Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Allergy Season and the Writing and Book Selling Processes

Allergy season is in FULL bloom here in North Central Oklahoma! This state is home to millions of red cedar trees (which are in fact a type of juniper). During the Dust Bowl era thousand of these trees were planted along property lines because they were quick growing to make wind breaks. They also very invasive, drain the water table, and ruin pasture land but hey, nothing's perfect right?

So we moved to Oklahoma where I discovered to my chagrin...that I'm highly allergic to cedars! Each year at this time, I suffer through the clogged sinuses and itchy, burning eyes trying different allergy medicines until I get the right one. (It's different each year!)

Needless to say, this time of year does NOT find me at my best. Being tired, doped-up, bleary eyed, and generally miserable does not make for the best writing or editing at work or at home! Since work pays the bills, I've been focusing my writing/editing efforts there to ensure quality products go out to our fire fighters! Sadly, my writing output at home has dropped off somewhat.

But, for the last couple of days the allergy and medically induced haze has lifted and I've made some progress on the prequel to the Terra-Bravo Saga! I'm now 12 chapters and 112 pages into the story; setting the stage for the action in the second half of the book. Yep, I'm still on target to e-publish in May!


Sales have slowed somewhat on Foothold on Terra-Bravo and Crisis on Terra-Bravo. Sales have yet to pick UP for Honing Your Instructional Skills. So, I've got to spend some real time and effort this month getting the word out, advertising as it were! I'll be trying out a variety of advertising opportunities; some old, some new. Bear with me over the next few weeks as I do this! (And don't forget to share my posts with your family and friends who are science fiction fans or instructors!)

All three books are available at Amazon's Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble (b&n.com), Smashwords.com, and several other online stores in a variety of formats for virtually every e-reader out there. Foothold on Terra-Bravo and Crisis on Terra-Bravo sell for $2.99 each while Honing Your Instructional Skills sells for $0.99 (it's not a very long e-book). The links above take you to the Amazon Kindle Store.

I need to do some more advertising AND more writing on the prequel, so I'll close for now. Best wishes to all my family and friends who read this!

Remember, let's be careful out there!


© Jeffrey M. Fortney - 2014

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