Monday, December 23, 2013

Crisis on Terra-Bravo is now e-published!

Crisis on Terra-Bravo is now available in multiple formats (epub, Mobi [Kindle], pdf, rtf, and others) on! It will be available until January 23, 2014 at 20% off the regular price (use coupon code YS52T).  

Go to If you do not have a Smashwords account, please create one. Log-in and search for Crisis on Terra-Bravo or go to You may need to turn on Adult Content (there are some curse words) to see the book's listing. Click on Crisis on Terra-Bravo when it comes up, select the format you wish to download, and follow their directions.

Crisis on Terra-Bravo should also be available through other distributors (Kindle Store, Apple iBook Store, Barnes &, Kobo, and others) within a couple of weeks!



© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Well, the stand-up desk idea was a flop. Nothing wrong with the concept, I just couldn't get used to it. My hope had been to alleviate hours of sitting at the darned thing and gain some health benefits by standing at it. Unfortunately, because of my discomfort standing, I've done very little writing, zero blogging (until now), limited media blitz for Foothold on Terra-Bravo, etc...

So, as I start my Christmas/New Years Holiday break, I shall be removing the bases and lowering the desk. The good news is...I didn't spend a couple of thousand dollars on a fancy upright desk and bicycle seat stool. I clear much of the stuff off the top of the desk, remove some screws, cut two boards, lift up, slide out the bases, lower the desk, position my chair mat and chair, and back in business!!!


Kyle and I have fallen behind schedule on Crisis on Terra-Bravo. We'll get 'er done soon though!


Stay safe, everyone!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hey Sci-fi Fans (and Families of Sci-fi Fans)!


Are you a sci-fi fan? Or a family member of a sci-fi fan?

At your wits end trying to find your sci-fi fan something new to read at the bookstores or online?

Well, I've got just the thing for you!

Foothold on Terra-Bravo: a science fiction/adventure novel of conquering an alternate world while racing the specter of war back home. Available now at in a variety of e-reader/e-book formats:
-- Epub
-- Kindle
-- PDF
-- RTF
-- LRF
-- PDB
-- Plain Text (download)
-- Plain Text (view)

At, you can purchase Foothold on Terra-Bravo as a gift to be sent via an e-mail link to your sci-fi fan!

Foothold on Terra-Bravo is 20% off on until December 22nd, 2013. Following the link below and use coupon code: DZ58X.
Promotional price: $2.39

Kyle and I are working on completing Book Two of the Terra-Bravo Saga, Crisis on Terra-Bravo, in time for Christmas!

So get the word out to your sci-fi family members and friends!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Monday, December 2, 2013

First Royalty Check!

Kyle and I received our first royalty check today for Foothold on Terra-Bravo! It's a first step with more to come in the future!
Be well!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Media Blitz

I've made myself a promise to use every opportunity to advertise Foothold on Terra-Bravo throughout the month of December. Expect e-mails, blogs, FB posts, business cards stuck in the usual places, and much, much more!

Just a little over three weeks until Christmas! Do you have a science fiction fan in your family? Want to buy them a novel for their e-reader? allows you to GIFT your purchases to others!

20% off Foothold on Terra-Bravo on
Regular price: $2.99
Promotional price: $2.39
Coupon Code: DZ58X
Expires: December 22, 2013

And, Kyle and I are working diligently to get Crisis on Terra-Bravo (Book Two of the Terra-Bravo Saga) ready for e-publication in time for Christmas!

After hearing of the potential health benefits of stand-up desks, I've decided to join the club. Instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars though, I've modified my existing desk. It will take a little getting use to but it works fine.

It's not fancy but it is functional! It'll definitely keep me from slouching in a chair!
Posted a new Hub on Hubpages today. It's a movie review of the film An Adventure in Space and Time (2013), the story of the creation of the Dr. Who television series!

That's all for tonight.

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2013