Sunday, October 18, 2015

When a Coma is NOT a Comma...


I've come to notice that my most innocuous blog headlines have generated far more "views" far faster than some of my more active headlines! So I wanted to try a little experiment to see how the headline above grabs ya. The blog headlined "A Quiet Weekend...Before I Spend the Week Doing More Editing" garnered 30 views and a +3 share faster than any other blog post I've made.

So let's see how this headlined grabs ya!


Now that I've got your attention, things are coming along well with Death Haunts the Stars. I'm at the halfway point with the first edits. Taking a little longer than usual but it's a different genre and I want to get it right! I'm really enjoying the interaction between the characters. I'm looking forward to this week and next as I conduct more edits on the e-novel and bring it closer to completion

Spoke with Sean this weekend about the cover and have no doubt he'll do a wonderful job of it. I can't wait to see it and share it with all of you!


I also plan to spend some time each night this week doing some online advertising for the existing e-books. You, my family and friends, have been instrumental in getting the word out to folks about my e-books and I'd like to ask you once again to get the word out!

It's time to run another series of ads for my e-books and drum up some more sales.

Previously, I encouraged you to 'run out and tell your best friend, your arch enemy, your postal carrier, and your friendly comic shoppe-guy' all about my e-books (the Terra-Bravo Saga, the Arizona State Guard, and Honing Your Instructional Skills)!

You all did such a terrific job, let's add to that list, shall we?!?!

So go out and tell your banker, your waiter or waitress, your bartender (or barmaid), your favorite aunt/uncle twice-removed, and of course, your hairdresser all about my e-books!! Share the attached ad with any and all who will listen. (Tie them up, if you must!) 

A million thanks to each of you!!!


Well, it's time to put my eyeballs back on Death Haunts the Stars and get some editing done. 

Please take some time to enjoy the start of our changing seasons and have a great week!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

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