Sunday, December 11, 2022


Hello Everybody!

Welcome back to Meanderings of a Middle Age Mind.

I’m back! After a very rough year, I am returning (at least parttime) to blogging and talking about writing.

So, what have I been up to, you may ask? Well, I had a mild case of COVID a few months back following a trip back east, but mostly I’ve been swamped with multiple high-priority projects at the place that pays the bills. So much so that the last thing I’ve wanted to do when I get home is look at a computer screen with thousands of letters and hundreds of words on it.

But three things have happened:

1)      Got over COVID and haven’t been sick since.

2)      I’ve been whittling the office projects down one by one. Only a couple of them left.

3)      I’ve made the decision to retire in May 2023!

It’s time and I hope that with retirement, I’ll be able to put some of my newly available time to use writing novels and short stories. You see, I haven’t been totally dead in the water “fiction-wise”. Any author keeps coming up with new story ideas. It’s just taking the time and effort to turn the ideas into actual projects, get them written, AND put them up for sale!

I’ve plenty of stockpiled ideas just waiting for me to get the time and gumption to work ‘em up! I plan to do some preliminary work on them over the Christmas and New Years Holiday and then more after the 1st of the year. So, stay tuned!

Meanwhile, my present novels are still available through Amazon. Science fiction, military adventure, and even a little mystery here and there. So, tell your family, friends, and others in your lives to check ‘em out!

Be seeing ya!