Sunday, July 24, 2016

Still Moving Forward!

Walt Disney once told his people to "Keep Moving Forward!" It became the central theme of the main character in the movie "Meet the Robinsons".

Well, I'm still moving forward! Lots yet to do and fewer days ahead in which to accomplish it all. So, let's get to it!

How are we doing? Well, we're getting a steady number of nominations each day...just not a very large number of them. Still, we're on track to have more nominations than Death Haunts the Stars. Sadly, we haven't been HOT or TRENDING which leads to the contract.

So let's see if we can encourage folks to take a moment to nominate The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge at Be sure to tell your family, tell your friends, tell your mail carrier (who should really be a friend after all!), and tell everyone else you know about it, as well! Remember...every nomination helps!

We're at Day 18 of the Kindle Scout campaign for The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge, the final, exciting chapter in The Arizona State Guard Trilogy! That means we have only 12 days left to gather enough nominations to win a Kindle contract. This campaign will run until midnight (EDT) August 6, 2016. My profound thanks to everyone who nominates my novel!

My older e-books are still available through Amazon on my Author's Page at It's always great to hear from old friends! Especially after they've read one or more of my books! I just heard from Jim Ward, a friend from Chanute, and he was quite complementary of my writing and my e-books. Thank you, Jim! All the best to you and yours!


So, moving forward...

Tonight, I start serious work on my next writing project...Quest for the Obsidian Blade, a sword & sorcery fantasy filled with swashbuckling derring-do, humor, and some very risque moments! This one is going to be quite different from the others I've written thus far. A chance to try another genre, create new characters, and be a bit of a punster at times.

On a side-note, Julie and I went to see Star Trek Beyond yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. We highly recommend it to family and friends!In the meantime, it's time for me to stop writing this blog, get it formatted, and out to you! Then do a little online advertising for the current e-books. (Already did the advertising for The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge!)

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Time for an Update!

I missed an update last weekend because of the 2016 IFSTA Validation Conference. It was a great weekend and the Industrial Fire Brigades Committee, Tara Roberson-Moore, and I made significant strides on the Industrial Fire Brigades (2nd edition) project!


Today marks Day 11 of the Kindle Scout campaign for "The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge"! We have only 19 days to go so please continue to ask family and friends to nominate "The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge" for an exclusive Kindle contract at


My earlier books are available on my Amazon Author's Page at


This Summer is turning out to be a hot one! Be careful out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Latest Kindle Scout Campaign is LIVE!

Okay folks, we got the Kindle Scout campaign for The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge off to a good start. Day 1 has been good but we still have 29 days to go so please continue to ask family and friends to nominate The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge for an exclusive Kindle contract at

The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge

Part political thriller, part military adventure…all action.

Read The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge…the final thrilling chapter in the Arizona State Guard Trilogy.

Following in the footsteps of the two previous Arizona State Guard novels, Bloody Border and Target Terror, Freedom’s Forge is a look at a terrifying potential future. When the U.S. becomes divided by political strife, a Second American Civil War breaks out. Without the United States of America to maintain world peace, the Islamic Global Caliphate becomes a reality, growing, spreading from country to county until a divided America is all that remains.

The time has come! The Islamic Global Caliphate has aligned itself with the People’s Socialist States of America and the drug cartels and rogue forces of Mexico. This evil alliance has one goal…the destruction of the United States of America. With the IGC in control of the East and West Coasts of the North American Continent and the northern territories of Mexico, the new U.S. in the center of the continent must prepare for total war on many fronts.

Once more, the Arizona State Guard must stand between invaders and the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Colonel Marcus Roman and his 1st Tactical Battalion, code-named Roman’s Legion, are on the frontlines of the coming battle. They stand side-by-side with their brothers and sisters of the U.S. Armed Forces to defend their nation! Together, they must pass through a forge of fire to defend freedom!


Thank you all for your continued support! I couldn't do this without YOU!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wonderful News!

I finished the final edits on The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge late Friday night. (Or was it very early Saturday morning? I can't recall.) Anyway, I have submitted Freedom’s Forge to Amazon's Kindle Scout Program. It is currently under review and I should know in a couple of days if it is selected for a campaign to compete for an exclusive Kindle contract. If so, I'll be posting frequently to encourage folks to log in to Kindle Scout to nominate Freedom's Forge. If not, I will upload it to Amazon for immediate sale! 

With Freedom's Forge completed and submitted to KSP, I've tried to sit back and relax, take care of some household projects, and otherwise chill out. I must have the author bug real bad, I'm already antsy and ready to begin work on my next writing project! 


Tomorrow is Independence Day, commonly called the 4th of July! Let's celebrate the 240 anniversary of the birth of the United States of America...but let's do it wisely and safely. Please be careful if you are going to set off fireworks. Be cognizant and respectful of veterans and pets who may be negatively affected by the flashes of light and sounds of explosions. Safe travels!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016