Sunday, September 25, 2016

More Shameless Self-Promotion

Greetings and salutations, one and all!

I'm going to keep this post short this week. Lots to do today and little time to accomplish it all.

Well, Fall is here and Fall weather is beginning to take effect! It's supposed to be real nice this upcoming week. Time for some serious photo shoots for Essentials 7th to take advantage of the cooler temps!


A quick reminder that my current e-books are available for sale on my author page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Foothold on Terra-Bravo
Crisis on Terra-Bravo
The Terra-Bravo Saga

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge

Death Haunts the Stars

Honing Your Instructional Skills

Another quick reminder for those of you with Kindle Unlimited subscriptions, you may download and read these books as part of your subscription at no additional cost to you. Don't worry, the authors still get paid!


Quest for the Obsidian Blade is still on the back burner for now. The new science fiction book is coming along well. Not very fast but well. I've set the stage for the story and am about to introduce the main character AND throw the proverbial monkey wrench into the works. YAY! The fun begins!

Go out and enjoy this cooler weather!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Oops! I Missed a Week!

Greetings, my family and friends!

It looks like I skipped a week in blogging for which I must apologize. I got busy with life and let my writing take a back seat for awhile.


On the work side of things, my projects have been hopping. With the weather starting to cool down somewhat, I'm gearing up for some significant photo shoots for Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th edition. Two shoots this week and another next week to get the ball rolling again. And many more to follow in the months ahead.

Work on Industrial Fire Brigades, 2nd edition, proceeds apace. I'm compiling and editing chapters from Essentials 7th and overlaying the industrial information as necessary. We have an online meeting this week and another in a couple of weeks to work on two chapters.


On the personal writing front, I've set aside Quest for the Obsidian Blade temporarily to begin work on another science fiction story that has been percolating in the old brain for awhile. Never fear, I'll get back to Quest in the near future. Meanwhile, the new story is set in the same universe as Death Haunts the Stars. Some familiar characters from Death will make short and important appearances in the new novel but they will not be the central characters for this story. I'm creating a new cast of characters and a new threat for this novel. No working title yet...I'm working on it!


Sales and KENP reads for August were quite good. September is off to a slow start but I hold out hope that it'll be another good month. My e-books are available for sale on my Author Page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Foothold on Terra-Bravo
Crisis on Terra-Bravo
The Terra-Bravo Saga

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge

Death Haunts the Stars

Honing Your Instructional Skills


I think that's enough for this week. I've got a couple of side projects I'm working on for friends that require my attention AND some writing on the new novel to do!

Be safe out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016

August Was Good but Let's Make September Great!

August was a good month! 19 books sold and over 17,000 KENP page reads! Mostly the new book, The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge but also a number of the earlier ASGuard books and some Terra-Bravo Saga books as well. A great big THANK YOU! to everyone for helping make that happen.

September is getting off to a slow start but then again, so did August. Nothing the first few days but sales and KENP page reads are starting to come in. We'll make it up as the month goes along. In the meantime...

If you, a family member, or a friend are looking for something new and exciting to read on your Kindle or tablet, check out my e-books. They can be found on my Amazon Author page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99


Work on the next novel has begun but is moving VERY slowly. I'm finding I need a little down time so I've been working on projects around the house and playing some Star Trek Online with a new character. 

I did come up with some new ideas I will add to the new novels outline tonight. And I've had another story idea pop up I want to get some notes recorded for later writing. So, once my advertising is done and Julie is off to work, I shall be at my computer typing away!


Stillwater, Oklahoma, is a very interesting place to live. Hot and humid in the Summer; cold and damp (occasionally snowy and icy) in the Winter. Springs and Falls are often pleasant. We do get the occasional dust storm, wildland fire, or tornado... And earthquakes! Until recently, they were pretty mild but yesterday morning we had a 5.6 centered about 30 miles from the house. It was definitely the most severe and long lasting earthquake this Arizona boy has ever experienced. No damage to hearth and home but it did jangle some nerves!

Let's stay safe out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016