Sunday, September 27, 2015

Let the Edits Begin!

Yep! It's that time in the writing process where the editor in me takes over from the writer in me. (Well, the writer will pop up from time to time throughout the process but...)

I'm going to get the advertising done, take Julie to work, and THEN I'll start the edits on Death Haunts the Stars! This will probably take me about a month depending on the muse. I need to tweak some character info and add in a few clues along the way. I figure it may add 10 - 15 pages in the process. Need to tweak the dialogue (of course!).

If all goes well, I hope to have  Death Haunts the Stars ready for a final clean up and formatting by end of October. That'll give Sean time to finish the cover design!

********** notified me yesterday that I should be receiving my next royalty payment in a week or so. Yay! It's not a lot but it's more than the previous one so it shows I'm growing my customer base. And I want to keep that customer base growing!


Speaking of, I've created my Author Page at Amazon. All of my books can be accessed through that page for purchase. I plan to include the link in all future advertising (like right now: I also plan to post some videos and other content on the site in the near future!


Well, the Fortney Family has a running challenge with each other right now to see who can lose the most weight over three months. Over the last couple of months, I've lost a few pounds...only to gain it back. Lose a little...then gain it right back. It's been very disappointing, to say the least. 

On Friday, I bought myself a bicycle. Nothing fancy...a Schwinn Men's 27.5" Swindler. One!

There were some problems with the floor model but they had another in stock that they put together for me. Picked it up Saturday afternoon and went out to Boomer Lake for a ride while Julie went jogging. Had some issues with the seat, handlebars, and mudguards so I didn't ride very far. 

Tweaked each issue and went out for a ride this morning at Boomer. Rode all the way around the lake (3.07 miles) in a little over 20 minutes. Only had two spots (uphill grades: a foot bridge and a small hill) slow me down. The bridge I crossed while peddling but I had to walk about 150 feet of the small hill. The bike rode great!

Back home I parked it on the back porch. Went out a couple of hours later to take a photo of it and found the front tire half off of the rim! (Which is what appeared to be wrong with the floor model!) Tried to put some air into it with no luck. Pulled the tire and tube to find a 6-inch tube blow out! Went to the local stores and none of them carry that size of tube! So, I took the bike back! I'm going to do some research and find a better bike!

For now, guess I'll just walk while Julie jogs.


Enough for now. Need to finish my advertising then start on the edits!

Stay safe out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2015

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