Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Off to a Great Summer of Writing!

Spring has sprung and Summer is here! Thus far Northern Oklahoma has been warm (and humid) but not really hot. And the National Weather Service long-range forecast for the area up through September has us being cooler and wetter than normal. Huzzah!

With the release of Arizona State Guard: Target Terror, my Summer of writing has gotten off to a great start. The e-publishing went smoothly and word is getting out. Sales since April are picking up and I've had two rather pleasant sales days (and one big surprise)!

Eight sales in one day alone! Yes, I know I'm not selling 10s, or 100s, or 1,000s a day, but I'm currently doing all of my own advertising and that is electronically or word-of-mouth. As I have more money, I'll invest in other advertising!

The breakdown of sales for the month are interesting as well. 

So, bit by bit, I'm growing my writing; both in terms of the number of books I've written and e-published as well as the number being sold and bringing in royalties. In fact, should receive another royalty check next month!


You folks can help by telling your family and friends who enjoy action, adventure, and intrigue to try my e-novels. I currently have two series I'm writing;

The Terra-Bravo Saga
- Chaos on Terra-Prime
- Foothold on Terra-Bravo
- Crisis on Terra-Bravo

The Arizona State Guard
- Bloody Border
- Target Terror

Each of these is available in digital form at Amazon.com (in Kindle format), Smashwords.com (in multiple formats), the iBook Store, Barnes and Nobles website (bn.com), and other sites.


I just returned from a short vacation and am going to spend this week doing some behind the scenes work, advertising, and such. Starting this next Sunday, I will jump back into the murder mystery I am writing and press on until it's completed! Can't wait to see how it turns out!


With Summer upon us, many of you will be going on vacation, participate in Summer-time activities, and so on. Just keep an eye on the heat, protect yourselves from too much sun, and have a great Summer!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Announcing -- The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror!

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages...step right up to our next bit of entertainment. I, your humble (*cough* *cough*) blogger hereby announce the e-publication of...

The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror!

That's right! You read it here first (unless you read about it on Facebook, or in an email to a dear friend, or from the phone call I made to my sister)!

Sean got the cover to me today and I was able to start the e-publishing process almost immediately. Before I talk about the new e-novel, I want to take a moment to thank Sean and to compliment the awesome cover he designed! I hope he keep doing covers for me and, one day, does more for other authors as well. The fellow has talent!

The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror picks up several months after the events of the first book, The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border. With illegal border activity and drug cartel crime down, the Arizona State Guard (ASGuard) can turn its focus on other hazards facing the Grand Canyon State. As the Islamic Global Caliphate (IGC) continues to conquer nation after nation across the globe, the 2nd American Civil War continues to smolder on the North American Continent. 

The IGC begins a series of terror attacks across the formerly United States and the ASGuard must deploy to protect the citizens of Arizona. But a greater, more deadly plot is developing and it is up to Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Roman and the troopers of Roman's Legion to solve the mystery of the radioactive watch in order to prevent the deaths of hundreds of thousands!

The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror is available in multiple e-book formats at Smashwords.com and in Kindle format at Amazon.com for $3.99. 

Please tell all of your family and friends about The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (and my other e-novels).


With this new e-novel e-published, I hope to do a little work behind the scenes to help Kyle along with the next e-book in the Terra-Bravo Saga. After that, I will be taking a (very) short vacation then will resume working on the murder mystery in space, now titled: Seven Parsecs to Camadin! 


Y'all be careful out there, now!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Very Soon!

That's right! Arizona State Guard: Target Terror, the second book of my new series, will be e-published very soon! In fact, I hope to have it online within a week.

Sean came up with some really nice cover ideas! We sat down the other night and discussed them. From that discussion, we selected a cover design and Sean made several really cool modifications! I think everyone will really like the new cover...I KNOW I DO!!!

My final edits are coming along really well. Finding the usual typos and minor grammar errors that need to be tweaked before publication. My mind outraces my fingers while I type and (quite) often I start on the next word without completing the previous one! So, I end up going back and adding such wonderful letter combinations as "ing", "ly", and "ed" to finish my thoughts. 

I think I have created a well rounded cast of characters for this new e-novel. I've certainly added more insight into the villians this go around. I've tried to keep a certain balance between the protagonists and the antagonists in order to keep the story moving forward.

I've included some illustrations, charts, and a glossary in this e-book. I'm hoping they will make it through the conversion process without bollixing up the works!


On the work front, IFSTA's Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition manual is nearing completion! All of the chapters, front and rear matter, and other manual completes have been laid out. Technical review comments are coming in and proofing shouldn't take too long. Our Curriculum Developers are doing a great job putting together the curriculum components. 


The Fire Service has lost several members over the past few weeks to fires, floods, and accidents. Fire fighting is a highly dangerous occupation and all too often we lose brothers and sisters. While I haven't been "on the floor" in many years, I'm still involved in my chosen career field through my work and through my associations with so many of the brave men and women who serve. Please keep our firefighters in your thoughts and prayers!


Summer is fast approaching and while temperatures have stayed relatively mild thus far, please stay aware of the heat in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Please do NOT leave your children or pets in a car with the windows up! Please, be careful!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015