Monday, November 27, 2017

Measuring Success...

I've discussed this topic do I measure my success as an author? The answer is a multi-faceted one.

For my professional work on fire service training manuals, some of the important factors include:
- Did I complete the project on schedule?
- Did I adequately cover all of the necessary parts of the standard(s)?
- Did the manual help my customers achieves professional goals?
- Does it sell well?

For my personal writing, it's a little different. Some of the important measurements include:
- Was it something I really wanted/needed to write?
- Did it entertain someone?
- Did it invoke an emotional response in someone?
- Is it selling?
- How well is it selling?

I'll be the first to admit my first six novels had a political message to them; one that is not always popular with approximately half the population of the United States. I wrote them for the express purpose of generating emotional responses in a particular group of people. Now, the group of people for whom the books WEREN'T written are not likely to buy or read them. And, if they do, they won't like them! I'm okay with that. Really! Nothing will change their opinions anyway. 

I self-published them to ensure that I retained full editorial control of the content. If I had sought representation, an agent would have asked me to make changes to appeal to a broader audience...and changed the focus of the books. I was (and remain) opposed to doing that. I won't sacrifice or change my beliefs or my message to make someone else happy or simply to make a buck. (Maybe someday, an agent with a conservative publishing firm will come calling. Then again, maybe not.)

The books of my Camadin Station series are different. Death Haunts the Stars and Last Stand were written for purely commercial purposes. The first book was written as a murder mystery set in space, while the second is an attempt at space opera. Strangely enough, my more political books have outperformed my commercial books on a book-by-book basis!

So, while I'm not raking in the bucks with my e-books and print-on-demand paperbacks "flying off" the figurative shelve, I AM making more money FROM them than I have spent making them! People ARE buying them (or reading them through the Kindle Subscription Service). I've received positive reviews (both online and in person). So for now, I am content with the small measure of success I have while I pursue greater success in the future!


For now, check out my Amazon Author page at


Well, Thanksgiving is already behind us, Christmas is just around the corner, and 2018 is only a few weeks away. Wow! Where has 2017 gone?

Be safe!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Writing and An Online Presence

My family, friends, and long-time readers of this blog are aware of my work as a project manager, senior editor, and photographer for Fire Protection Publications and the fire service training manuals I've worked on over the past 15 and a half years. And, you're also familiar with my personal writing projects.

I've always enjoyed writing, creating stories, and telling people what might be just over the horizon. It can be fun, relaxing, frustrating, aggravating, and fulfilling all at the same time.

Thus far, I've written 8 novels, 1 how-to book, and 2 compilation e-books.

Wow! It's been quite a ride...and I'm not finished yet. I've other projects lined up for the future and, like many writers, I feel myself getting edgy...ready to write again!


As a self-published writer, I don't have an agent, a publisher, and a publicist. For the time being, I must fill these roles all by myself. To do that, I must have an online presence that highlights my writing and my works. So I use the following web sites:
- Facebook:
- Amazon:
- Twitter:
- Linked-In:
- Blogger:

Of course, my greatest sales force throughout the last few years has been family, friends, and readers. You have spread the word about each of my books and helped make them available to others. And I greatly appreciate each and every one of you for so!


Thanksgiving is almost upon us! I wish everyone safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Space Opera

As I've mentioned, Death Haunts the Stars, the first book of the Camadin Station series, is predominately a mystery set in space. Not being an avid reader of mysteries, I found it difficult to write. I finally resorted to writing the story as a straight science fiction adventure story then went back and addedthe pieces that made it into a mystery!

With Last Stand, the second book in the series, I took a different tack. Last Stand is basically a space opera story. Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction. It involves melodramatic adventure, interplanetary battles, space warfare, and risk-taking. There's conflicted between two or more opponents who have advanced technologies and futuristic weapons.

As a fan of E.E. "Doc" Smith's Skylark and Lensman series (both decidedly space operas!), it would be natural for me to want to write a story in that subgenre. The Camadin Station universe I introduced in Death Haunts the Stars makes an ideal setting for this new novel. I shifted the focus from mystery to adventure and space warfare, introduced a new enemy to the mix, and added new characters and locations.

