonight, come Hell or high water. (Did I tell you it's raining [heavily] outside, as I write this???) 

So on that short note, let me wish each of you a safe and pleasant time...until next time!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

What a Week!!!

Folks, I was really hoping to get back on track this week with the murder mystery set in space (titled Seven Parsecs to Camadin) but haven't made it...yet!

Last Sunday, after a year of difficulty, I was finally able to get my computer to run dual monitors for an extended desktop! It took cursing, cajoling, and a $30 adapter, but it's working. Of course, having dual monitors means I would need room on my desk for both. Uh...the existing hutch only had room for one monitor. Damn!!!

So, I did some measuring, then some sketching, then went to my friendly neighborhood Lowes (where the Boss Lady works, by the way). Picked up some lumber and stain then raced home and set up my table saw. Cut, cut here; cut, cut there; then a little screwing around. (Hey, I like to use screws instead of nails when I build things!) 

Then I stained it and let the Sun work its magic to dry the stain. Waited a couple of hours, brought it inside and attached it to the desk, and voila...

Dual monitors with extended screen AND more usable desk space! 

So, since then I've been running some checks and updates on my computer to make the most of the dual monitors. I did get some advertising done but no writing, I'm sad to say.

But...this IS the 4th of July weekend and I WILL get some writing done!


In the meantime, June was a really good month for sales. Sold a little bit of everything but the two big sellers were the Arizona State Guard books. I look forward to when I can do more advertising, get the books out before more potential readers, and ring up more sales! 


I've also been very busy at the office working on various parts of my three projects and helping others with theirs. Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th is coming along fantastically! Got all the tech review comments down to Graphics and have a clean layout on my desk for any final typos, corrections, or tweaks. As soon as the index comes in, it'll be back to Graphics to be sent to the printers!


I've also been helping my son, Kyle, remove some trees from the back of his property. It's always fun to work with my sons on a project.


I hope and pray everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July tomorrow. I know there is the usual risk of people being injured (or even killed) while playing with fireworks, playing on our waterways, and even the risk of some terror attacks. Please stay alert, safe, and healthy!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015