Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Pleasant Evening of Writing!

Julie and I went out for our evening 2 1/2 mile walk. Afterwards, I put Season Two of Justice League: Unlimited into the mini-DVD player and put my earphones in for some background noise then sat down to do some more writing.

Work on Roman's Legion is going well. I shouldn't say work as it's really a pleasant experience. I'm getting a good handle on each of the characters, their background, speech patterns, and so on. Since this is a military/adventure story set in the current era, I don't have to dream up otherworldly creatures or settings.

At the moment, I'm building the backstory of the main characters, setting the stage so to speak. Chapter 2 is big on getting our main character, Marcus Aurelius Roman, into position to re-create his team and move on with his life.

More to come on Roman's Legion in future blogs.


Picked up some sales of the Terra-Bravo Saga books this month. Not a huge jump in sales but sales none-the-less! The more folks that read 'em, hopefully the more they'll recommend them to others! Even had someone picked up Chaos, Foothold, and Crisis in one fell swoop on

The e-books of the Terra-Bravo Saga are available in a variety of e-book formats at, Amazon's Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble's B&, and a number of other e-bookstores on the Web! Each book is only $2.99!

Some of the other e-bookstores include:
Sony Reader Store (
Kobo (
Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
FlipKart (
Diesel eBook Store (
Versent Books (
Inktera eBookstore (
Angus & Robertson (

So here's hoping even more sales next month!


Hope everyone has a safe weekend!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Updating the Terra-Bravo Saga Facebook Page

I took some time today to update the Facebook page for the Terra-Bravo Saga:

1) Officially changed the name of the page from Terra-Bravo to The Terra-Bravo Saga

2) Added a new Cover image:

3) Added a new Profile Picture:

4) And other minor tweaks...

The e-books of the Terra-Bravo Saga are available in a variety of e-book formats at, Amazon's Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble's B&, and a number of other e-bookstores on the Web! Each book is only $2.99!

Some of the other e-bookstores include:
Sony Reader Store (
Kobo (
Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
FlipKart (
Diesel eBook Store (
Versent Books (
Inktera eBookstore (
Angus & Robertson (


This Memorial Day Weekend, I would like to ask everyone to remember those members of our Armed Services who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America.


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Roman's Legion ©

I promised I'd release some information on the new series as I went along so here's the first installment.

The new series will be called Roman's Legion ©. It is the story of a U.S. Special Forces operative who is medically retired from active duty but is able to overcome his injury. Unable to return to the military, he finds himself working in security for celebrities and other high target individuals. Soon, he is drawn into the rescue of a kidnapped child. He gathers a cadre of former Special Forces personnel to rescue the hostage. He and his team soon become a much sought after commodity for special missions the government and the police cannot under take.

The series is very much about military-style adventure. I'll develop a core group of characters that will work with Major Marcus Aurelius Roman as well as some characters that will rotate in and out of the series. Some will be good and some downright evil.

More to come as the first book moves through the stages of development!


Time for another shameless plug for the e-books of the Terra-Bravo Saga:

Chaos on Terra-Prime  (Kindle Link Here)  ( Link Here)  (B&N Link Here)
      written by Jeffrey M. Fortney

Foothold on Terra-Bravo  (Kindle Link Here)  ( Link Here)  (B&N Link Here)
      written by Jeffrey M. Fortney and K.M. Fortney

Crisis on Terra-Bravo  (Kindle Link Here)  ( Link Here)  (B&N Link Here)
     written by Jeffrey M. Fortney and K.M. Fortney

All three books are available through Amazon's Kindle Store as well as, Barnes & Noble, and a variety of other e-bookstores on the Internet. The e-books are available in 7 different formats on and should be in just about any format an e-reader might take!

If you know someone who enjoys science fiction, alternate history, and/or military adventure stories, please recommend the Terra-Bravo Saga to them! Each e-book costs only $2.99 and can be downloaded easily from any of the sites onto your e-reader with little or no difficulty.

For those without e-readers, Kindle, iBook, and other e-reader programs are available for download to laptops and PCs alike.