By the middle of the 22nd Century, Humankind had begun to move out into deep space. Dozens of worlds in distant star systems were colonized and the Terran Federation was expanding along one arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. When a scout vessel happened upon a refugee fleet, the Terrans learn of an ancient race, the Azairi, who are conquering star system after star system…and the systems of the Terran Federation are next!

Camadin Station, commanded by Commodore James Rivers, is one of the Federation’s farthest outposts. This outpost becomes the last, best hope for the survival of Humankind. Rivers sends Captain Mac Bradley, Commander Jarrod Caulder, and a small crew to find the lost homeword of the Proge. Their mission? To find the Proge homeworld and scavenge whatever technologies they find in the hopes of stopping the Azairi!

But time is short and the trail to the Proge homeworld is fraught with danger!

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand is avaialbe through my Amazon Author page at!



Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!

I owe each of you, my family and friends, my heartfelt appreciation!

Thanks to you, people are buying or borrowing Camadin Station Two: Last Stand and The Arizona State Guard Trilogy (and many of my other books) from Amazon. 

Thank you, very much!!!

Amazon has even e-mailed ads out for Camadin Station Two: Last Stand for those who purchased some of my other books:

So keep up the fantastic job! Tell everyone you know... your family, friends, the mad scientist on the next street over, your postal carrier, your local comic book shoppe owners, your barber, and anyone else you can think of!

The Arizona State Guard
Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $7.99)
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge (e-book: $3.99 / paperback: $9.99)
The Arizona State Guard Trilogy (e-book format only: $7.99)

The Terra-Bravo Saga:
Chaos on Terra-Prime (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Foothold on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Crisis on Terra-Bravo (e-book: $2.99 / paperback: $9.99)

The Terra-Bravo Saga (e-book format only: $5.97)

Camadin Station:
Camadin Station One: Death Haunts the Stars (e-book: $4.99 / paperback: $8.99)
Camadin Station Two: Last Stand (e-book: $4.99 / paperback: $8.99)

Each of these books is available through my Amazon Author Page at

And, once again, Thank You So Very Much!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Camadin Station

A couple of years ago, my dear friend Jimmie Badgett challenged me to write a murder mystery set in space. Not be a regular reader of the mystery genre, it proved to be quite a challenge but Death Haunts the Stars was born. I've always felt there are more stories to write in that universe so I set out to write a sequel that was more science fiction or even space opera in nature. The result is Last Stand. Together, these books comprise the first stories of the Camadin Station series. And there ARE more stories to be told in this universe and we haven't heard the last of James and Charlotte Rivers, McLelland Bradley, and Jarrod Caulder. 

In the early 23rd Century, Humanity is spreading out to the stars. Colonies have been started on many new worlds. The Terran Colonial Vessel Conestoga is one of many star vessels carrying hundreds of colonists to their new homes.

But the Conestoga's latest voyage to the colony world Camadin is different! First, a number of dangerous incidents occur involving some of the crew of the ship. Then dozens of disruptive teenage passengers endanger the ship. When a passenger dies, questions arise about the cause.

Captain James Rivers, Security Chief Mac Bradley, and the crew of the Conestoga face a seemingly endless series of threats aboard a ship that is light years from Earth. It appears someone aboard the Conestoga is trying to sabotage their mission! But who could it be? And what is their motive?

As the danger increases, can Rivers, Bradley, and the crew stop Death from claiming the lives of everyone aboard the Conestoga?

By the middle of the 22nd Century, Humankind had begun to move out into deep space. Dozens of worlds in distant star systems were colonized and the Terran Federation was expanding along one arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. When a scout vessel happened upon a refugee fleet, the Terrans learn of an ancient race, the Azairi, who are conquering star system after star system…and the systems of the Terran Federation are next!

Camadin Station, commanded by Commodore James Rivers, is one of the Federation’s farthest outposts. This outpost becomes the last, best hope for the survival of Humankind. Rivers sends Captain Mac Bradley, Commander Jarrod Caulder, and a small crew to find the lost homeword of the Proge. Their mission? To find the Proge homeworld and scavenge whatever technologies they find in the hopes of stopping the Azairi!

But time is short and the trail to the Proge homeworld is fraught with danger!

