Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Space Opera

As I've mentioned, Death Haunts the Stars, the first book of the Camadin Station series, is predominately a mystery set in space. Not being an avid reader of mysteries, I found it difficult to write. I finally resorted to writing the story as a straight science fiction adventure story then went back and addedthe pieces that made it into a mystery!

With Last Stand, the second book in the series, I took a different tack. Last Stand is basically a space opera story. Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction. It involves melodramatic adventure, interplanetary battles, space warfare, and risk-taking. There's conflicted between two or more opponents who have advanced technologies and futuristic weapons.

As a fan of E.E. "Doc" Smith's Skylark and Lensman series (both decidedly space operas!), it would be natural for me to want to write a story in that subgenre. The Camadin Station universe I introduced in Death Haunts the Stars makes an ideal setting for this new novel. I shifted the focus from mystery to adventure and space warfare, introduced a new enemy to the mix, and added new characters and locations.

By the middle of the 22nd Century, Humankind had begun to move out into deep space. Dozens of worlds in distant star systems were colonized and the Terran Federation was expanding along one arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. When a scout vessel happened upon a refugee fleet, the Terrans learn of an ancient race, the Azairi, who are conquering star system after star system…and the systems of the Terran Federation are next!

Camadin Station, commanded by Commodore James Rivers, is one of the Federation’s farthest outposts. This outpost becomes the last, best hope for the survival of Humankind. Rivers sends Captain Mac Bradley, Commander Jarrod Caulder, and a small crew to find the lost homeword of the Proge. Their mission? To find the Proge homeworld and scavenge whatever technologies they find in the hopes of stopping the Azairi!

But time is short and the trail to the Proge homeworld is fraught with danger!

Camadin Station Two: Last Stand is avaialbe through my Amazon Author page at www.amazon.com/author/jeffreyfortney!



Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2017

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