For those contemplating buying an e-reader or iPad, I can tell you they are worth it. I was reading an e-book one evening and reached the end of it. My wife asked what I was going to do? I told her I was going to purchase the next e-book in the series and keep on reading. In little more time than it took to tell her that, I purchased the e-book, had it downloaded to my e-reader, and was reading the next story!


Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy Memorial Day Weekend!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bitten by the Writing Bug!

I'd really hoped to take a week off from let the creative batteries recharge. 

Well, it didn't work out that way! And I'm kinda glad about it.

I've started working on the first e-book in a new series. This will be a military adventure series about a former Special Operations officer and a new team he assembles to combat a number of problems.

Anyway, I'm now five pages into the first chapter and having a blast!

I vaguely remember something a writer once said: 'Once bitten by the writing bug, a writer must write...just as much as they have to breath, eat, and sleep...the writer must write!'

So, I write!


If you know any science fiction/alternate history/adventure fans who are looking for something to read, please let them know about the Terra-Bravo Saga:

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Foothold on Terra-Bravo
Crisis on Terra-Bravo

They're available for $2.99 each at the Amazon Kindle Store,, and other e-bookstores.


'Til next time!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

E-books and E-bookstores!

Howdy Readers!

I'd like to take this opportunity to spread the word on some e-books and the e-bookstores they are available at.

E-books that I have authored or co-authored:
- Chaos on Terra-Prime - $ 2.99
- Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $ 2.99
- Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $ 2.99
- Honing Your Instructional Skills: 9 Steps to Improving Your Teaching - $ 0.99

An e-book written by two dear friends, Jimmie and Charlotte Badgett:
- Forward Thru the Fires of Life - $ 3.99

These e-books are now available in a number of formats at the following:

The Kindle Store (
Smashwords (
Sony Reader Store (
Kobo (
Apple iBooks Store (via iPad or iPhone)
FlipKart (
Diesel eBook Store (
Versent Books (
Inktera eBookstore (
Angus & Robertson (


I'm taking a short break from new writing projects (a week or so) to recharge the old batteries. I have three projects vying for my attention:
- An e-book about my mother for the family
- A sequel to the Terra-Bravo
- The first e-book in a new military adventure series

Stay tuned for future developments!

And, of course...

Let's be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Terra-Bravo Saga

The Terra-Bravo Saga involves a mixture of military adventure, science fiction, and alternate history. It currently consists of three books:

- Chaos on Terra-Prime
- Foothold on Terra-Bravo
- Crisis on Terra-Bravo

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Chaos on Terra-Prime is set about a decade ago on an alternate Earth (Terra). There we meet Major Kent Morgan (U.S. Air Force) and Captain Cord Morgan (U.S. Army) who are trapped in South Korea when their version of the United States of America devolves into another civil war. The Morgans and other U.S. military personnel must escape a North Korean invasion into South Korea in order to return home. But home is not what it used to be.

Foothold on Terra-Prime
Several years later, the absence of the U.S. on the world stage has allowed a growing Global Islamic Caliphate to overrun much of Terra...and the U.S. is next. Military scientist discover number of alternate worlds in parallel universes, one of which is hospitable. Terra-Bravo is a world just coming out of its last ice age. Humans never colonized the North American Continent and have only a limited presence and civilization in Europe, Asia, and Africa. A crash program is created to send teams to Terra-Bravo to build a colony for a later influx of colonists. Brigadier General Kent Morgan and his brother, Colonel Cord Morgan, lead the teams to Terra-Bravo and battle time, the elements, and the local fauna to prepare a home for the colonists.

Crisis on Terra-Prime
After being cut off from Terra-Prime, the colonists continue to expand their foothold on Terra-Bravo. As the colony grows, a hidden plot is discovered. Sleeper agents have been with the colonists since the start and try to destroy the colony from within. Once again, Brigadier General Kent Morgan and Colonel Cord Morgan and their friends must fight to survive.