Both books are available in e-book and paperback formats through my Amazon Author page at

Check out my Camadin Station series and my other books on Amazon! And be sure to tell your family and friends about them!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Arizona State Guard Trilogy

You may have heard that I published  my latest novel, Camadin Station Two: Last Stand this past weekend!


I also e-published a compilation of my Arizona State Guard novels as The Arizona State Guard Trilogy! This e-book combines the three Arizona State Guard books into one volume:

Bloody Border

War weary Major Marcus A. Roman returns home to Arizona, ready to move on with his life. The former Special Forces operative finds his home state besieged on many levels. When the Federal Government fails to protect its citizens along the border with Mexico, Arizona's governor and legislature take steps to protect the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Marcus and his family are drawn into the crossfire when he and his father are recruited to help form the state's new first-line of defense...the Arizona State Guard!

Target Terror

The 2nd American Civil War continues to smolder between the United States of America and the People's Socialist States of America. Around the globe, the Islamic Global Caliphate is growing as nation after nation falls under their bloody control. And now, the IGC has the State of Arizona in its crosshairs! In Arizona, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Roman and his fellow ASGuard troopers must defend the Grand Canyon State against a new threat...a terror plot developed by the Islamic Global Caliphate. Join LTC Roman and his troopers as they follow clues across the face of Arizona. Can the ASGuard solve the mystery of the radioactive watch and prevent the immediate death of thousands and the slow death of many, many more!

Freedom’s Forge

The time has come! The Islamic Global Caliphate has aligned itself with the People's Socialist States of America and the drug cartels and rogue forces of Mexico. This evil alliance has one goal - the destruction of the United States of America. With the IGC in control of the East and West Coasts of the North American Continent and the northern territories of Mexico, the new U.S. in the center of the continent must prepare for total war on many fronts. Once more, the Arizona State Guard must stand between invaders and the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Colonel Marcus Roman and his 1st Tactical Battalion, code-named Roman's Legion, are on the frontlines of the coming battle. They stand side-by-side with their brothers and sisters of the U.S. Armed Forces to defend their nation! Together, they must pass through a forge of fire to defend freedom!

Available in e-book format only at Amazon's Kindle Store or through my Author page at for $7.99. 

Check it out!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I proudly introduce the exciting sequel to Death Haunts the Stars...

By the middle of the 22nd Century, Humankind had begun to move out into deep space. Dozens of worlds in distant star systems were colonized and the Terran Federation was expanding along one arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. When a scout vessel happened upon a refugee fleet, the Terrans learn of an ancient race, the Azairi, who are conquering star system after star system…and the systems of the Terran Federation are next!

Camadin Station, commanded by Commodore James Rivers, is one of the Federation’s farthest outposts. This outpost becomes the last, best hope for the survival of Humankind. Rivers sends Captain Mac Bradley, Commander Jarrod Caulder, and a small crew to find the lost homeword of the Proge. Their mission? To find the Proge homeworld and scavenge whatever technologies they find in the hopes of stopping the Azairi!

But time is short and the trail to the Proge homeworld is fraught with danger!


Camadin Station Two: Last Stand is available in e-book and print-on-demand paperback formats through my Amazon Author Page at The e-books sells for $4.99 and the print-on-demand paperback sells for $9.99. 

(Kindle Unlimited subscribers, you may download the e-book as part of your subscription. Amazon Prime subscribers qualify for free two-day delivery on the paperback!)


Be sure to tell your family and friends about this exciting new novel AND its predecessor, Death Haunts the Stars, also available in e-book and PoD paperback!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Good News, Everybody!

Greetings and salutations, Faithful Readers!

I join you this day with good news. 

This weekend, I published not one but two (Yes, that's right! Two!) books! As of yesterday, Camadin Station Two: Last Stand AND The Arizona State Guard Trilogy are live on Amazon! 

It's taken some time to finish Last Stand but it's finished and published in two formats: e-book AND print-on-demand paperback. The e-book is priced at $4.99 and the paperback is priced at $9.99. 

The Arizona State Guard Trilogy took a little time to compile the files, create a new cover and table of contents, then tweak the flow into one volume. This is an e-book only to keep it affordable at $7.99.

These books are available through my my Author Page at! Tell your family and friends about them!

Going to keep this one short. Lots of relaxing to do today!

Stay safe!


Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017