Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Rough and Rocky Week...

It's been a rough and rocky week of ups and downs. On the upside, my father-in-law continues to recover from his post-surgery illness. A downer for me is that Julie is in Arizona to be with him during his convalescence but on the upside, she'll be home later this week.

On the downside, I lost a close friend earlier this week and went to Arkansas to attend his memorial service. Cut down by a heart attack at age 62 years young. 

So, I'm going to do some advertising and then sign off.


My e-books are available at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99


Be safe out there, folks!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016


What a week!

I got quite a bit done on my office projects even with some distractions (a photo shoot for Essentials, photo shoots of construction on our new office building addition, and some travel). I finished Chapter 2 of Industrial Fire Brigades 2nd and got it posted for my validation committee to review and comment upon. AND, I am working on Chapters 3 and 4 concurrently and should have them ready for the committee soon!

I've tried so hard to take this week off from doing any writing or editing on my personal projects. I do this after finishing a first draft of a project to let the creative batteries recharge before beginning the edits and publishing preparation on the project.

I have been successful in staying away from Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge...BUT...have found myself adding to the story "bible" for Quest for the Obsidian Blade AND a story "bible" for yet another project. When I described what I was doing to Kyle, he said I should pace myself. I think this is a common problem with many authors...they are constantly coming up with new ideas to write about. Some reach the end of their lives leaving behind finished but unpublished works or unfinished works in varying levels of completion.

I'd rather have too many ideas to work on than too few. Sooner or later, I'll hit a dry patch. In the meantime, I have plenty of ideas to work on AND, eventually, something may become a big seller for me!


In the meantime, please continue to tell everyone you know about my current e-books. You have been critical to the success of my e-books and I greatly appreciate your assistance in getting the word out!

My current e-books are available through

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99


We're supposed to be having some strong Spring storms across parts of the country this week, so please be safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Qapla' (Klingonese for "Success!")

What a truly successful last few days!

Julie and I went to Arkadelphia, AR, on Friday to help Gary pack up his dorm room contents. He's done! He graduated on Saturday morning with a Bachelors of Science degree...summa cum laude! He'll spend the Summer here then he and Stoni will be heading to Columbus, OH, for the next chapter of their lives.

Driving is always a great time for me because while Julie sleeps, I can drive AND think about the story (or stories, in this case) I'm working on. Had a lot of thoughts this trip on how to wrap up Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge AND to add to my mental "bible" for the next book, Quest for the Obsidian Blade! We made it back Saturday evening and went right to sleep, so no writing then.

Sunday, I got off to a slow start but by afternoon I was ready to do my advertising (minus this blog) AND do so writing. By the end of the evening, I'd finished 5 pages of Chapter 19, the final chapter of the new book. 

Well, tonight I wrote one final page and so the first draft of ASG: Freedom's Forge is officially done!!! Now to take a week (evenings) off to let my mind wander and relax, then next Monday night I will begin the edits and e-publishing preparation work to get it ready for Amazon's Kindle Direct Program. I anticipated at least two weeks of edits, perhaps more.


In the meantime, don't forget my earlier books. They are still available through my Amazon Authors Page at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99

As Stillwater's little conical, rotating visitor proved to us last week, Spring weather can be dangerous and unpredictable. Stay safe, everybody!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, May 8, 2016


What a great weekend! Got a lot done around the house and on the new novel. 

Julie and I planted a new tree and some holly plants. I was able to cut down some low hanging branches in one corner of the backyard that kept scratching our heads and necks when we'd mow around 'em. Had to build a new sawhorse for cutting tree branches but I love building with wood, so it was fun! I was able to mow and edge the front and back yards in between sprinklers today. I even had time to play fetch with Remi and Ryli for a bit!

The first draft of the new novel, the Arizona State Guard: Freedom's Forge, is coming along nicely. Over 10 new pages in the last few days. I'm working on a major battle scene which is always very exciting and fun to do! The next few pages will reflect what happens outside of Arizona in the story, then will return to the Grand Canyon State for the finale! 

Sean dropped by today and we talked about the cover. I gave him my thoughts and we'll see what kind of design he comes up with. I'm sure I'll be pleased with the result.

And this evening, I do believe I've completed my advertising in record time! So don't forget to tell everyone who know about my e-books available at my author page at ( These e-books include:

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99

Have a great week, folks! Catch you later!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Thrill of Success and the Agony of De-shoulders

What a busy and frustrating couple of weeks Julie and I have had! 

Took Friday afternoon off (two weeks back) to begin work on the final part of the repairs to our backyard fence that was damaged a couple of months back. During the week, we'd dug post holes, cut tubes for cementing the posts in, and got the posts installed. Friday, we installed cross bracing between several posts and re-installed several fence panels. Julie also dug a hole for a Japanese Maple that we were going to transplant once the "old" fence was removed.

The following Saturday morning we were up early and out in the yard to complete the project. We disassembled the remaining "old" fence and salvaged the gate hardware. We built and installed a new gate, then pulled the two remaining "old" posts and their cement anchors. At that point, we stopped working on the fence, and shifted over to digging out the Japanese Maple (as carefully as we could!!!) and transplanting it to its new home.

With that accomplished, we modified the last two post holes, installed tubes, put the posts in, and cemented them in place. We did some cross bracing, then re-installed the fence panels! Huzzah! Mission complete AND successful. Oh, the thrill of success!!!

But success often comes at a price. That Saturday was a beautiful, temperate, sun-shiny day! Couldn't have asked for better to get this work done. I mentioned the sun, right? Well, we both got pretty badly sunburned...particularly on our shoulders. Hence, the agony of De-shoulders!

When I finally started writing this post a day or so later, I was finally feeling a little better...blistered but not too bad. Ain't the first time this has happened; probably won't be the last.

Well, on that Sunday, I was cleaning up the yard and tripped over an old willow stump; scraping the hell out of my left ankle! Which proceeded to get infected (somewhat)! Oh, and the mild blistering of the sunburn turned worse. *sigh* I'm peeling like one of the alien Visitors from the old television series, "V".

So, I didn't gotten much of anything written that week BUT...I did work on the new novel in my head so when I DO sit down to write, there's gonna be a lot of new material written.

So this past week has been spent recuperating from the sunburn and ankle infection. The good news is...Julie and I are feeling MUCH better today!

So much better that I MUST do some writing tonight! I can feel it in my bones that I MUST write! I'll let you know via my Facebook page how that goes.


My co-worker and fellow author, Brad McLelland, pointed out the benefits of using hashtags on Twitter to help spread the word about my books. So you'll start seeing more and more of these in my tweets! Thanks, Brad!


Reads and sales of my existing books has been down of late, so I ask once more if you'd all be so kind as to put the word out about my e-books. You've all been fantastic in doing so and I greatly appreciate your help in telling folks about my e-books!

My e-books are available at

Chaos on Terra-Prime - $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo - $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo $2.99
The Terra-Bravo Saga - Volume 1 (box set) - $5.97

Arizona State Guard: Bloody Border - $3.99
Arizona State Guard: Target Terror - $3.99

Death Haunts the Stars - $4.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills - $0.99


Let's ALL be careful out there, folks! (To include yours truly!)


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2016