Future Books
Kyle and I currently plan at least one more book in the Terra-Bravo Saga. I'll probably begin the next sequel within a month and let Kyle work on it in late Summer 2014. I have another series in mind that I would like to work on after that.

I first came up with the idea for the Terra-Bravo Saga over 25 years ago. It was originally intended to be about an alternate Earth in our time period that is still inhabited by dinosaurs. In those days, I would tell my children bits and pieces and their input helped guide the early development of the storyline. I initially worked on it on a typewriter then began to use computer word processing when it became affordable.

Over the (many) years, I vacillated between making it a kids' story, a teen story, and an adult story (you know: blood, guts, death!). In recent years, the option of e-publishing made me move closer to actually getting it written AND published, I began to zero-in on setting it as an adult story. Then along came a little television series called Terra Nova complete with dinosaurs and alternate history.

Frustration is a mild word for the feelings I had over years worth of work being blocked. Fortunately, the series was short-lived (Sorry, Steven Spielberg!) and calmer heads (Thank you, Julie!) suggested some minor changes that could save the day.

In talking with Kyle, we came up with a game plan of working together on the first book and I began pulling together all of the bits and pieces I've written over the (Did I already say "many"?) years. I even rolled in some elements of a couple of other short stories I'd written over the years. Along with the writing process, Kyle and I researched e-publishing options. We initially settled on Kindle Direct Publishing and then expanded to to take advantage of other e-book formats.

The idea quickly grew beyond a single book. So Kyle and I planned for at least one sequel and a prequel. We finished and e-published the first book and sequel together. Sadly, Kyle was busy when time came to write the prequel, so I went it alone on that one.

Bit by bit, we've picked up sales. I'm using a variety of digital marketing. I'm hoping to expand this advertising to science fiction magazines and other media in the future.


Stay safe, my friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chaos on Terra-Prime - Prequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga

Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I proudly present...

Chaos on Terra-Prime 

The Prequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga is now available for $2.99 at the Kindle Store and in other formats at and soon at other ebookstores!


What could happen to the United States of America if one political party took the reins of power...and refused to give them up? What could happen to our people, our economy, and our way of life? What would become of our military personnel trapped overseas during a political upheaval in the U.S.? And what if the world's sole remaining superpower was removed from the world stage? 

Imagine a world much like our own but instead of being called Earth, it is called Terra. And imagine a United States of America much like ours that descends into socialism and ultimate collapse. This is the exciting prequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga! Learn of the terrible civil war and the adventures that made Kent and Cord Morgan heroes years before they led their fellow Americans to Terra-Bravo! 

Major Kent Morgan (USAF) and his younger brother, Captain Cord Morgan (U.S. Army), are stationed in South Korea when a civil war breaks out in the United States. With the U.S. pulled from the world stage, oppressive governments around the world attack their weaker neighbors. North Korea begins an all-out assault on South Korea endangering the Morgan brothers and their fellow Americans now trapped on the Korean Peninsula. Kent and Cord lead a daring escape with a few of the survivors only to return to a nation that they barely recognize. Can they protect their family from the Chaos on Terra-Prime


Please get the word out to family and friends who are readers of science fiction/alternate histories!

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

So WHAT Have I Been Up To, You Ask?

Greetings family, friends, and readers!

Sorry I haven't blogged recently. I've been a little busy...getting the prequel to Terra-Bravo ready for epublishing!

Yes! That's right...the prequel is going online very, very soon!

How soon you may ask? It should be on by NLT midnight of June 13th, 2014. Once it passes Smashwords criteria, I'll get it posted on the Kindle Store at (hopefully by this Friday!).

Sooo...along the way, the prequel has undergone a name change. What started out as Terra-Prime: Civil War has evolved into...Chaos on Terra-Prime! After some market research and talking with other another author (Thanks, Brad!), I decided to keep the title in line with the format of the rest of the Terra-Bravo ebook titles.

So, I plan to post another blog post tomorrow with more news. Stay tuned!


As they used to say on the TV, "Let's be careful out there!"


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014