Sunday, August 28, 2016

Shameless Self Promotion!

Sales and KENP reads are coming along nicely this week. Folks are discovering The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge, realizing that it is part of a trilogy, and are purchasing/reading the other two books in the series as well!

If you haven't checked out my e-books yet, now is the time to do so!

Chaos on Terra-Prime
Major Kent Morgan (USAF) and his younger brother, Captain Cord Morgan (U.S. Army), are stationed in South Korea when a new civil war breaks out in the United States. They and other Americans stranded in South Korea must battle their way home only to be caught up in the civil war at home. 

Foothold on Terra-Bravo
The threat of a growing Islamic Global Caliphate endangers the lives of every U.S. citizen and leads to an escape by some to another alternate Terra. There they must struggle to survive and create a foothold in a hostile environment…a world coming out of an ice age! 

Crisis on Terra-Bravo
The colonists face further dangers on their new world, Terra-Bravo, and the threat of saboteurs who came with them from Terra-Prime. 

The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set)

Collects the first three books of the Terra-Bravo Saga into one volume. Priced at $5.97, you save a buck a book by buying the box set!

The Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border
War weary Major Marcus A. Roman returns home to Arizona, ready to move on with his life. The former Special Forces operative finds his home state besieged on many levels. When the Federal Government fails to protect its citizens along the border with Mexico, Arizona's governor and legislature take steps to protect the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Marcus and his family are drawn into the crossfire when he and his father are recruited to help form the state's new first-line of defense...the Arizona State Guard! ($3.99)

The Arizona State Guard: Target Terror
Following the events of Bloody Border, Marcus and the other ASGuard troopers face new dangers! As the 2nd American Civil War continues to smolder between the United States of America and the People's Socialist States of America. Around the globe, the Islamic Global Caliphate is growing as nation after nation falls under their bloody control. And now, the IGC has the State of Arizona in its crosshairs! In Arizona, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Roman and his fellow ASGuard troopers must defend the Grand Canyon State against a new threat...a terror plot developed by the Islamic Global Caliphate. Join LTC Roman and his troopers as they follow clues across the face of Arizona. Can the ASGuard solve the mystery of the radioactive watch and prevent the immediate death of thousands and the slow death of many, many more! ($3.99)

The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge
The time has come! The Islamic Global Caliphate has aligned itself with the People’s Socialist States of America and the drug cartels and rogue forces of Mexico. This evil alliance has one goal…the destruction of the United States of America. With the IGC in control of the East and West Coasts of the North American Continent and the northern territories of Mexico, the new U.S. in the center of the continent must prepare for total war on many fronts. Once more, the Arizona State Guard must stand between invaders and the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Colonel Marcus Roman and his 1st Tactical Battalion, code-named Roman’s Legion, are on the frontlines of the coming battle. They stand side-by-side with their brothers and sisters of the U.S. Armed Forces to defend their nation! Together, they must pass through a forge of fire to defend freedom!

Death Haunts the Stars
In the early 23rd Century, Humanity is spreading out to the stars. Colonies have been started on many new worlds. The Terran Colonial Vessel Conestoga is one of many star vessels carrying hundreds of colonists to their new homes. But the Conestoga's latest voyage to the colony world Camadin is different! First, a number of dangerous incidents occur involving some of the crew of the ship. Then dozens of disruptive teenage passengers endanger the ship. When a passenger dies, questions arise about the cause. Captain James Rivers, Security Chief Mac Bradley, and the crew of the Conestoga face a seemingly endless series of threats aboard a ship that is light years from Earth. It appears someone aboard the Conestoga is trying to sabotage their mission! But who could it be? And what is their motive? As the danger increases, can Rivers, Bradley, and the crew stop Death from claiming the lives of everyone aboard the Conestoga?

Honing Your Instructional Skills
Why some instructors/teachers are more successful than others? How are they able to reach and inspire their students? What are they doing differently than their co-workers? How can you become a more effective instructor/teacher?

Honing Your Instructional Skills discusses nine areas that instructors/teachers can work on to improve their teaching. These topics are presented in short, concise chapters and in everyday language. Quick and easy to read, Honing Your Instructional Skills offers common sense approaches that can help instructors/teachers of all types and levels improve their teaching!

All of my e-books are available through my Author Page at If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you may download and read them as part of your subscription!

Have a great week, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sales and "Page Reads"

Welcome back!

It's been a good week for The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge and many of my other books. Sales have been good (not great, but good) on Freedom's Forge and even picked up some new sales on some of my other books (particularly the first two books of the Arizona State Guard trilogy). 

It has been a great week for Kindle Unlimited Page Reads! Many folks with Kindle Unlimited accounts have gone back to read my earlier books as well as Freedom's Forge. The number of pages read has averaged about 400 - 500 a day for the past few days! That's about a book royalty a day! 

Yes, I wish it was more but with the limited advertising I do online and with your gracious help, it's good! I am gearing up, however, to expand my Facebook advertising by promoting my Homepage and posts in the very near future. 

In the meantime, please share the following with family and friends: 

All of my e-books are available through my Amazon Author's Page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99

Your help is greatly appreciated!


I've taken a little more time off from writing this past week. One, to do a little more advertising for The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge. Two, to rest and unwind a bit more. Been feeling a little under the weather and want to get feeling better!

The weather here in Stillwater has cooled way down the last couple of days. Went out this morning to mow the yards and hardly felt like I broke a sweat! Nicer weather means more photo shoots on the horizon for Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition which I look forward to!

Have a great week, everyone!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

It's Been a Long Time...

Okay, it's been about three weeks and I've been busy! Really busy!

By now you've no doubt heard that The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge did not receive a Kindle contract. I'm not upset...honest! I'm treating it as a learning experience. The Kindle campaign for Freedom's Forge did much better/a little worse than the campaign for Death Haunts the Stars.

Death Haunts the Stars
Views: 202
Hours in Hot and Trendings: 42

The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge
Views: 305
Hours in Hot and Trending: 1

Still, we ran a clean and positive campaign. No other authors or books were impugned or under investigation. So, as I said, it's a learning experience. I've some new ideas I want to try for my next Kindle campaign...and there WILL BE a next campaign. (More to follow in future blog posts...)

The Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge IS available on Amazon through my Author's Page at and at the Amazon page for the book at

The Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge

The time has come! The Islamic Global Caliphate has aligned itself with the People’s Socialist States of America and the drug cartels and rogue forces of Mexico. This evil alliance has one goal…the destruction of the United States of America. With the IGC in control of the East and West Coasts of the North American Continent and the northern territories of Mexico, the new U.S. in the center of the continent must prepare for total war on many fronts. Once more, the Arizona State Guard must stand between invaders and the citizens of the Grand Canyon State. Colonel Marcus Roman and his 1st Tactical Battalion, code-named Roman’s Legion, are on the frontlines of the coming battle. They stand side-by-side with their brothers and sisters of the U.S. Armed Forces to defend their nation! Together, they must pass through a forge of fire to defend freedom!


My other e-books are also available on Amazon through my Author's Page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Freedom’s Forge - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99


With the Kindle campaign over, I can turn my time and thoughts to my next project...Quest for the Obsidian Blade, a sword & sorcery fantasy novel with ties to the Arthurian legends. It'll be full of swashbuckling action, humor, puns, and even a little risque! I'm working on the outline and hope to begin writing chapters in a couple of weeks!


It's been a HOT summer. Remember to stay hydrated out there. Heat related illnesses are nothing to play around with!

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016