Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pressing On!!!

Wow! It's been kind of a weird couple of weeks since my last blog post!

First, let me apologize for falling off the blogosphere. Lot's of work on the work front and at home. 

- In trying to stay ahead of schedule with Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition, I've realized that the bulk of the time scheduled for a photo/video shoot at DFW International will be focused (yeah, a bad pun!) on shooting the skill sheets. While this will give me many images for the chapter text sections, it wouldn't fill all of them. So I've been doing some deep image searches and illustration drafting to cover the bulk of each chapter.

- On the home front, it was time to get Gary ready to go back to college! (Huzzah! Cheers! and so on!) Last weekend, Julie, Gary, and I loaded up our vehicles for the trip to Arkansas with all of his stuff. Since he couldn't get into his dorm until 1:00 p.m. Sunday and Julie and I didn't want to drive down and back in just one day, we went to Camden on Saturday. We got to visit with Heather, Damien, and Aiden. Sadly, James was out of town so we missed him. Sunday we got to take Gary back to his dorm, drop him and his stuff off, then Julie and I hightailed it back home!

- In the process of all of this, my creative bug had gone into a mild state of shock. Instead of doing any writing, I did some reading. A friend highly recommended John Scalzi's Old Man's War so I picked up a copy and couldn't put it down! Thanks, John Konrad for recommending it!  

Secondly, after this fortnight (or more) of recharging, I hit the computer running the other night. In the past four days, I've written 15 pages on the new novel!!! (And, I'll probably do some more tonight after I finish this blog post and some online advertising!) I also finalized the integration of of the last of the information drawn from the Prologue of Chaos on Terra Prime, so everything I write in the new novel from here on is totally new material! As it stands this instant, I've written 87 pages for the new novel!

And I intend to keep hammering away at it until I get the first draft finished. I'll probably take a week off then to recharge then dive back in to edit and revise...polish it up a bit. I'm still wanting to have this one e-published by the end of October 2014!


Sales on the Terra-Bravo Saga books started off good the first week or so of August then dropped by mid-month. I can trace it directly to not staying active in talking about them online so that is something I really need to focus on.

As always, I ask that you share information about the Terra-Bravo Saga with friends and family members who enjoy adventure, military, and science fiction stories. 

Chaos on Terra-Prime                    $2.99
Foothold on Terra-Bravo                $2.99
Crisis on Terra-Bravo                     $2.99

Honing Your Instructional Skills     $0.99

These book are currently only available as e-books (maybe in paperback someday???) through Amazon's Kindle Store or in a variety of e-pub formats at They are also available through B& and other online e-bookstores.


Well, I'm going to sign off so that I can send out invites to this post and do some other online advertising. I wish everyone a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Trying to Get Back on Track!!!

Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows what an avid reader I am. They also know that I'm a fan of General George S. Patton, Jr. After years of trying to track down a copy of Ladislas Farago's "Patton: Ordeal and Triumph" I finally found one and got hooked on reading it. Then a new William W. Johnstone novel came out once I was done with Patton.

So what happens when Jeff the Reader overwhelms Jeff the Writer? Well...Jeff the Writer takes the back seat! That's what!

Now...with all that reading out of the's time to get back to doing some writing!!!


Sales were good in the month of July, not fantastic, but good. I've already had a number of sales this month and am a third of the way to another royalty check! I will be doing some additional advertising the rest of this week as well as working on the new novel. The new novel will definitely be a spin-off of the Terra-Prime world and storyline.


I do want to take a moment and say Rest in Peace Robin Williams. I can't count the number of hours I've been entertained by his acting skills and his humor. Sadly, he was a victim of depression that afflicts so many. As bad as his loss is to his family, friends, and fans...there are worse things going on around this world that the rest of us are left to deal with.

Enough for now. Time to write for fun and money!

Stay safe, everyone!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014