Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Truckin' On!

While rereading Robert A. Heinlein's "Time Enough for Love", I came across a terrific Lazarus Long quote, "If you happen to be one of the fretful minority who can do creative work, never force an idea; you'll abort it if you do. Be patient and you'll give birth to it when the time is ripe. Learn to wait." Ah...such words of wisdom!

Yes! The murder mystery is STILL kicking my arse! But I'm more philosophical about it now, thanks to Mr. Heinlein. I just have to keep reminding myself that Heinlein's protege, G. Harry Stine (pen name: Lee Correy) once had a story that took close to 25 years to complete. (No, I don't intend to take THAT long to finish the murder mystery.

Why? Well, this past weekend, I was driving to and from Arkansas and had plenty of time for running story ideas through the old gray matter. And I came up with some good ones! Now, it's time to plug them into the story, tweak 'em a bit, and make magic happen. I make it sound so easy, don't I? If only!

But I'll keep truckin' on!


Sean sent me an email yesterday with the background of the cover! The man has TALENT! Then he came over to the house last night to work on the "Conestoga", the ship in the story. He came up with a real solid idea and I'm feeling very, very good about the cover grabbing people's attention!


What pray tell was I doing in Arkansas, you may ask??? Well, Julie's and my youngest son was returning to Arkadelphia and Ouachita Baptist University to begin his senior year in college. The dear boy had already returned to Southern Arkansas on a mission...to propose to his sweetheart. So Julie and I were taking the bulk of Gary's belongings to him. Oh? How did the proposal go? Stoni said, "Yes!"

Julie and I hit perhaps the worst driving weather I have ever been in (and believe, I've been in some bad driving weather before!). Heavy rainstorms and high winds so bad, we had to get off I-40 three times because of low visibility and hydroplaning issues. At one point, we calculated that it only took us 5 hours to travel 200 miles. 


So, with Summer winding down, I bid thee a good evening and safety until next time!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015


What a rough week on so many levels!

Still, that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Right?

I think the peak of frustration, anguish, and pain came Thursday night when I received word of the passing of one of my mentors, James Garrett, who was my Fire Chief at Davis-Monthan AFB back in the early 80s. Chief Garrett was an exemplary leader and was highly respected by all. Rest in Peace, Chief Garrett.

Things have begun to get better!

I'm making headway on the new e-novel. A couple of major scenes and Chapter 6 is now roughed out and Chapter 7 is well underway! Murder, death, and mayhem. Who would have thought writing a murder mystery could be so much fun!

As I work on this e-novel, I have plot components of the next Arizona State Guard e-novel and of two other stand-alone e-novels bubbling up in the back of my mind. I've succeeded (thus far!) from hopping back off of the murder mystery and working on the other ideas. I really am trying to focus on the mystery and bring it to completion before moving on to other things. (Honest!!!)


With the temperatures so high across the country, I've come up with a way folks can battle the heat and prevent heat related injuries and illnesses. Don't go outside and risk sunburn or heatstroke...stay inside with the air conditioner on, download one (or more) of my e-novels, and chill out! (Ah...another famous Fortney pun!)


So as I close out one week and prepare to begin another, I ask each of you to stay safe, stay cool, and have a great week!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's been a VERY rough week. Personal and health issues interfering with getting things done. Little or no writing, no advertising...well, you get the idea.

So, I've made some decisions, taken care of some health issues, and begun to make some changes.

Since then, the writing has begun to flow again...on many projects.


Okay...the new e-novel is really starting to move. The wife and I went for a walk the other evening and something we saw gave me ideas for several scenes. This mornings walk helped with tweaking some other scenes. Written several solid pages in the past 24 hours!!!

After finishing this blog post AND some advertising, I've got some more writing to do on Chapter 5. The new e-novel is already at 71 pages with about a third of the book roughed out. Now if I can get the other 2/3s in the can!


July was a good month for sales, at least in the first half. Sales have been way down since. I need to do MORE advertising. So hang on...

More to follow, here and elsewhere!


Summer is getting much hotter, folks! Please take appropriates precautions when working and playing outside!

Stay safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Rough Week

Wow! I've been under the weather off and on this past week and it's taken a toll on me physically and mentally.

The good news is IFSTA's Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 6th edition is about to go back to Graphics to prepare it for the printer! Yay!

The bad news is I didn't get much done on the new e-novel...or advertising, for that matter. Boo hiss!

Feeling somewhat better tonight but I still think I'll visit my doctor in the morning. 


July was a good month for sales! I thank each and every one of you for helping get the word out to folks about my e-books. You folks are marvelous!


Hope to make real progress on the new e-novel this week! That's the game plan, at least. Being under the weather has given me some time for thinking about some new ideas for the story. Need to plug them in and see if they fly!

I definitely think the title will change. Haven't selected a new one yet but have come up with some ideas to choose from.


Well...about time to take Julie to work...and to get to work myself on the next chapter of the new story!

Be safe!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015